I don’t think Trump has revamped politics at all, just that he is a unique figure in his time and can’t be replicated. Unless there is a big change in the next few years, I don’t see him having a lasting impact on the Presidency or the country any more than I would say George W. Bush or Barack Obama did, and I would not call either of them “transformative”—that is to say, having a lasting legacy either within their parties or with the public at large.What about Trump? Trump has revamped American politics for the foreseeable future, to say the least… and that’s even supposing he goes out peacefully without getting reelected!
No love for LBJ?Two people I would say had that legacy were Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, at least most recently since FDR, Eisenhower and Kennedy.
another word ı can't spell , Don Kişot , the guy against the windmills . Which ı might have been perfectly one , too , in case am not one already . The post translated as poster opposes any idea that Trump would have principles .
At around 8:00 he predicts pretty much everything Trump has done so far and then lays out all the remaining options. We're not out of the woods yet.The GOP would have been better off doing this years ago, and yet here we are. Now he is being openly lambasted by the establishment of his own party more than ever before. The stakes are high.
It depends on how many gamblers there are on the Supreme Court.I will say though that there is a reason why Trump explicitly wants this to go to the supreme court in conjunction with being militant to nominate another supreme court justice while still in office. Those two variables aren't coincidences we should add to the equation of this possible legal coup.
I forgot about this thread but I think it deserves a bump because of the events that took place on capital grounds. He tried to incite a coup, with one of his supporters Gulliani verbatim saying "trial by combat", his supporters going directly to the capital to remove our current regime and install Trump as their charismatic populist dictator. It wasn't successful (yet) but legitimate comparisons to Julius Caesar could be made. Especially considering no US president has done something like this before (at least to the best of my knowledge.) If he runs for office in 2024 he's virtually guaranteed to win the republican nomination and the GOP will do everything in their power to voter suppress, sabotage democracy and ensure he gets a second term. He has an incredible amount of power over the establishment of the GOP right now, far more than any other individual who isn't an incumbent Republican president has had possibly ever, AFAIK. You cannot deny we are headed to entirely new territory here. Even if not all this happens, you cannot deny legitimate similarities between Trump, Caesar and Malcolm X at this point. The only question is how much will continue unfold.
Julius Caesar conquered Gaul and crossed the Rubicon with a disciplined legion.It wasn't successful (yet) but legitimate comparisons to Julius Caesar could be made.