The remarkable similarities between Trump, Julius Caesar, and Malcolm X.

Maybe but I feel their criticism has been more directed towards governors and mayors handling the situation than Trump. Yes a few probably don't like Trump's handling of the situation, but I think they see this as a sudden issue that lower down state governments caused and that Trump was forced to deal with it.
having just made reference to Ceasar elsewhere in the forum and like also like the movie on X and stuff ı would say the favourite comparision of Trump would be taken as an insult in places . Also the entire pirate story invented by Ceasar , hell , spelling issues , yes Sezar made it up . And , yes Trump would surely have it filmed . He says to a captor of his You're fired and the guy dies out fright .
I'm sorry to say this especially knowing that you have no ill intend, but I gotta let it out. It's kind a disappointing that you compare X to trump it's like you spit to your own avatar. It might be a comparative game for you but for many other that means a lot.
Straight from Julius Caesar’s Wikipedia page: “On the way across the Aegean Sea,[22] Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and held prisoner.[23][24] He maintained an attitude of superiority throughout his captivity. The pirates demanded a ransom of 20 talents of silver, but he insisted that they ask for 50.[25][26] After the ransom was paid, Caesar raised a fleet, pursued and captured the pirates, and imprisoned them. He had them crucified on his own authority, as he had promised while in captivity[27]—a promise that the pirates had taken as a joke. ”

This has Donald Trump written all over it, doesn’t it? Malcolm X would have done the same if the KKK or Nazis had captured him.

Trump is the kind of **** that literally turns off the lights and hides when **** gets real, we've just seen that. He is a four letter word for cat. Meanwhile X was ready to put his life on the line whenever. Undoubtedly that is a man who would have died for his cause on his own free choosing. I honestly don't agree, in any capacity whatsoever. X and Caesar do have some things in common, yeah. A lot of things considering their differences.

Donald Trump refused to go to a WWII memorial in France because the rain would muss his hair, and later hid in a nuclear bunker from some protesters.

This man avoided the military draft 5 times. FIVE! Though I still think your example is superior in showing just how much of a sourpuss the guy is.
only to remind or something that it would have been Bush lll in the White House , on the agreement of two terms donkey and two terms elephant . lt is still Dabya's failure that Bushes could not be acceptable to general US public after 8 years he left and Jeb Bush was doing quite "allright" during the primaries and could have it , one way or the other .
Wow, you can just write anything on the Internet, huh? To compare Donald Trump, the face of fascist reaction lashing out against the tamest of reforms, and defending the status quo against anything, with Malcolm X, who was a supporter of self-determination for the Black people, and died for it, is, well, quite the idiotic thing you've posted there. What you claim is a "victimhood complex" for Malcolm X is the truth in itself, and only someone who isn't paying attention would ignore it.
Local genius points out politicians do politics.
poster rejects any notion of Trump being anywhere near the other two but it is kinda harsh as the thread starter is known by the poster from other threads as one investigating the truths and stuff and at times being on the edge ...

If you must compare Donald to a Roman political figure, I would suggest Incitatus.
His overconfident, consistent denial to his own ignorant and his delusional speech and behavior can instead be compare to some fictional character.

For instance, it would be a lot more interesting to compare Trump to Don Quixote, Trump voter fantasizing the glory of the past that Trump promise to be materialized under his genius mind and powerful character, even though the rest of the world except his voter laughing on his self delusional yap yap. This is quite symmetrically alike to how people were laughing at Don Quixote and Sancho Panza trying to fulfill their childish quest to glory.

Trump voter follow along through many crap that he brings to them because they believe his antique will makes them great again, likewise Sancho stuck around with the Don bonded by the hope of glory and wealth that the Don promised if Sancho trusted him and stick along blindly through all the crap.

In addition to the striking similarity between Trump and Don Quixote, we may also try to compare Trump with The Naked Emperor in Hans Christian Andersen's tale "The Emperor's New Clothes". We may also compare Trump voter patience on waiting of the actualization of Trump's vision to Vladimir and Estragon waiting for their friend Godot to come?

Then used the actual scholarly interpretation of the said text/fictional work (so many interpretation of Cervantes' work) to be applied on analyzing Trump and his follower's character, I think that idea is interesting enough to be an academic paper.
poster rejects any notion of Trump being anywhere near the other two but it is kinda harsh as the thread starter is known by the poster from other threads as one investigating the truths and stuff and at times being on the edge ...

@caketastydelish The legend himself defends you, it's a great honor.
We need to do a Black Oligarchy in USA. Don't need to kill Whites as the White kill Black and Indians. But take out all White man of positions of Power. A Black Oligharchy where white can be allowed to live in, but never again can rule over Black lives.

Democracy is good to White Man. But Socrates argue in the Republic Book. Oligharchy is better than Democracy.
His overconfident, consistent denial to his own ignorant and his delusional speech and behavior can instead be compare to some fictional character.

For instance, it would be a lot more interesting to compare Trump to Don Quixote, Trump voter fantasizing the glory of the past that Trump promise to be materialized under his genius mind and powerful character, even though the rest of the world except his voter laughing on his self delusional yap yap. This is quite symmetrically alike to how people were laughing at Don Quixote and Sancho Panza trying to fulfill their childish quest to glory.

Trump voter follow along through many crap that he brings to them because they believe his antique will makes them great again, likewise Sancho stuck around with the Don bonded by the hope of glory and wealth that the Don promised if Sancho trusted him and stick along blindly through all the crap.

In addition to the striking similarity between Trump and Don Quixote, we may also try to compare Trump with The Naked Emperor in Hans Christian Andersen's tale "The Emperor's New Clothes". We may also compare Trump voter patience on waiting of the actualization of Trump's vision to Vladimir and Estragon waiting for their friend Godot to come?

Then used the actual scholarly interpretation of the said text/fictional work (so many interpretation of Cervantes' work) to be applied on analyzing Trump and his follower's character, I think that idea is interesting enough to be an academic paper.

I agree this seems like a productive comparison to make. Especially for evangelicals I believe the Quixote / Panza comparison holds true.

Democracy is good to White Man. But Socrates argue in the Republic Book. Oligharchy is better than Democracy.

The Republic was written by Plato, and I really, really don't think you want a platonic republic. It's pretty bad.
I agree this seems like a productive comparison to make. Especially for evangelicals I believe the Quixote / Panza comparison holds true.

I think Rene Girard actually used Cervantes' work to comes up with the idea of mimetic desire, that we formed our desire by mimicking the desire of "the other"'. Which is interestingly true! Why only study fiction with its relation to reality, how about study reality (source of fiction) through fiction. I think that's an interesting concept.
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The Republic was written by Plato, and I really, really don't think you want a platonic republic. It's pretty bad.
Plato write down, but this book have many greeks talking about society, including Plato who called himself as Fedro in their books.
Socrates speak in Plato's book about the perfect society, it is boring because it is perfect. Socrates says, when speak about the poetry, if it be allowed, not great man will do bad poetry and it can be bad if listening by wrong persons, but Poetry also can do very great things to society. When we build our society we need to think, allow Poetry have good and bad effects.

That is my interpretation of this book.
About the Governement, Socrates in Plato's Book will argue.
The best is the Monarchy, after came Oligarchy, third is the Democracy and the worst is the Tyranny.
Also, the Monarchy always will become an Oligarchy, an Oligarchy will become a Democracy and a Democracy will become a Tyranny, and a Tiranny should be destroied and become one of the other 3 back.

Let's look American history.
Monarchy was the colonial ages, Brazil and Canada also had Monarchy in their Freedom time.
After the Americas Republics become ALL Oligarchy, just the white, wealthy man can vote. After some internal struggel all American Republics become Democracy.
Now, the two biggest nations of America are living the rise of Fascism and Tyranny, exactly as predicted in Plato's Book, the Republic.
How about Meritocracy, like the Tang Dynasty, that's quite cool also.
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