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Promotion Overhaul for VP


Archmage of all Pixels
Apr 23, 2017
Łódź, Poland

This is pure text mod, so no game mechanics are changed. This mod is made to rework all promotion names and help texts from VP. Additionaly it changes promotion sorting in civilopedia and fix few other issues. From v13 all promotion names are coloured to emphasize their nature (positive/negative/mixed). Important parts of promotion descriptions are highlighted. Every text in this mod follows some pattern so they are easier to compare (no more 5+ different styles of one description like "Combat Strength", "CS", "(only icon)", icon on the back, icon in the front etc.). As an invisible extra for other modders, whole database is cleaned up.

Can be now used along with merged into VP @Asterix Rage's VPPI mod to get even more flavour with his new icons! Excellent coexistence will make your games even better!

Additional settings:
  • PO-SETTING-TITLE allows to choose default or improved promotion names colouring;

For now compatible with:

Download Promotion Overhaul (v47)
Github repository (v47)

VP texts (these are only examples from older version, fixed in v16 up):

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@Infixo Your solution worked somehow because now I can see new categories. There are 2 more problems:
  • On opening civilopedia I have red big square instead of main picture:
  • I cannot turn off civilopedia once it is opened.
could called +20% in foreign land "expeditionary" instead of foreigner
@Infixo Your solution worked somehow because now I can see new categories. There are 2 more problems:
  • On opening civilopedia I have red big square instead of main picture:
  • I cannot turn off civilopedia once it is opened.
Some mod conflicts probably. What are you using?
Also, check lua.log for potential errors (beside standard database.log). Civiliopedia is basically Lua script, so whatever is wrong with it - some info should be in the log.
Only VP 1-8 and this mod.
Database.log - standard errors
[10530.207] no such table: Language_zh_CN
[10530.207] In Query - insert into Language_zh_CN('Tag', 'Text') values (?, ?);
[10530.207] In XMLSerializer while updating table Language_zh_CN from file Localization/IGE_ZH_CN.xml.
[10535.262] Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10535.262] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10543.249] Failed Validation.
-- SQLite Memory Statistics --
Memory Usage:
        [Cur]        [Max]
Malloc:        10781408        78108920
PageCache:    8        14
LookAside:    0        0
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Prepared Statements:
Current:        18
[10546.229] Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10546.229] Invalid Reference on ArtDefine_Landmarks.LayoutHandler - "SPECIAL" does not exist in ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes
[10554.216] Failed Validation.
-- SQLite Memory Statistics --
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PageCache:    10019520        65209200
Scratch:    0        0

Largest Allocations:
Malloc:        262144
PageCache:    1172
Scratch:    6664

Prepared Statements:
Current:        18
[10591.095] no such column: Type
[10591.095] In Query - select * from Natural_Wonder_Placement where Type = ? LIMIT 1

[10614.308] TopPanel: Finished loading EUI top panel    180.999
[10628.238] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(2)
[10628.238] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryGameConcepts].DisplayList
[10629.050] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(2)
[10630.391] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(5)
[10630.391] CivilopediaScreen: start CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].DisplayList
[10666.318] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectArticle
[10670.530] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectArticle
[10671.965] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectArticle
[10674.196] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10674.820] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10678.658] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10681.185] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10682.199] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10684.102] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10687.222] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10688.174] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10688.829] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10689.609] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10690.311] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10690.951] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10691.871] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10692.511] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryPromotions].SelectHeading
[10709.109] EUI_context: Shutdown    LuaContext: 0F720790
Only VP 1-8 and this mod.
No cheating pls. You've got IGE :lol:
What VP "style"? 43civ? EUI non-EUI?
Basically red circle is a missing icon. There won't be an error, because the game ignores such things (same as e.g. missing TXT_KEY_). You need to find out which icon is that. Can you post screen shot? I might check in the code what is supposed to be there.
Ahh IGE, from some time I treeat it as a part of VP. Sorry. :p
EUI 43 civ. I always use that one.
1. After starting game civilopedia start automatically, so game is uplayable.
2. Then I got this: (attached file)
3. Promotion screen works fine.
4. Then after hitting "X" in the corner I got: return to point 2.


  • Bez tytułu.png
    Bez tytułu.png
    502.6 KB · Views: 412
  • Bez tytułu2.png
    Bez tytułu2.png
    643.3 KB · Views: 425
Here you are.

I have one more question:
  • I did new branch. Then I made few uploades from Github Desktop. Ist there possible to check for inconsistencies between master branch and local files and upload them directly to it? I know I can merge That new branch and master one, but it is different situation. Now when I uploded "Beta" branch few times and changed branch in Github desktop I have no files changed (but there should be some differences, right?).


  • CivilopediaScreen.zip
    39.4 KB · Views: 217
I did new branch. Then I made few uploades from Github Desktop. Ist there possible to check for inconsistencies between master branch and local files and upload them directly to it? I know I can merge That new branch and master one, but it is different situation. Now when I uploded "Beta" branch few times and changed branch in Github desktop I have no files changed (but there should be some differences, right?).
Your local repository holds 2 copies: master branch and Beta branch. If you change the Branch, the files will change.
If you select Beta branch in Desktop, there's History. It will show you all changes. You can selectively revert some of them.
Unttil you do a pull into master, the master is unchanged.
Those should be 0 (all of them) in .modinfo.

Ok, I know where the problem is.
You force Civiliopedia to load the 2nd time by using this:
<EntryPoint type="InGameUIAddin" file="CivilopediaCategories/CivilopediaScreen.lua">
<Name>Civilopedia Categories</Name>
<Description>Adds possibility to change categories in civilopedia.</Description>

Civilopedia just replaces an existing copy, so there's no need to do that. The game already knows that it needs to be loaded. If you do it 2nd time - you get the screen at the start.
You add InGameUIAddin only for new scripts.
Awesome! It works now. So I can start on sorting all promotions I reworked to new categories. Then I will change the rest of them. Thank you. :thumbsup:

Do you plan on reworking also all building and unit description? I thought about it some time.
May I suggest One more category? "Barbarian".
Ok, I added Barbarian and Mounted/Armor categories. Later on I will do Github update.

Files merged. You can check it out.
  • Do you like it?
  • Do you have some issues found?
  • Do you have some renaming proposals?
@Infixo I pushed new beta:
  • reworked over dozen new promotions
  • sorted categories
  • changed category names
I saw you started adding things to VP (new categories).
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Downloadable version for testing.

@Infixo Do you plan to upload all my stuff from this mod to VP? All those name changes and sorting issues?
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