Qu01 (.5) No Buildings [3.17 + Solver's]

Can you please put a line between each turn? It makes it much easier to read :)

I don't think you mentioned that someone killed Mao. How rude of them. But good job. Speaking of mssive maint. costs from cities, how about this settling plan?

Spoiler :

We already have the continent split in half, so if we raze all of Joao/Brennus/De Gaulle's cities and close borders with JC (where is Rammy?) he won't be able to settle over there. Then we can just raze all his (and Rammy's?) cities.
Mao was dead at the start of my turnset.
Sorry for my abscence

Looking good. The faster we can turn on JC the better. I don't like having him in our back.

I think settling as few cities as possible while having most "good" tiles is the way to go.

I believe ramsses is to our east, more or less directly south of JC. Not sure tough.

Quotey, you're up right?
on Mao: thought he had died during your because bear's last SS shows him alive

I am indeed up. I would rather have the exact spot to settle at, if we are to settle at all, before playing.
Put me on autoskip until the 16th. I'm off in a squash camp with no civ access...
Hey, Atropos, could you please post where you see the 4 resources spot as an image?
This is the four-resource city spot. Of course, without a lighthouse we won't be able to make full use of the crabs, but we could use the health anyway.

Turn 0 (216)

Eh, where to setlle, where to settle. Well, I like the lots of food resources bit, and 1S of the Ivory only has Horses and Floodplains (and Ivory :rolleyes:)

Oh gods a second settler approaches- we haven't settled that Silver/Fish spot S of Amsterdam but it would probably drives us to extinction with the maint. Fortify him incase we need him.

I take care to whack an Archer at 60% in Lyons.

Turn 1 (217)

Whack an Axe at 50% and raze Lyons.

Nuke a worker trying to plantation our 'Nanas. I'd prefer the cottage.

Turn 4 (220)

Raze Avignon with a 3 man stack I peeled off. AND I save our medic promoed Axe... oops. He should be with the main stack.

Raze Orleans at the loss of 1 Catapult. Our stacks need healing now. Will found a city- can't find the 4 resources spot. But I can't founf the 4 resources spot because of France... settle in between the cows and Wheat. I think we need fast healing.

Turn 5 (221)

Machinery comes in, rsearching Engineering next.

Capture 2 workers than move right next to a stack in a french desert city... wtf?

Turn 6 (222)

Capture more workers right next to the desert stack.

Turn 7 (223)

More workers.

Turn 9 (225)

An attack on the desert city of Rouen fails because the Cats sucks and I lost a war elly at 88%. At least we got 3 workers out of it.

DeGaulle reclaims some French workers and JC declares on us. Stop here because I had a heart attack.

We need to trade for Archery and Feu- NOONE BUT JC HAS FEUDALISM? WHAT?

I'm lost now.


  • Qu01.5 No Buildings AD-0775.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Reading the thread is best, but...

We beat the hell out of Mao. JC killed him. We started beating the hell out of DeGaulle. Now JC has declared on us. I dunno how to handle it.

mystyfly skip till he finishes playing squash
Slobberinbear UP NOW
Atropos [on deck]
Ah- I missed you in the roster. I dunno whether you or bear should take it.

mystyfly skip till he finishes playing squash
Slobberinbear UP NOW?
Atropos [on deck]?
I love how everyone disappears as soon as the going gets difficult.

Especially me. I'm on vacation without Civ access for two weeks starting Friday.
AG! This is getting funny with all the skips:

mystyfly skip till he finishes playing squash
Slobberinbear skip till he finishes... whatever
Atropos skip till he gets back

I think it's better to put this on hold until mystyfly gets back, then.. randomise the roster or something. Unless DMOC or Diamondeye want to continues. Open for a got it.

On the game, I think we're going to lose... that city.
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