actually not it seems, I'm now installed as AP resident but don't have it as state religion.I have not done it myself, but I think you do, yes.
actually not it seems, I'm now installed as AP resident but don't have it as state religion.I have not done it myself, but I think you do, yes.
thanks for that, the only one I'd seen was for vanilla and was incomplete.Bookmark this for all the AIs:
Civ Illustrated #1 (Know Your Enemy)
Click on the leader link below to view their strategy article :king: Alexander Asoka Augustus Caesar Bismarck Boudica Brennus Catherine Charlemagne Churchill Cyrus Darius De Gaulle Elizabeth Frederick Gandhi Genghis Khan Gilgamesh Hammurabi Hannibal Hatshepsut Huayna
Saladin doesn't plot at pleased or friendly.
That is a TIL. I could have sworn to get on the ballot you had to have the state religion, but obviously not.actually not it seems, I'm now installed as AP resident but don't have it as state religion.
Does Saladin plot at friendly? He's my only remaining rival and is friendly as we share a faith. He's also big and scary. I want to go abroad and beat up Boudica, I don't think he'd attack me but....
yep, sorry you are absolutely right, I took the Colossus a few turns back from there and completely failed to notice. Too busy moving on to my next conquestI'm guessing you build or conquered the Colossus somewhere, and I could believe the unclaimed coast tiles still showing one money bag after a GA because they don't update properly or some such, but even if that were the case it wouldn't explain the one claimed tile south of Istanbul. Did you get a random event-type thing that added commerce to coast/ocean tiles, by chance? That's basically my only guess at this point.
yep, sorry you are absolutely right, I took the Colossus a few turns back from there and completely failed to notice. Too busy moving on to my next conquest
That quest adds oneCoast is 2 coins and Financial boosts it to 3. Colossus should only get you to 4; it takes something else (Feitoria, golden age, that Harbormaster quest) to produce a 5th coin.
At normal speed the game starts off at 40 year turns. At which turns does it go down to 25 year turns, 20 year turns and 10 year turns respectively? Also is it 5 years per turn from 1500, 2 years per turn in most of the 19th century and 1 year per turn in the 20th until game end? In the past I've played just using the years but I think I may do better thinking in turn numbers and want to make a quick spreadsheet showing which year and which turn but I can't quite get it to work! Thanks
thanks - I knew it should be somewhere and I just couldn't think of the search term. Doh! explains the formula.
thanks but I forgot to mention we are all in the same religion, sorry so I don't think that's it. It might be a civ specific thing though. One civ whose cities I've capped have zero chance of revolt but 2 others need garrisons. The civ with zero chance was captured second and the first still has a small chance of revolt. I thought it might be something to do with the attitude towards me of their former leaders but the first is friendly, the zero chance cities cities have a cautious former leader and only the third civ guy is annoyed. They are all my vassals too.At a guess, religion. If a captured city has the state religion of the civ it was captured from, revolt chance increases by (IIRC) a flat 5%. If a city has your state religion present, revolt chance decreases by the same amount. If both modifiers are present they cancel each other out, and if either side (or both) doesn't have a state religion they don't get the modifier regardless of which religions are present within the city.