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Saladin doesn't plot at pleased or friendly.
thanks for that, the only one I'd seen was for vanilla and was incomplete.
actually not it seems, I'm now installed as AP resident but don't have it as state religion.
That is a TIL. I could have sworn to get on the ballot you had to have the state religion, but obviously not.
I believe the potential AP residents are whoever controls the AP wonder, and the leader with the (next) highest population count of the AP's state religion. The AP building holder doesn't need to be running the AP religion as the state religion to be nominated, but any opponent does.
Why are these water tiles suddenly so valuable? OK i'm FIN but it's not a GAge. Is this a bug. I don't ever recall seeing them worth 5 commerce.
I'm guessing you build or conquered the Colossus somewhere, and I could believe the unclaimed coast tiles still showing one money bag after a GA because they don't update properly or some such, but even if that were the case it wouldn't explain the one claimed tile south of Istanbul. Did you get a random event-type thing that added commerce to coast/ocean tiles, by chance? That's basically my only guess at this point.
I'm guessing you build or conquered the Colossus somewhere, and I could believe the unclaimed coast tiles still showing one money bag after a GA because they don't update properly or some such, but even if that were the case it wouldn't explain the one claimed tile south of Istanbul. Did you get a random event-type thing that added commerce to coast/ocean tiles, by chance? That's basically my only guess at this point.
yep, sorry you are absolutely right, I took the Colossus a few turns back from there and completely failed to notice. Too busy moving on to my next conquest

Prereq: COMPASS AND Map has at least 40% water tiles
Active/Weight: 25/500
Build default number of players for this world size harbors (7 for standard) AND half that number +1 caravels (4 for standard)
1.All Naval Units gain the Combat 1 promotion
2.All harbors gain +1 gold
3.All Naval Units gain the Navigation 1 promotion

(Edit - whoops this is irrelevant as a pen-dragon pointed out below. Know the difference between coins and gold :shame:)
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yep, sorry you are absolutely right, I took the Colossus a few turns back from there and completely failed to notice. Too busy moving on to my next conquest

Coast is 2 coins and Financial boosts it to 3. Colossus should only get you to 4; it takes something else (Feitoria, golden age, that Harbormaster quest) to produce a 5th coin.
Coast is 2 coins and Financial boosts it to 3. Colossus should only get you to 4; it takes something else (Feitoria, golden age, that Harbormaster quest) to produce a 5th coin.
That quest adds one :gold: to harbour buildings, not one :commerce: to water tiles.

I have seen this happening some times and from my experience, it is only tiles a city can work that get updated immediately. Note the same happening to land tiles.
Say, if i put any Civilized Jewellers corporate executive to "spread automatically", then will they try to spread Jewellers into any cities which already have Mining Inc in it, at some point?

And if they would - when exactly they'd start doing it? I read that auto-executives prioritize domestic cities on the same continent they were put to auto, then if none of those are available they'll go for foreign cities on the same continent, and if those are not available - they'll go to my cities on other landmasses. But i'm not sure what it means "available": will they try to "overwrite" Mining Inc in my cities on the same continent before trying to spread to foreign cities on the same continent? Or would they attempt to overwrite Mining Inc in my cities on the same continent after having Jewellers established in all cities of the continent plus in all of my cities everywhere else? Or would they never try to overwrite Mining Inc at all?

In the past, i kept doing all them corps manually, but going with over 100 cities right now and 3 corporations spreading, this kinda gets time-consuming... :crazyeye: :lol:

edit: played to see the answer myself. It is: yes, auto executives will spread their corp to cities which already have a competing corp, thus removing the latter. And they do it even to domestic cities on the same continent, i.e. right away. Sigh. :(
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In this case it would be better to create a new topic. Strategies and mechanical understanding of the game has changed wildly over the past dozen years, so bringing up old topics largely just tends to result in confusion for anyone who doesn't check the dates and realize the information is so old it's largely meaningless without some kind of confirmation it's still valid.
At normal speed the game starts off at 40 year turns. At which turns does it go down to 25 year turns, 20 year turns and 10 year turns respectively? Also is it 5 years per turn from 1500, 2 years per turn in most of the 19th century and 1 year per turn in the 20th until game end? In the past I've played just using the years but I think I may do better thinking in turn numbers and want to make a quick spreadsheet showing which year and which turn but I can't quite get it to work! Thanks
At normal speed the game starts off at 40 year turns. At which turns does it go down to 25 year turns, 20 year turns and 10 year turns respectively? Also is it 5 years per turn from 1500, 2 years per turn in most of the 19th century and 1 year per turn in the 20th until game end? In the past I've played just using the years but I think I may do better thinking in turn numbers and want to make a quick spreadsheet showing which year and which turn but I can't quite get it to work! Thanks

https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Speed_(Civ4) explains the formula.
Anyone know why some captured cities require a hefty garrison to prevent any chance of revolt but others (from another civ but captured 15 turns later) have no chance of revolt with just a couple of units inside?
At a guess, religion. If a captured city has the state religion of the civ it was captured from, revolt chance increases by (IIRC) a flat 5%. If a city has your state religion present, revolt chance decreases by the same amount. If both modifiers are present they cancel each other out, and if either side (or both) doesn't have a state religion they don't get the modifier regardless of which religions are present within the city.
At a guess, religion. If a captured city has the state religion of the civ it was captured from, revolt chance increases by (IIRC) a flat 5%. If a city has your state religion present, revolt chance decreases by the same amount. If both modifiers are present they cancel each other out, and if either side (or both) doesn't have a state religion they don't get the modifier regardless of which religions are present within the city.
thanks but I forgot to mention we are all in the same religion, sorry so I don't think that's it. It might be a civ specific thing though. One civ whose cities I've capped have zero chance of revolt but 2 others need garrisons. The civ with zero chance was captured second and the first still has a small chance of revolt. I thought it might be something to do with the attitude towards me of their former leaders but the first is friendly, the zero chance cities cities have a cautious former leader and only the third civ guy is annoyed. They are all my vassals too.
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