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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

Thanks! Hmm, does that mean that galleys don't upgrade to caravels either?

EDIT: I can answer that myself after verifying with someone who had access to the ingame pedia. Galleys indeed only upgrade to Frigates or Galleons, not to Caravels.
What happens if you lose your Open Borders agreement with a civilization while your planes are in their city? Likewise, what happens if your troops are on a continent with no unclaimed territory and you lose your only Open Borders agreement on that continent?

Do spy missions ever reveal which Civ is behind them?
What happens if you lose your Open Borders agreement with a civilization while your planes are in their city? Likewise, what happens if your troops are on a continent with no unclaimed territory and you lose your only Open Borders agreement on that continent?

Do spy missions ever reveal which Civ is behind them?

the planes will move to a city that is yours or u have an open border agreement with the city owner. the units will move to neutral or open border territory.
What happens if you lose your Open Borders agreement with a civilization while your planes are in their city? Likewise, what happens if your troops are on a continent with no unclaimed territory and you lose your only Open Borders agreement on that continent?

Do spy missions ever reveal which Civ is behind them?

as for spies it depends on the settings , some mods have higher settings then others , depending on buildings yes you might have that change or if one of yours is nearby , .... there are some great guides on spy detection
This feels more like an intermediate post and I would be happy to 'move' it if there is a better place.

The question is: what are the AP mechanics what are the UN mechanics? I read the war academy articles but they don't address this specific stuff. Is there another place to find this info beyond reading code?

More specifically:

-What determines who gets to be up for residence in the AP? Does building automatically make you a candidate? Who is the other-than-builder-candidate, exactly? Same question for the UN. Is it simply the two most populace civs or again, the builder and the most populace civ?

-How is voting power alloted with the AP, exactly?

-How is voting power alloted with UN members?

Answer: (Pretty sure I got this one.) Simple population points as expressed in city numbers. If you had 5 cities of 20 and 3 cities of 5, your voting power = (5X20) + (3X5) = 115.

-How long after building does the election take place for the AP? The UN?

-How long until the first "agenda item" vote after the appointment of the AP leader? Same question for the UN?

-Is there a standard frequency in terms of turns or years for voting for agenda items? Are there ways to influence this? :deal: Do wars affect it?

-HOW LONG UNTIL I WIN? or What determines what item will be up for vote and specifically, what gets you to the vote for a Diplo victory the fastest?

-What obsoletes the AP?
Answer: If the player who built the AP researches Mass Media. If anyone builds the UN.

-Anything else I may have forgotten about voting timing and content and that is not related to garnering popularity with other civs, as that is covered fairly extensively elswhere.

It's the lack of control & not knowing that bugs... :twitch:
-What determines who gets to be up for residence in the AP? Does building automatically make you a candidate? Who is the other-than-builder-candidate, exactly? Same question for the UN. Is it simply the two most populace civs or again, the builder and the most populace civ?
Highest Population and being the one who built it. If the builder has the highest population, second place is chosen. for the AP, it is the highest population only counting cities with the AP religion.

-How is voting power alloted with the AP, exactly?
Population of cities with the AP religion. If a city doesn't have the right religion, it doesn't count.

-How is voting power alloted with UN members?

Answer: (Pretty sure I got this one.) Simple population points as expressed in city numbers. If you had 5 cities of 20 and 3 cities of 5, your voting power = (5X20) + (3X5) = 115.

-How long after building does the election take place for the AP? The UN?
I think that it comes up the next turn. Not 100% sure though.

-How long until the first "agenda item" vote after the appointment of the AP leader? Same question for the UN?
Eight-ish turns. Somewhere around that number

-HOW LONG UNTIL I WIN? or What determines what item will be up for vote and specifically, what gets you to the vote for a Diplo victory the fastest?

The Chairman of the UN/AP decides what is to be voted for. With the AP, diplomatic victory is only an option when everyone has at least one city with the AP religion.

-What obsoletes the AP?
Answer: If the player who built the AP researches Mass Media. If anyone builds the UN.
Right about the Mass Media part. However the part about the UN is wrong. Both the UN and the AP can exist at the same time.

For other stuff, there is an AP Gauntlet(sp?) series going on right now. You could follow that and learn some other stuff about the AP.
Highest Population...

CCRunner knocks it out in one. Very nice. :thanx:

Everything you say above makes sense and solves all the problems. In my game, I was the Palace resident but got impatient and built the UN and that got me there faster. I do not know why.

The only follow ups that I can see might be to explain the above and define what a full member vs. (I think0 a voting member I think it is in the AP coucil. Does being a full member have something to do with half your cities having the operative religion? (I could have never anticipated ever using that phrase in my life.) Is it just a description of what you already have or does it confer other benefits.

One other thing: I seem to recall not having a choice as to the vote when I was AP resident. I wonder how that is?

Anyway, these follow up quesitons are just icing. Thanks again for the concise and informative answer! :goodjob:
No cities w/ AP religion= no option to vote. can have trade embargos signed against you and have war declared on you by AP

Some cities w/ AP religion/AP religion not state religion = voting member. can vote in elections. Safe from embargos, war etc. less points in voting

AP religion as State religion = full member elegible to become president of AP. more voting points than voting members.

I'm not sure what happens if you don't have any cities of the AP religion but you choose that as your state religion? that would be interesting to try some time.
I'm not sure what happens if you don't have any cities of the AP religion but you choose that as your state religion? that would be interesting to try some time.
You can only choose a religion as your state religion if you have a city of that religion though.
Although I don't think it kicks you out of your religion if you lose a city in war and it was your last city of that religion, so it might conceivably happen.
that's not true.
Once in the early game, I didn't have a religion in any of my cities, but most of the people I had met were Buddhist, and none of them liked me, so I converted to Buddhism without having any religion
Could have just been a glitch though...
So this is my turn of events:

300 AD:
Persia Declares War on me
Few turns later:
Mail Declares War on me
Few turns later:
Egypt Declares war on me
That turn:
I get peace with Persia
Further down the line:
Peace with Egypt
Few turns later:
Alexander Declares war on me
Few turns later:
Roosevelt Declares war on me
That turn:
Peace with Mali
We fight
Cyrus Declares war on me
Peace with Roosevelt
Peace with Alexander
Mali Declares war on me
Peace with Cyrus
Peace with Mali

Now its 1400 AD

So what do I have to GIVE these people free things when they ask to make them like me?
On the higher difficulty levels pretty much. Not that you have much to give on those levels. In your situation it sounds like everyone is bribing everyone else into war with you.
So this is my turn of events:

300 AD:
Persia Declares War on me
Few turns later:
Mail Declares War on me
Few turns later:
Egypt Declares war on me
That turn:
I get peace with Persia
Further down the line:
Peace with Egypt
Few turns later:
Alexander Declares war on me
Few turns later:
Roosevelt Declares war on me
That turn:
Peace with Mali
We fight
Cyrus Declares war on me
Peace with Roosevelt
Peace with Alexander
Mali Declares war on me
Peace with Cyrus
Peace with Mali

Now its 1400 AD

So what do I have to GIVE these people free things when they ask to make them like me?

There are usually multiple reasons working together if you're involved in that many wars.

Some wars may be caused by an Apostolic Palace vote. This can happen if you don't have a city with the religion of the Apostolic Palace and you're already at war with a full member of the Apostolic Palace. You just don't want to mess with Apostolic Palace members and you want to be at least a voting member to avoid getting in a war with all the Apostolic Palace members.

You want to have good relations. If you're in bad relations with multiple leaders, then sooner or later, one of them will declare war. And once you're at war with one of them, then the problems only start. They will try to bribe others into war with you and since you're already in a war, you will look as an easy target.

You want to be high in the Power Graph (F9 screen, Demographics) compared to the other civilisations (not score, power). If they perceive you as weaker, then they'll try to take advantage of this situation, especially if relations are bad.

There is some randomness in war declaration to make the AI not totally predictable, but when you're involved in that many wars, then that's typically not purely bad luck. You must have some bad relations and your army must not seem very strong.

In 300AD, you probably had some bad relations and were not too high in the Power Graph. One of the civilizations decided to declare war and from that moment onwards some civilizations were bribed into the war or just decided themselves that you were vulnerable because you were already involved in a war. A combination of watching the Power Graph, watching relations and remembering the strength of the Apostolic Palace can keep you out of a lot of wars.
There are usually multiple reasons working together if you're involved in that many wars.

Some wars may be caused by an Apostolic Palace vote. This can happen if you don't have a city with the religion of the Apostolic Palace and you're already at war with a full member of the Apostolic Palace. You just don't want to mess with Apostolic Palace members and you want to be at least a voting member to avoid getting in a war with all the Apostolic Palace members.

You want to have good relations. If you're in bad relations with multiple leaders, then sooner or later, one of them will declare war. And once you're at war with one of them, then the problems only start. They will try to bribe others into war with you and since you're already in a war, you will look as an easy target.

You want to be high in the Power Graph (F9 screen, Demographics) compared to the other civilisations (not score, power). If they perceive you as weaker, then they'll try to take advantage of this situation, especially if relations are bad.

There is some randomness in war declaration to make the AI not totally predictable, but when you're involved in that many wars, then that's typically not purely bad luck. You must have some bad relations and your army must not seem very strong.

In 300AD, you probably had some bad relations and were not too high in the Power Graph. One of the civilizations decided to declare war and from that moment onwards some civilizations were bribed into the war or just decided themselves that you were vulnerable because you were already involved in a war. A combination of watching the Power Graph, watching relations and remembering the strength of the Apostolic Palace can keep you out of a lot of wars.

What in the world is that Apostolic Palace? I've never seen that and I've played a couple games now.

I think I solved most of my problems by switching to buddism...
What in the world is that Apostolic Palace? I've never seen that and I've played a couple games now.

I think I solved most of my problems by switching to buddism...

Oh, you're probably not playing with the expansion pack Beyond the Sword. It introduces several new things, among which the Apostolic Palace. It's a world wonder which functions similar to the UN, but is based on religion. Only members of a certain religion can be part of the Apostolic Palace while everyone is a member of the UN. It's a medieval world wonder.

The other potential problems that I mentioned (relations and power level) still apply to earlier versions of the game.

Switching religion can be a very wise move when you're having relationship problems with several civilizations. I hope you have a more peaceful game now.
Oh, you're probably not playing with the expansion pack Beyond the Sword. It introduces several new things, among which the Apostolic Palace. It's a world wonder which functions similar to the UN, but is based on religion. Only members of a certain religion can be part of the Apostolic Palace while everyone is a member of the UN. It's a medieval world wonder.

The other potential problems that I mentioned (relations and power level) still apply to earlier versions of the game.

Switching religion can be a very wise move when you're having relationship problems with several civilizations. I hope you have a more peaceful game now.
Nope, I'm gonna take out a civ or two, maybe mali and usa, then wait for panzer and get the others...
I wonder if someone could tell me how to add the flame effect on AlazkanAssassin's flamethrower unit? I have added the unit, but it does not throw flames in combat.
What should I do, or where should I ask?
Is there a good writeup somewhere on the Apostolic Palace? I think I've gathered the gist of it, but I don't want to get gang banged or worst of all have someone win a religious victory through my ignorance.
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