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Quick Answers

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Sometimes you can buy workers from other cilivations. When you get 'captured' workers in this manner and use them for building stuff does it effect the attitude of the civilization you bought them from?

if you mean use them to build roads, irrigation, mines, I'm not sure.

But if you use them to build something that kills the worker - like an airfild - then I believe it does affect their attitude towards you. You just killed some of their kinsmen, after all. I believe the same applies to starving their citizens, disbanding the workers, etc.

Will a city built in hills act as irrigated square for the purposes of building a chain of irrigation through it?

My current map has a piece of land which is desperately in need of irrigation but cut off from any fresh water by a row of hills and mountains. The hills can't be irrigated to bring fresh water over them, of course, but I've noticed that cities built on plains and grasslands will act as irrigated squares for purposes of hooking up fresh water to adjacent tiles. If I build a city on the hills, can I get fresh water to the other side, or will I just have to wait for electricity?

It will but only in later patches of PTW (1.21f and subs IIRC) (and I dont know what C3C does).

It appears to be a bug - it was never supposed to work that way. One of the GOTMs spotted it, I think, and #23, IIRC, had to be modded in the start location to remove this 'feature' to be fair to the vanilla players.
Hey, I'm wonderin, is there any way to sort of to sign a deal with an ai that he wont go to war wit u. (I wanna go to war with zululand and dont want sign an MPP, (i dont want to share the spoils)) any way to do this?
Short answer - No.

While the more deals you have the less likely the Ai will be to break them, NOTHING guarantees the AI will not attack.

You (the human) are allowed to break any deals and declare war at any time; so can the AI. It's only fair.

If you don't want them to be co-belligerents, your only choices are a bunch of trade/luxury deals and to hope those are enough of a tie to deter war.
blargh, i hope they make a neutrality pact(sort of like the soviet-german one of 1939 ;) ) btw lets say they AI breaks a treaty wit me do the other ai get pissed at him?
Originally posted by MadScot
It will but only in later patches of PTW (1.21f and subs IIRC) (and I dont know what C3C does).
yeah, contrary to vanilla, you can irrigate from a hill city (that has fresh water 'on the other side') in C3C
Originally posted by Sparrow3
Is there going to be a Conquests Quick Answers Sticky as there is here? :)

(no, there's isn't going to be...)

I mean, take a look at the top of the C3C forum...:);)
Originally posted by saintly_saint
blargh, i hope they make a neutrality pact(sort of like the soviet-german one of 1939 ;) ) btw lets say they AI breaks a treaty wit me do the other ai get pissed at him?
That kind of pact already exists in the game, it's called "renegotiate peace". Breaking it not necessarily gets other AIs pissed at the breaker but ruins his reputation. Be warned though - this pact has exactly as much value as the soviet-german one had. ;)

If I load Regular or Veteran troops into an Army, will they ever get protmoted and thus increase the total hit points of the Army?
Originally posted by boothere

If I load Regular or Veteran troops into an Army, will they ever get protmoted and thus increase the total hit points of the Army?
PTW 1.27-are you able to build Settlers during mobilization? Will cities making Wealth continue to make wealth?

EDIT: Forgot about the War Acadmey article for a moment, it looks like Settlers are okay to build during mobilization. It however doesn't say anything about Wealth...
Not clear on how the UN works, prefer not to find out the hard way. Please comment on any misconceptions:

If I build UN, every 10 turns or so I have the option to hold a vote. If I hold it, I am automatically a candidate (1 of 2?) and possible outcomes are
a) I win vote and diplo victory, game over
b) a CP wins vote, I take a diplo loss, game over
c) no majority winner of vote, game continues

What happens if a CP builds the UN? Do they generally hold a vote? Am I a candidate? Is there any way to prevent a vote besides invasion?
Originally posted by frank_mosta
Not clear on how the UN works, prefer not to find out the hard way. Please comment on any misconceptions:

If I build UN, every 10 turns or so I have the option to hold a vote. If I hold it, I am automatically a candidate (1 of 2?) and possible outcomes are
a) I win vote and diplo victory, game over
b) a CP wins vote, I take a diplo loss, game over
c) no majority winner of vote, game continues

What happens if a CP builds the UN? Do they generally hold a vote? Am I a candidate? Is there any way to prevent a vote besides invasion?

a, b & c are correct.
If the AI builds the UN, they can hold the vote.
Now i am not sure that you will for sure be a candidate, as this depends on your ranking worldwide (not the score, but a combination of population, landmass, etc. i believe)
Should you need to prevent a vote, then the only thing is to conquer the city that has the UN. Then votes will be up to you.
Does anyone know for sure if you suffer attitude problems from the AI or any other negatives if you do either:

1) starve cities? Whether it be foreign citizens or your own.

2) Abandon a city by building workers in a non-growing city. Again, what if its a foreign citizen?



I believe the answer is no negative effect of killing your own citizens, AI unhappy/unimpressed if they are "foreigners".

this thread lists all the things that affect Ai "attitude" - how much they like you. Which differs from "reputation", which is how much they trust you.
An archer costs 20 shields but, although my capital has exactly this production, it takes 2 turns for me to build an archer. What's the explanation for this?
Is yr capital creating 20 uncorrupted shields - i.e. blue - or 20 total shields - i.e. red plus blue

If the latter then corruption is the answer; it needs to be 20 uncorrupted shields pe turn to build an archer in 1 turn. If you do have 20 uncorrupted shields the easiest way might be for you to post either a screenshot or a save for someone to take a look at.
I'm playin Japan on CivIII.
I know i can (and I indeed could) get Samurai with no need of horses (although they replace Knights) but WHY when I did get horses (before Samurais) I could NOT get Horsemen?
Is a bug?
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