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Doing more hotseats with a friend and we want to make it a bit crazier. Has anyone figured how to use ingame editor in multiplayer hotseat? I've tried putting it within the VP modlist folder which is inside the game DLC folder, like the other mods, but would be too good to work that way. Thoughts?

Anyone have any idea? :(
What does % CS and RCS mean exactly? I know it has to do with damage but I never figured out the acronyms? Are there any other acronyms I might not be aware of. Feel free to share.
What does % CS and RCS mean exactly? I know it has to do with damage but I never figured out the acronyms? Are there any other acronyms I might not be aware of. Feel free to share.

Combat Strength / Ranged Combat Strength

Depending on context CS can also mean City-State.
Why does the game seems to be stuck for 3-4 sec when building fishing boats? Is it recalculating something?

Or maybe it's just my comp :)
The XP cap from hunting barbarians is set to level 2 (30XP on standard speed), the mods that modify this value does not seem to work with VP (unlimited barb XP or Vhoward's barb levels), any leads on why/ how to fix it?
The XP cap from hunting barbarians is set to level 2 (30XP on standard speed), the mods that modify this value does not seem to work with VP (unlimited barb XP or Vhoward's barb levels), any leads on why/ how to fix it?
Correction, the XP limit is set to 45 XP from barbarians. Half-way to level 3. It does not stop at 30 XP.
Changing line 150 (UPDATE Defines SET Value = '45' WHERE Name = 'BARBARIAN_MAX_XP_VALUE';) to another value in (2) Community Balance Overhaul\Balance Changes\CoreDefines.sql should to the trick IIRC.

Do Stupas have use for happiness purposes in going wide? Since they offer both a +1 happiness and a -1 illiteracy. It is a belief I haven't taken before, but wondering about. Or do other buildings yeilds, outweigh stupa which offers no happiness reduction yeilds.
Sometimes next turn button is avaible but nothing happens by pressing it. To make it work I need to manually find a unit that has movement points left and give it a command. Before game automatically chose this kind of unit. But now this bug happens quite regularly and it is annoying. Especially in the end game with unit carpets.
Do Stupas have use for happiness purposes in going wide? Since they offer both a +1 happiness and a -1 illiteracy. It is a belief I haven't taken before, but wondering about. Or do other buildings yeilds, outweigh stupa which offers no happiness reduction yeilds.
Personally I think stupas are just terrible in almost any situation.
Some past patch there was a bug with air units disapearing. Has this been fixed in the latest beta?
QQ: How can i understand which version i am using if its 9.2 or 9.9 so on?
I'd check the name of the exe autoinstaller. It includes the version number. Not aware or any other way.

Note that if you just overwrote the DLL file manually as a hotfix, then this won't work (I think you can estimate the version number from the date file was created).
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