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Random Deity Troublemaking


Known Troublemaker
Oct 1, 2002
London, UK
Hello all,

I've been away from the SG forum and from Civ itself for a few months after becoming saturated with Civ boredom. But now the urge is there again and I'm looking to set up a nice relaxed game to have a bit of fun with Civ again as well as the trademark Civ discussions which make this forum special.

I'm going to break with tradition for once and play a non-variant game...after all, the primary aim is just to have some relaxed fun. Instead, the challenge will be provided by playing with (mostly) random settings at deity. The first start will be taken, irrespective of how bad it may appear :p

Random Deity Troublemaking

Civ: random
Difficulty: deity
Map Size: normal
Barbarians: random
Landmass & Conditions: random
Opponents: 7 random
Aggression: normal
Victory Conditions: default; culture-linked start and respawn are OFF
Ruleset: RBCiv, dastardly allowed, exploits forbidden.
EXCEPTION: worker purchases are always on the table, since I disagree with that RBCiv ruling.

Etiquette: 24 hours for a "got it", 48 further hours to play. This will be a guideline rather than a hard and fast rule.

ROSTER (6 players, 7 max)

[possibly open]

No "qualifications" required to join, the aim is to have fun while pitting our wits against the Civ challenge.

Takers please...
I alway enjoy playing with known troublemakers. Sign me up Nad.
Welcome to the team bed_head7, hope you enjoy the chllenge and have plenty to say in discussions :).

And the great Sir Bugsy, hello again! Tokugawa the Unsettled was bit easy, huh? I trust this will provide more of a challenge and offer more troublemaking potential ;).

Signed up:

Sir Bugsy
What version? If PTW or plain old Civ, sign me up, please. Actually, sign me up if it's C3C, too; I was planning to bite the bullet and purchase the dang thing this weekend anyway.

I'm in the same state as you, more or less -- long Civ layoff, only recently broken -- but I used to be reasonably comfortable on Deity. I don't think I'd mess you all up too badly.

Welcome Microbe and Renata :). :cool:

The version is Conquests, latest patch (1.22 IIRC, it's been that long I can't remember what the patch version is!).

Signed up:

Sir Bugsy

This has filled up so quickly, we'll go with 7. If there's any more interest after that, then maybe we'll start another team, either with the same start or a different start with same settings.

In any case, we definitely have enough players to start. Are there any comments or anything that needs clarifying? I will look to generate a start in 45 mins or so.
Nad said:
And the great Sir Bugsy, hello again! Tokugawa the Unsettled was bit easy, huh? I trust this will provide more of a challenge and offer more troublemaking potential ;) (Emphasis added).
:lol: Yep! Nad is making trouble still. Nice to see that hasn't changed. :D I certainly wouldn't use that adjective with me.
Not much to clarify with random everything. :) I'll take a look at the RBCiv list again, but I'm pretty sure I know what's on it. If you could just stick me late enough in the rotation so I don't come up before Sunday, that'd be great.

Sir Bugsy said:
:lol: Yep! Nad is making trouble still. Nice to see that hasn't changed. :D I certainly wouldn't use that adjective with me.

Oh, come now, Sir Bugsy :D. Great can mean a lot of things. I use the term as greatness of stature...but then stature can mean a few things too :D. Truly, I am commenting on your prestiged position, not your beer-belly :lol:
microbe said:
Great is not that great in the civ terms. Magnificant at least please. :)

For you, "Microbe the Maginificent" certainly, alliteration rocks!

But I like the sound of "the Great Sir Bugsy", or possibly "Bugsy the Brilliant" for a more informal announcement.

Anyway, I'm going to generate a start now :).
We get to play bad boy Caesar. Militaristic is always handy to cause one's neighbours trouble, and not many UUs are as powerful as the legion. A decent draw, and the map looks better than average.


I'll never argue with a river and the land looks reasonably fertile. An immediate decision is required however, due to the abundance of mountains. Should we settle where we are, in which case the mountains will restrict the number of "good" tiles our capital will have available in the ancient and middle ages, but which will give us a shield powerhouse in the industrial age, or should we move, perhaps east or northeast, to encompass more flatlands in our capital radius, allowing potentially faster growth in the early game period?

The 4000BC Save
It looks like we might have a floodplain in the southwest if we settle in place, plus five grassland and three forest tiles, plus one that is either forest or grass, so it should be adequate in the AA. Two hills, so it should have enough tiles to work through the MA. And then yes, an IA powerhouse. Then again, I don't like to move very much, so perhaps you should just read this as a rant by a homebody.
That volcano will be one unworkable tile, plus the occasional eruption. Might want to waste a worker turn and move it east to see if things improve. Looks like there a lot of forest across the river, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Ooh, didn't really take the volcano into account. That could be impetus enough to move, though in my experience volcanos generally aren't a bother past the AA or MA, when we wouldn't be using the affected tiles anyway, though that could be a coincidence.
bed_head7 said:
Ooh, didn't really take the volcano into account. That could be impetus enough to move, though in my experience volcanos generally aren't a bother past the AA or MA, when we wouldn't be using the affected tiles anyway, though that could be a coincidence.

I've seen AI capital got completely burned in Industrial Ages.
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