Known Troublemaker
Hello all,
I've been away from the SG forum and from Civ itself for a few months after becoming saturated with Civ boredom. But now the urge is there again and I'm looking to set up a nice relaxed game to have a bit of fun with Civ again as well as the trademark Civ discussions which make this forum special.
I'm going to break with tradition for once and play a non-variant game...after all, the primary aim is just to have some relaxed fun. Instead, the challenge will be provided by playing with (mostly) random settings at deity. The first start will be taken, irrespective of how bad it may appear
Random Deity Troublemaking
Civ: random
Difficulty: deity
Map Size: normal
Barbarians: random
Landmass & Conditions: random
Opponents: 7 random
Aggression: normal
Victory Conditions: default; culture-linked start and respawn are OFF
Ruleset: RBCiv, dastardly allowed, exploits forbidden.
EXCEPTION: worker purchases are always on the table, since I disagree with that RBCiv ruling.
Etiquette: 24 hours for a "got it", 48 further hours to play. This will be a guideline rather than a hard and fast rule.
ROSTER (6 players, 7 max)
[possibly open]
No "qualifications" required to join, the aim is to have fun while pitting our wits against the Civ challenge.
Takers please...
I've been away from the SG forum and from Civ itself for a few months after becoming saturated with Civ boredom. But now the urge is there again and I'm looking to set up a nice relaxed game to have a bit of fun with Civ again as well as the trademark Civ discussions which make this forum special.
I'm going to break with tradition for once and play a non-variant game...after all, the primary aim is just to have some relaxed fun. Instead, the challenge will be provided by playing with (mostly) random settings at deity. The first start will be taken, irrespective of how bad it may appear

Random Deity Troublemaking
Civ: random
Difficulty: deity
Map Size: normal
Barbarians: random
Landmass & Conditions: random
Opponents: 7 random
Aggression: normal
Victory Conditions: default; culture-linked start and respawn are OFF
Ruleset: RBCiv, dastardly allowed, exploits forbidden.
EXCEPTION: worker purchases are always on the table, since I disagree with that RBCiv ruling.
Etiquette: 24 hours for a "got it", 48 further hours to play. This will be a guideline rather than a hard and fast rule.
ROSTER (6 players, 7 max)
[possibly open]
No "qualifications" required to join, the aim is to have fun while pitting our wits against the Civ challenge.
Takers please...