Turn 0, 4000BC: settler moves northeast, revealing a second bonus grassland. Worker moves north, revealing the outline of a coast.
Turn 1, 3950BC: Pompeii founded, to the east we have jungle and dyes in our radius

. Begin training warrior, worker starts mine.
What to research? I see two good options, pottery at max or writing at min. This is a difficult decision and requires a judgement call. I do not think our landmass is an island from the shape we can so far discern, so I supect we will have neighbours and early contacts, which may mean an easy and cheap trade for pottery. So I'm going for writing at min since this will improve our odds of staying in the early tech race.
Turn 6, 3700BC: first warrior complete and exploring south.
Turn 7, 3650BC: worker begins road, warrior sees floodplains and a grassland wheat to the south, which could be a nice food-rich second city, though there aren't enough shields there to make a settler factory.
Turn 10, 3500BC: 2nd warrior complete and exploring northeast, worker moves to other bg tile.
Turn 11, 3450BC: Pompeii size 2 and borders expanded, lux 10%, couple of goody huts seen as well as more dyes to the northeast. Worker begins mine, southern warrior sees a Russian spearman. Cathy already has 3 cities, we both have our starting techs. We trade alphabet + warrior code for bronze working, pottery + 10g.
Turn 12, 3400BC: Russian spear standing next to a barb camp. Yikes! Already?! I hope the barbs haven't emerged as raging...
Turn 13, 3350BC: 3rd warrior complete and exploring northwest, start granary. Cathy now has masonry. Lots of desert round our starting area, feels like a hot map.
Turn 15, 3250BC: Barb camp disappears as Russians clear it, Cathy also has burial now.
Turn 17, 3150BC: worker starts road, western warrior sees gems in mountains near volcanoes. Russian spear/warrior pair also seen in our vicinity.
Turn 18, 3100BC: blue warrior has come into view, contact Germany, has two cities, up the wheel but down alphabet and pottery. Trade alphabet + pottery for wheel + 10g. We have horses just outside Pompeii! Trade wheel + 65g to Russia for masonry.
Turn 19, 3050BC: lots of German troops swarming around in the west, Russian pair are uncomfortably close to our capital, so begin to move a warrior back for some defence. Russia (4 cities) begins Pyramids.
Turn 20, 3000BC: Russian pair have turned away, taking no chances and head a warrior back for home defence. Worker moves to grass tile.
Summary: the good news is we are doing well in the early tech exchanges, have lots of resources near our capital, and a decent amount of room to expand into. The bad news is our expansion will be very slow without bonus food, and we have two very aggressive neighbours. In this situation I would NOT go for the farmer's gambit which is the customary deity ploy, and instead opt for a modest land grab, maybe aim for 4 or 5 cities. Then I would build military, we know we have horses and we have a decent chance of iron with the high ground. Then we can expand like we did in Tokugawa the Unsettled

3000BC Save