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here we go.

the constant sound of the waves made this sound waves make, as i was wandering on the beach. i felt lonely.
i stopped, turned, watched the foot prints i had imprinted in the sand with my feet. somewhere, maybe miles away a dog was barking a song of forsakenness.
what was that? a body?
something was lying there, about 10 or maybe 50 metres away, i couldnt quite get a good look at it, since the hawaian brass band that had been following me was standing in the way.
they were playing a smooth love song.

i had to know what this strange thing was. i made my way past the musicians. tommy, the funky drummer, got in my way, i knocked him to the floor, didnt look back, kept running.
then there she lay.
how beautiful, how sexy.
i had never seen a thing of such beauty before. i knelt down. "hi, my name is frank", i said.
"glmpf, glpmpf, hmpf", she answered, with a voice that sounded as if it belonged to aphrodite herself.
"i, ... i like fish burgers", i continued.
what the hell, "i like fish burgers"?
i wanted to knock myself. rip out my stupid brain and smash i to the floor.
but she just replied, with that angel-like voice again:"glmpf, frmpf, hgh."
"i, i work as a toilet engineer at a big toilet company"
"grmpf, hmpf, glg"
then, i finally found the courage to say what i had been wanting to say all along.
"you are the most beautiful creature i have ever seen in my life. and i have seen quite a lot of beautiful creatures, i can tell you"
"glglg, hmrpf, krr"
"would you mind if i kiss you?"
her lips felt a bit fishy, but elsewise it was the most amazing kiss the world had ever witnessed.
this feeling of love.
i was shivering. my hand, as if moved by some greater force i couldnt quite control or understand, reached down between her


"oh my god", tommy screamed. he and the band had been watching us all along. as i looked up i saw that most of them had their their back to us, only tommy was standing there
a look of sheer terror on his face.
"what the hell?", he kept going. "what the hell is wrong with you?"
oh my god, what had i done?
i got up, pulled my pants back up and started running away.
away. just away. anywhere but here.
i ran a lot. but when i finally stopped i realized i hadnt quite run away from this one name that had been imprinted in my brain.

somewhere, maybe miles away a dog was barking a song of forsakenness.

My favourite line. Very poignant.
The Hawaiian brass band added a nice touch of surrealness to an otherwise banal story.
The band reminds me of The Crying of Lot 49. I'd rather think sex with fishes than that book.
For some reason I thought at first that the narrator is female.

I hope poor Francesca won't suffocate out of the water.
Genius. Pure, unadulterated genius.
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