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RB2 - Clueless Catherine Conquers Crowded Continents

About halfway done now, the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

These turns do start to take a while. :)
So I opened up the save and had a look at the state of the empire. Ouch, we have some serious happiness problems right now! The counter is at -9, just one point removed from severe unhappiness and we have some puppets that are still growing without a care in the world. Avoiding severe unhappiness (which brings a universal combat penalty) suddenly becomes a priority. St. Petersburg is tweaked to max hammers to finish its Colosseum in 3 turns, rather than 5. Some other cities see some tiles shifted to de-empasize growth and focus on commerce instead as our income isn't that great either. Then I start hunting for resources.

Getting those Furs hooked up is a good start, but we'll need more. Bismarck has some excess Ivory but is too unhappy with us to offer them up for trade. Same goes for his Dyes and since Hiawatha is down to a single resource, he doesn't want to part with it either. Tyre's Wine resource was pillaged, but the city-state will gift it once the tile is repaired. We'll probably have to deal with Monty before that happens though; the tile is right next to the Aztec border. Washington has a nearby Cotton resource, but taking the city will most likely cancel out the happiness bonus. Finally, there's no sign of Incense anywhere on this continent. We do have the option of buying Dublin into ally status again to gain their Gold resource, but I'll leave that as the last option.

I decide to focus on Washington first, since our forces are already in position for it and the Cotton resource will give Moscow a WLtK day. There's a group of Knights and Swords near the city, with general and catapult support. Other units can keep the new Aztec capital occupied in the meantime. Somewhat annoyingly, Rome has built a city at a small gap our border, right next to Beijing and may decide to push settlers though to found more cities in our heartland. Eventually we'll want to take over that city, but we don't really have the forces in the area to do that right now. If our happiness situation wasn't so dire, I would settle a city to plug the hole but for now we'll just have to hope that Augustus will have better things to do.

I also made a quick tally of the Horses we are supposed to have if it weren't for that multiplication glitch and came to 24. We are using 8 for units and have one active deal with Bismarck which involves another 10. As we have another 6 legitimately available, I trade 5 of them to Hiawatha for 212 gold and open borders.

Other than that, things are looking good so I start the first turn.

T146 (720 AD):

Helsinki wants Wine on the interturn, so we have another incentive to help Tyre get back on its feet again. As it turns out, they may not have to wait for too much longer either. Washington decides it's tactically sound to move up Archers next to our Knights. They are scattered without doing any damage, and the Knights are now positioned that another Knight unit can take out a group of Spearman using the Discipline bonus with minimal damage in return. Aside from the garrison, Washington seems to be out of defenders.

Knights really do pack quite a punch. :eek:

The catapult trundling towards Washington changes course and heads for the Aztec border instead. Washington should fall on the next turn without its assistance and Teowhateveracan may be a tougher nut to crack. Our units near the Aztec capital need a turn or two to heal up and allow for the Catapult to roll up, but there's not much to threaten us there. The city has a wounded Jaguar, an Archer garrison and very nervous-looking General on defense. I take advantage of the lull in battle to promote two Horsemen in the area to Knights, which should give us the punch to end both wars on this turnset. Seeing there's an awful lot of farms next to the former Aztec capital, a Worker starts replacing some with trading posts to help our economy, and I delete some excess Workers as well to lower maintenance costs a little.

Some leftover forces also start moving towards the area in between Ravenna and Helsinki to keep an eye on the Romans.

T147 (740 AD):

Washington is feeling the heat! :lol:

Sorry bud, but we'll take over your capital this turn and so I deny the offer. Our open border agreement with Germany ends as well in between turns, but I won't try to renew it just in case Bismarck decides to be cute and send a Settler through our lands. In another tactically clever move, Monty moved his fortified Jaguar and garrison Archer in to open try and go after a Pike on the coast that captured a Worker last turn. :rolleyes: Tyre notices the lack of defense and sends in a Spearman to hopefully soak up some bombardment damage.

This is feeling just a little too easy..

A capital falls after two Knight attacks.. somehow I expected a more resilient foe. Anyway, I decide to puppet the city. We do get the Cotton immediately, but also gain the 10th unhappiness point. Ungrateful whelps! Can't our citizens see we're creating a greater Russian state for all? I pay Dublin 250 gold for their Gold. Happiness is down to -5 again, and Dublin declares on both the Aztecs and Americans (heh). I also realize that I didn't include Horses provided by allied city states in the earlier tally, so the estimate may have been on the low side. But the only one we can sell Horses to right now is Bismarck, and I see no reason to provide a future target with strategic resources.

After the capital falls, I split up the remaining forces. Some will go to the small Aztec city east of Washington and raze it, while the rest continue on south. A captured American Worker starts laying down a road to link up the city with Moscow. If we capture Teosomethingacan as well, that should link up all of our cities again and earn us some good trade route income.

Now for the southern front.

The Swordmen take out the Archers without taking damage in return. This allows the Pikes on the coast to retreat back over the Russian border to patch themselves up, and I delete the Worker to save us some maintenance. Knights then trample the wounded Jaguars without suffering damage, and the other units move into position to attack the city itself on the next turn.

T148 (760 AD):

Moscow goes into WLtK as they got the Cotton they wanted, and St. Petersburg finishes its Colosseum which takes our happiness to a manageable -2. Novgorod also finishes a Market and Edirne a Catapult. I set the latter two to work on Colosseums to improve the happiness situation. St Petersburg will be a good place to start constructing the Forbidden Palace next turn and without anything else to build, I let it generate wealth for now.

Washington has moved up a Drill II Spearman from New York which is ignored for now. I'm sure we can lure it out of the hills later on. Let's see instead whether I can crack Monty's capital this turn.

That's an affirmative! :D The catapult bombarded the city and two Knight attacks later Monty is forced to relocate again. Puppeting it raised our unhappiness to 8, but those Furs will be hooked up soon to counter it.

Over at the northern Aztec city of Tlaxcala (woohoo, finally something I can pronounce!), I captured a former Tyre Worker which I returned for some free reputation, and perhaps it'll get that Wine connected a little faster as well. The city will most likely fall next turn and will be razed to keep down our happiness deficit.

Most remaining units move and heal up where possible. We have some good momentum now, and there's no reason to let it go to waste.

T149 (780 AD):

Education comes in, and I use our Great Scientist to bulb Banking as discussed earlier in the thread. This sends us into the Renaissance Era, increasing our gains from city-states. I set research to Engineering (4 turns) to open up Physics (Trebs) and Machinery (faster road movement), and Printing Press after that (Theathres and the Taj Mahal). Steel for Longswords was also an option, but our Knights look to be more than sufficient to clean up this continent on their own.

St. Petersburg starts working on the Forbidden Palace which currently takes forever and a day to complete. I'll let the city borrow Instanbul's horse resource once it finishes its Circus, and may place a Lumber Mill or two one Engineering research finished.

Beijing wants Furs, which is convenient since the resource will be hooked up next turn. :)

Unfortunately I'll have to wait a turn before razing Tlaxcala, because we'd spend a turn in severe unhappiness right now while the city is being razed. I check to see if Bismarck is a bit more inclined towards an Ivory trade now, but rather than refusing outright he just wants every single other luxury resource we have. Umm, no thanks.

As a result, the capturing of the last American and Aztec cities will have to be delayed slightly. Instead, I position our forces to entice the AI in throwing away their units.

T150 (800AD):

I'm not quite sure what the Aztecs have to smile about, but I'll give you one guess who's dead last. :lol:

The American spearman attacked and inflicted some damage on the nearby Knight but was severely wounded itself and finished off later with Catapult fire, and the Aztec garrison fell gracefully on the Russian swords nearby. It's good to see that the AI is still predictable. :)

The Furs are finally hooked up, reducing our happiness deficit to -3, so I captured Tlaxcala and set the city to be razed next turn.

I shuffle the units around to let the wounded ones retreat and heal, while fresh units take their place. I could probably have finished off Monty this turn, but that would briefly move us into severe unhappiness. I think we can hold for one more turn.

T151 (820AD):

A trade route between our Yaroslavl and Moscow is established. Along with the cities starting to come out of resistance, our finances are starting to look up again. An old marble deal with Bismarck expires, but we have our own source now so our happiness remains unchanged. Hooking up the Furs also sends both Istanbul and Beijing into We Love the King day.

For some reason Bismarck isn't angry with us anymore, so I trade one of our surplus Spices for Ivory. We are back into positive happiness! :D One downside of that is that all cities will start growing like a weed again, so I tick the 'avoid growth' box for most cities just to keep it down a little. But that also means that Monty is finished:

How dare we indeed. :mischief:

I move up a Knight into viewing distance of New York and see that the city has just an Archer garrison in defense. Most units can heal up for a bit, and start positioning themselves to take on Rome although I would advise ensuring we won't crash our empire first before picking another fight.

T152 (840AD):

A fairly uneventful turn. We will be in position to hit New York next turn, other than that nothing much is happening.

T153 (860AD):

Engineering research finishes, I set research to Physics (5 turns with some tweaking) so we can upgrade our Catapults. They feel a bit underwhelming compared to our Knights, so perhaps they will be more impressive as Trebuchets. Plus it'll open up both Printing Press and Gunpowder later on, both of which will be good techs for us. Lots of other things happen as well. Instanbul finishes a Circus and Tyre has hooked up its Wine resource again, taking our happiness up to 8 (!) and sending two more cities into WLtK day, and also pours some more free reputation into Helsinki. Dublin wants Helsinki eliminated but I think we'll pass on that.

The battle to capture New York was easy enough.

Better luck next time Washington, but the Commies will take this round. :mischief:

T154 (880 AD):

Units either rest or reposition themselves. I purchase a few cheap tiles so that our Tundra cities have something useful to work, it just doesn't seem worth the hammers building monuments for that. Out latest acquisitions have turned the happiness counter into the red again, but that should only last for a single turn.

T155: (900 AD):

Another quiet turn, but most of our units are now healed up and positioned next to the Roman border.

An overview of our empire at T155:

Moscow needs 3 more turns to finish Chichen Itza, after that its Horse resource should be passed to St. Petersburg so it can speed up construction of the Forbidden Palace. Workers are also busy on the road between Moscow and Washington and once it is finished, it will connect every single southern city save for New York to the capital for some good trade route income.

Western cities are mostly working on increasing our happiness, which we will need if we are going after the remaining Civs on this continent. Istanbul started on a bank by virtue of having nothing better to build. None of the remaining wonders really seem worth the effort and we have enough military units already.

The south will need some work, but we will need to start annexing cities to do that. Most forces are positioned near Rome, but a small contingent is healing up near NY and can attack from that side soon enough. In hindsight, it might have been better to keep the last Aztec city, but at the same time, we do have some room with happiness to continue taking over the continent, or perhaps annex a few cities.

Finally demographics, we're doing pretty well! :king:

Kylearan ->
SleepingMoogle -> just played
Gold Ergo Sum -> UP NOW
MuLepton -> on deck


  • RB2_900AD.Civ5Save
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Great work! :goodjob: Thanks for dealing with the happiness situation I left you :lol:, and good job on killing off Monty and Washington.

We should indeed take care that most of our cities won't grow anymore. I hope the libraries in our cities are full of scientists. :)

We might think about getting a caravel into the waters (and getting the necessary tech first?), to find the other AIs. That will not only give us an idea about what us going on on their continent, but could also provide us with new trading partners for our resources. I don't think we'll get to trade much more on our landmass. :lol:
Very, very nicely done! Happiness in the green, leading the most important demographics, three rivals eliminated, definitely looking more than good :lol:

Good decision to not renew Open Borders to Bismarck, knowing the AI, he'd send a settler and plop down a city near Helsinki or something...
Got it.

My thoughts are to produce some Settlers, and start ICS'ing for real, including burning down the non-capital AI cities.

And I like Kylearan's idea to get some scouting ships up.

This means I will not go after Rome yet.

Any thoughts?
Perhaps the time has come to do some building again. :) We'll just have to make sure that the Rome and Germany won't catch up to us in terms of military in the meantime.
A short(?) consolidation/backfilling phase is probably nice. Although we shouldn't found too many new cities yet - we still need to grab Meritocracy!
I don't think we have a super science city, just a capital with a Library. :) Most the current science is gained through population points.
No screenshots, sorry.

T155: Puppets patch worked. All are building useful buildings. They no longer build production buildings supposedly. Went ahead and switched the horses to St. Pete to speed up Forbidden Palace since it didn't slow Chichen Itza.

T156: Unhired 3 scientists to avoid research waste. Spamming TPs everywhere. Amass our armies at Roman borders.

T157: Continue amassing at Rome. If we are going to pay for unit costs, might as well stomp face.

T158: Chichen finishes onto a 2-turn Circus at Moscow. Put us on Navigation and fire all scientists which leaves us at only 4-beaker waste. DoW on Rome.

T159: Dublin captures Neapolis after I leave it weak. Hilarious. We are unhappy now, but 2 Coliseums and 1 Circus due in next 2-turns. Navigation in onto Compass in 4-turns with 2 scientists hired. Captured Ravenna which we are raizing.

T160: Four trade routes finishes for +30gpt. Rome is surrounded.

T161: Rome puppeted. Pay 500 gold to ally with Venice, another maritime city state.

T162: Tyre gifts us a Swordsman. As Venice allied with us, they DoW on Rome, and walked their Treb right up to a warrior and lost it. :crazyeye:

T163: Compass finishes and we lost 2 beakers to overflow. Hire two more scientists to shave off one from Navigation, which will finish in 7-turns. Once this finishes, we can get some Caravels up to find new trading partners. Trade Spices, Silver, ????, and Sugar to Hiawatha for 200g + 24gpt. Upgrade our Cat to a Treb. Captured Cumae (?) and raizing it.

T164: Dublin gifts us a Knight. We have too many units, but I was hesitant to delete any until we run over Biz and Hiawatha too.

T165: Last Roman city (Antium) is surrounded and ready to be taken next turn. Trade 5 iron to Biz for 120g. Pay 500g to Geneva (cultural) for a allied status.

Next turn we should have 250g to re-up allied status as it lapses with Venice.

After Rome is dead at Antium, I figure we might as well use that glut of troops to end Biz. I have the troops amassed nearby.

We are currently -1 unhappy, but a Coliseum is due at Novgorod next turn. We also may finish raizing a city which will help.


  • RB2 AD-1050.Civ5Save
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I see the save, will probably play later today. Seems the order of business is to finish Rome and then swing through to Bis?
I think we might as well carry on and destroy those empires while we have more troops than we need. I almost wanted to lose troops, but Rome didn't destroy a single one.

After caravels, I guess we continue down the military line of techs?

We should start ICS'ing once we get Meritocracy.
I played, not the best of turnsets, I'm afraid. Lost 3 units and we're at -10 unhappiness, which sucks.
On the plus side, Rome's gone and Bis lost his capital as well as pretty much all of his army. We'll have Meritocracy in 3 turns and gunpowder in 5, so Kylearan should be able to improve the situation somewhat during his turns.

More detailed report and save coming later (might take until tomorrow).
Forbidden Palace should also arrive in the next 5-10 turns too, so that will help with the happiness.

I wouldn't worry about losing 3 units. We had too many to begin with. I was trying to lose units against Rome and they were too stupid to kill them.
FP is actually 13 due to unhappiness :(
That will of course change once Meritocracy comes in.
1050 AD (0):
I just look around to familiarize myself with the situation. Everything looks good: We have three knights surrounding Antium, the last Roman city, and a nice army near Hamburg, the first of Bismarck's cities that'll become ours.

One of our knights is bombarded by Antium and is redlined. Nothing else happens.

1060 AD (1):
I pay 250g to Venice, since we're about to lose allied status.
Novgorod finishes a collosseum (brining us to +3 happiness) and starts a library. As far as I learned in my single player games, as well as looking at other SGs, collosseum, library and market are must-haves in every city.
I have the three knights around Antium attack and take it without losses:

I puppet Antium for now. I don't DoW Bismarck just yet because he has a sizable army near Antium (which is close to his capital, Berlin) and I don't want to hand him the initiative down there.

Nothing happens.

1070 AD (2):
I declare on Bismarck, kill a german swordsman near Hamburg and Landsknecht near Antium while moving in to take Hamburg next turn.

I lose one pikeman to bombard and two successive attacks from landsknechts at Hamburg. Casualty count: 1.

1080 AD (3):
I kill a landsknecht at Hamburg (the one that defeated our pikeman), bombard Hamburg and take it with the knights there. It is puppeted, gaining us Marble.
Near Antium, I'm starting to move our units so that I can engage Bismarck's main army (archers and landsknechts) which hangs around Berlin. In a :smoke: move, a knight ends up on flat ground in range of an enemy landsknecht. I fully expect him to die in between turns.

At Antium, a landsknecht attacks and is killed by one of our swordmen, the flatfooted knight isn't attacked :crazyeye:

1090 AD (4):
Our knights kill two archers at Berlin.
I pay 250g to Dublin to keep them in the war. It would also be inconvenient to have to move around their territory.

Counterattack from Bismarck at Berlin, but we lose nothing, a few units are redlined.

1100 AD (5):
Astronomy research finishes, I select Steel next (with the eventual goal of Gunpowder).
Lhasa finishes a bank and is set to build a circus (we're at -2 unhappy).
This is the current situation at the front:

War-wise, I kill an archer near Munich and landsknecht near Berlin, while moving our more heavily wounded units out of the action.

We kill landsknecht while defending, redline another, lose nothing (all near Berlin).
All this fighting spawns another Great General, this being our fourth (I think).
Helsinki wants us to build Himeji Castle. We have a full allied bar with them, so it's certainly not top priority.

1110 AD (6):
We're losing grasp on Geneva, so I pay them 250g - we definitely want to keep their culture to get Meritocracy faster.
Bismarck ended up with a redlined landsknecht near Antium, so I bombard and kill it.
Near Munich, another german archer falls to a knight.
We have now enough troops in striking range of Berlin to be able to take it next turn.

Some bombardments from Munich and its garrison archer, but we lose nothing.

1120 AD (7):

Steel is due in 3 turns, I hire a few scientists and it goes down to two, also minimizing beaker wastage.
I bombard Munich, kill a landsknecht and capture a settler near Cologne (north of Munich).

Bismarck kills knight near munich, first softening it by bombarding and then finishing it with a landsknecht. Casualty count: 2.
A Great Scientist is born in Moscow:

1130 AD (8):
Some build projects finish:
Yaroslavl finishes a market and starts a library.
Moscow finishes a bank, starts collosseum.
Istanbul finishes a bank, starts a caravel - we want to explore the world after all.
I bombard Munich some more but don't capture it yet since we're at -8 happiness, and I don't want to plunge into severe unhappiness.
I do however kill one more landsknecht.

Bismarck offers us the kitchensink for peace:

Four cities! Well, they'll be ours before long anyway, so I decline.
Enraged, Bismarck actually kills another knight near Munich. Casualty count: 3.

1140 AD (9):
Steel research finishes, I select gunpowder next which is due in 6 turns.
NY grows, we go to -10 happiness, ouch. Completely stupid of me to not take Munich, but not think about growth happiness (NY is puppeted though, so not much I could do without annexing it).
Rostov finishes a library and builds a bank next.
Around Munich, I bombard it with our resident treb and shuffle some units around.
I upgrade two swordmen to longswordmen.

Nothing happens, Bismarck has one remaining landsknecht near Munich (knight-killer), and that's just healing.

1150 AD (10):
Novgorod finishes a library and starts a bank.
I bombard Munich, but don't attack due to the unhappiness penalty giving me severly bad odds. Our units are placed defensively, so that if Bismarck decides to attack on the interturn, he'll lose.


Despite being in a "leaden age", we still lead all important demographics.

The front:

General status:
We're in severe unhappiness, but Meritocracy is due in 3 turns, that should alleviate that situation; together with the FP in 12 turns (less once we get Meritocracy) and we'll be looking really good, I think.
We have the GS sitting in Moscow, I'm inclined to keep him until we can bulb dynamite for artillery; we'll need four more techs after gunpowder (chemistry, metallurgy, rifling and fertilizer), but that's just a suggestion.
Worker-wise, I mostly built trading posts and worked on getting our new conquests connected to the trade network, both for money and the Meritocracy benefit.

Kylearan -> UP NOW
SleepingMoogle -> on deck
Gold Ergo Sum


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