RBC8 - Revenge of the North Koreans (C3C Deity SG)

The Age of Exploration and Growth

IT- Nothing much to do with only 2 cities.

Russia boots our warrior and he goes north.

2030BC (1): Completed spear allows Seoul to lose the luxury tax. Start settler, which will be built in 4.

1990BC (2): One warrior heads north and the other south. Russia is making 3gpt.

1950BC (3): Exploring.

1910BC (4): Russia now has writing. Lux tax up to 20%.

1870BC (5): Build settler and start curragh in Seoul. Russia founds Rostov. Contact made with the Mongols south of Russia. They have CB, IW, Writing, Math, and Horseback Riding as well as 6 cities after their capital. Hey, at least the big guy isn't Russia. Lose the luxury tax.

1830BC (6): Russia founds Yaroslavl and starte the Oracle in Moscow. Russia now has Horseback. Lux up to 10% for P'yongyang.

1790BC (7): More exploring and working.

1750BC (8): Seoul builds curragh and starts spear. Mongols evict our warrior.

1725BC (9): Found Wonsan, pulling in the second cattle and a bunch of bg. Starts work on a barracks.

1700BC (10): Forest is chopped near Pyong and granary is now due in 13. I choose to not build a road on the unimproved grassland since we will not use that tile for a long time and have very few workers (1.5).

1675BC (11): Contact made with India on a landmass to our east, which may be connected below Russia. India has 8 cities along with their capital and is up CB and IW on us. Seoul builds Spear and starts another Spear. Pyong is at size 3 and now makes 5fpt.

1600BC (14): Contact established with Japan, south of India. Japan has CB, IW, Writing, Math, and Horseback and 8 cities after their capital.

1575BC (15): Seoul switches over to a worker. Without some more labor it cannot get up to 10spt, so 8/9 is no better than 7spt for spears/archers.

IT- India builds the Oracle and starts the Great Library :eek: and the Mongols build the Pyramids.

1525BC (17): Pyong builds granary and starts settler. Contact made with China who is equal with the others and it is definitely a pangaea, not two continents. We definitely weakened Russia with our early war and they'll likely stand no chance in this game.

1450BC (20): Russia renews our peace deal straight up. Spot a great trading opportunity. Japan will not accept 7gpt and 81 gold for Writing, but by switching a bg to a coast tile in Seoul, I can make the deal with 8gpt. India will give Mathematics and 40 gold for Writing. Russia will then give Iron Working and 2 gold for Math. Yikes, I see no Iron or Horses for us. Russia has some iron near Yaroslavl and horses near Moscow and St. Petersburg.

1425BC (21): Some creative micromanagement allows me to keep the lux tax at "only" 40%, :rolleyes: while keeping the Archer and settler due next turn and our food at a good level. We are suffering from high corruption and not enough roaded tiles. Having our capital on the coast is less than ideal. Hopefully we can move it to Pyongyang at some point.

1400BC (22): Settler and archer finish and start more of each, so the lux tax can drop.

1375BC (23): Pyong and Seoul seem to be settling into a nice relationship. Seoul now makes 10spt at size 5, which means it can build 2 archers/spears/cats and then a worker in a 1-growth cycle every 5 turns. Pyong can already make a worker every other turn and with a little more labor will be a 4-turn settler factory.

1325BC (25): Pusan is founded on a gold hill. This will have overlap with Yakutsk until we take it out. Barracks started. Luxury tax has to be hiked up to 50% until we build roads in two tiles near Pyong.

1275BC (27): Pyong builds another settler. There aren't really any city sites left without building against Russian borders, so it goes to workers.

1250BC (28): Russian Archer moves menacingly toward Pusan and I move over an archer and cat to intercept and they back off.

1225BC (29): Russians back off.

1200BC (30): New worker from Pyong starts irrigation on plains which will allow cattle to be irrigated.

Conclusion- We should probably hit the Russians as soon as humanly possible, when we have a dozen archers or so. A good goal would be to take Yaroslavl, Smolensk, and (doubtfully Yakutsk). We desperately need more workers to get Pusan and Wonsan up to speed to build military, and so we can stop working zero-commerce tiles. I think the early war hurt Russia bad enough to make them a pretty easy target, especially if we can quickly take their iron.

EDIT- Just noticed that I forgot to address why I didn't follow the dotmap provided by Charis Kong. With our capital all the way in the north, I thought it better to grab near sites first. Since I was faced with rebuffing the first demand, I thought it especially important to have a compact nation capable of popping out some military. The abundance of BG in the west sealed the deal for me. Russia claimed the eastern dot several turns before I could have in any event.


Well done, Speaker. I like the defensible core and I especially like the plan of hitting Russia again, soon and HARD. Lacking iron, doing so immediately, with a size 2 Yaroslavi as our target would be ideal. That and Smolensk are pretty much the 'dots' I wanted :P (Oh, and nice move on the tech trade! :goodjob: )

The queue visible suggest we may not quite be ready just yet. The rax will need to finish, and we could use a few more cats to meet our variant goal of a "catpult-led ancient war"

We might (?) consider a 'military camp' (medium-lived city that would be disbanded once hospitals arrived) on the hill SE of Pyongyang, which would link us up with both the nearby Russian cites (and hence our cities post-capture), would form a nice defensive front (on hill), and give us a little more unit support.
Besides the settler now headed up north and the military camp one, I agree we need no others.

Skyfish <-- UP
Meldor <-- ON DECK

Skyfish will likely setup if not carry out the campaign. Meldor might get a post-war building reign, a ready-to-pull-trigger army on the southern border, or may find things in mid-furball!

Good luck, Korean comrades!
Incredible start story. Looks like you have a second coming her way too! Looking forward to reading your game. Good luck all.
Nice one Speak' (I liked your previous avatar and title better though :( )

I got it !
Hey don't they have Lacrosse pros in the US ? :D

ps :what I long feared has happened I am "up" in my 4 SGs at the same time, I will need a bit of time for this long turn...apologies in advance.
Originally posted by Skyfish
Hey don't they have Lacrosse pros in the US ? :D
You are right. The assistant coach of my team is one of the best players in the professional league and thus in the world and I could probably get a tryout through him. Pro lacrosse players make very little money though, maybe $5000 for the season. It might be fun for a summer if I could somehow make the practice squad.
The powerful AIs are not far from middle Age but both russians and indians are almost as backwards as us...
We will have to rely on the pointy stick vs the Russians.

1175 : Seoul, archer->cat, Pyong Worker-> settler The scout warrior by Russia seemed to be going back up
North but I send him down south for more useful map info...

1150 : Kyoto finishes The Great Library. Seoul finishes archer, goes to worker in the perfect cycle set up by Speaker.
Pyong is a bit harder requiring to go to 40% lux at size 6 to produce the settler. When we go to war we will have to build rax there and produce mil units out of it.
Namp'o founded in the north.

1025 : TsingTao completes Mausolleum
Our cities are getting bigger in preparation for war and we desperately need luxes, I will found a colony on the gems, building a temple would take too long...and require CB... :D
Cheju founded on hill SE of Pyong as Charis suggested.

1000 : Colossus completes in Madras.
Something had to come up...Guess what ?


Mongols are powerful, this might get interesting...

975 : Pyong finishes rax and can get in the same cycle as Seoul, it also produces 10spt! we will quickly build up as Russia now has horsemen and iron hooked up.

925 : road to Cheju almost complete and still no sign of Mongols.
Gems colony in place allows to finally take down the lux tax, we make 17gpt and get some breathing room,
problem is the only 2fers possible are with Russia...
Yaroslav finally goes up to size 2, I honourably declare vs Russia and take 2 of their workers irrgating FP near Yaroslav.

900 : :argh: Yaroslav just went to size 1 ! Too late I need to strike now, cant back off anymore .
Our Glorious Catapult fires and..hits ! Reg spear is wounded and there's only one !
Vet archer attacks wounded spear and just wins, going to 1hp. City gets razed though.
City had a settler in it and we get 2 more slaves.
Unhurt SoD moves towards Smolensk who at least is now finally size 2

875 : Mongols bring in the Chinese vs us :rolleyes: Can you say dogpile ?
Where are the Chinese anyway ?
Our scout in the south spots the Japs and mongols at war ! Great news :D
Russian horse comes on hill next to ruins of Yasoslav, it is a threat, our Cat injures him (100% hit rate for now), archer attacks him and at 1hp the horse retreats.
Pyong goes on settler just before going to size 7, we need the Iron next to ex-Yaroslav.

800 : Battle of Smolensk !
Glorious Cat fails its bombard, archer kills spear for 2hp damage, our 2nd archer dies taking 1hp off the 2nd russian spear,
our 3rd archer dies taking 1hp off the reg wounded russian spear who promotes to vet but has only 2hp.
My next unhurt unit is our Elite warrior : a 2 hp unfortified spear vs a 5hp warrior, you bet I'll take it on :mwaha:


775 : we lose our spear defending Smolensk in the interturn. We pull our forces in Smolensk we'll just have to hold on to it guys.
In the West, we take out a loose archer by Yakutsk thanks to another hit by our second glorious Cat.
Still not seen one unit of Mongols, they probably dont have an RoP with russia or are stuck in Japan.
or at war with Russia ? ;)
Amazingly we can take luxes to 0% just for this year :king:

750: No russian counter but many archers are seen coming our way.
I will get Iron so meldor can make swords and handover.
I hesitate between founding or making a colony...

730 : A horse attacks our spear protecting the workers linking Smolensk but retreats after doing 2 hp damage.
India complete Great Wall.
Colony built with a Russian slave on Iron hill next to Yaroslav. Protected by fortified vet spear and archer.
We have some units waiting of ran extra archer and for Yakutsk to go to size 2 even though I doubt it will work.
Some units can still be moved for more choices.
In 3 turns we will have a Sword army so we go on decimating the Russians until we get all their techs.
Up to meldor to decide of course :D


Lost many archers in the recent battles but we have defence to hold on to our positions for now...


Comment overheard in the Wang Kong memorial bar "Das right man, dat Skydude, he got BIG BRASS ONES!" :hammer:

That sure continued the 'Rumble' theme very nicely! Refused tribute, and despite war declaration, we go on the offensive vs Russia, then get others dragged in. It's rather nice that the Mongols have not shown up. If they don't (ever) it will just mean happiness for us and de-emphasis on building for them. If they come, hopefully our army or other forces can use terrain to get a good 5:1 or so kill ratio and bring them to quick peace.

I like the setting up of colonies - yes we need workers but the way we're fighting, we can surely spare a couple for lux or even more important, iron. Unforunate timing on Yaroslav. Good job on getting those catapults into a prominent role -- I hope Meldor can continue that theme and not have just a token effort. One minor comment - I would have turned the leader into an army immediately, to open up chance for another with an elite win, and pass to the next leader the choice of what to fill it with (I also like sword army), but otoh with only 3 turns to handoff that was thoughtful to leave it. :goodjob:

As far as next city, the ruins spot works just because there is not a side opposite the hill where they could poach. Settling directly on the iron would also work. We're tight there, but that's due to Yaloslav and the need for defense, not intentional city sprawl.

> Lost many archers in the recent battles but we have defence
> to hold on to our positions for now...

Now that's a change of pace from recent games!! In this game more than others that defense will be important. Looking at the unit list though, we're *way* short of where we want to be with catapults, thematically. For our size we would love to have 6-8. It's actually a good thing we lost our archers - their purpose is to take cities and to die, as they have little long term future and our unit support could not handle having many of them around.

Looking at the minimap, there's no question of target for the next millenium. Tis Russia, for sure. Only other wars will be long-distance, likely-psuedo, declared by others. Russia has no place else to expand though, and is a cornered bear. The autoraze rule is not our friend this war, as our next city is Yakutsk and it will go bye-bye on capture. 8-\ Looking at the area map, we could definitely use a city in that spot, and one more on top of the BG tile (geographically that's best, though not ideal to give up the BG), and backfill in the desert just south of the gold mountain. Long term a few of these cities may end up being military camps, pure rax and units (possible temple) and in the hospital era disbanded. We can't just have tiny wars where we raze a spot only to have them refound 1-2 more! We need to expand AND to get techs from the pointy stick :hammer:

One other comment overheard at the cantina... "If the Russians think the past reign was brutal on them, what will they think when they learn General Meldor is taking the helm?! :eek: "

Good luck!

Meldor <-- UP
I would have turned the leader into an army immediately
Oh I would have done it for sure...if we would have had another Elite unit :p
I wanted to keep all options open "just in case" and because of the soon hand-over, I would have made the army for sure if I had been in a position to have an Elite win ;)
730 BC (0)
Meldor-san assume grasps the seat of power and looks out over the land. We have workers that are protected by a single, unfortified spear and a Russian archer sitting next to them. I move the elite warrior out of Smolensk to scare the archer off. We have two other groups of unprotected workers within a turn or two of Russian horses. Peasking of which, it sure would be nice to have some horses, where are the nearest ones? Ahh, right there by the Russian capital...This is good. We shouldn't leave them with the culture built up in the capital, especially if we are going to keep Smolensk, which has a distinctly non-Korean sound to it.
(I) It is a good thing I moved the warrior out as the archer killed the guarding spear, only to be stopped by the warrior. If the warrior wasn't there then they could have had that stack of wariors and the horse could have moved two and got the stack behind it. The Russians move in a lot more troops. Our warrior is booted from Japan and quickly surrounded by no less than 6 Mongol archers. The Mongols then start the Great Lighthouse.

710 BC (1)
Ok we have a warrior and archer headed for Pusan, two archers near Smolensk and two archers and a horseman near the Iron Colony. I pull the forces back from Yakutsk for now. I pull the uncovered workers near Pusan back towards the city. The workers protected by the warrior are moved out of archer range. The elite warrior joins the defense of our iron colony. The warrior that was in Japan has no safe place to go so he dies attacking a Mongol Archer. I take out a warrior that is trying to get behind us but it exposes the archer to a hurt Russian archer.
(I) Ouch, the Russians start the Statue of Zues, no way we want to face AC. We lose the exposed archer even though it was in the woods. A Russian archer dies trying to take out one of the two spears guarding the settler. We finish the three swords and start three more.

690 BC (2)
We 'pult and kill an archer and move the settler in place to found our next town due South of the iron colony. Load one sword into our new army and start the others moving that way. The army stays put until the other two units can be added. With no other units nearby, we take out the Russian archer trying to heal on the mountain near our iron colony. With the settler in place, the colony is no longer of consequence and I move the spear and warrior back to Smolinsk which is protected by a single spear. That puts us down to two archers and a horse near Smolinsk and an archer that just came out of Yakutsk.

We lose a healthy archer on a hill to a wounded archer. The Russians can't resist the exposed colony and move to disband it. The Mongols start Sun's and they finish the Temple of Artemis! The Chinese complete the Hanging Gardens. The Japanese start the Great Lighthouse.

670 BC (3)
We finish loading the army and move it to the front. We kill off the wounded archer that promoted to elite killing our archer and we get and elite archer out of it. I find that one can't build a city in wetlands and so I move to protect the still important colony. I will bring up workers to rectify that situation. A Russian Galley is moving towards Namp'o protected by only a reg warrior, I move a second that direction. That leaves Wonsan exposed as its second warrior was protecting the gem colony. I have to up the lux tax by 10% for several cities but Wosan with out an MP gets a temporary clown.
(I) The Russians land an archer at Namp'o. The also attack the two spears guarding the settler givving us an elite spear. Two more archers move towards Smolinsk making it 4 archers and 1 horseman near the city.

650 BC (4)
The owrkers arrive and will start clearing wetlands next turn. Our army watches the 'pults fly and then takes out two archers in the woods near Smolinsk. One of the swords in the army pormotes, making uo for the hitpoint lost in the attacks. The road to Namp'o completed in time to get the vet warrior there with movement left over and he dispatchs the Russian archer to the great beyond. Wosan is swapped to a spear which will complete this turn. I also will need a new settler to replace Moscow. I will let Wosan do this as well. Our elite warrior, knowing that the army has stablized the front, moves back to be upgraded so he can produce another leader.
(I) The Mongols, not paying attention to the build orders, land their archer next to the empty city of Wosan. The Russians shift away from the army and towards the colony and settler.

630 BC (5)
I wake up the warrior guarding the gems and he barely takes out the archer at Wosan. I will have to replace him next turn. The spear at Wosan settles in and we are now bulding a settler there.
(I) Not much.

610 BC (6)
I take out another Russian archer with the army. Shuffle things around. It seems I can't clear wetlands in Russian territory. I will have to get rid of the culture boundary.
(I) The Rusians take out a spear guarding the settlers and workers.

590 BC (7)
Take out a horseman with the army. A new sword takes out an archer at Smolisk. The Cats advance towards the hill outside Moscow. The mongols complete the Great Lighthouse.
(I) A horse trys attacking our archer on the colony and retreats.

570 BC (8)
We kill and archer but a 1 hp horse takes out a sword. The second one does him in though. The cats start the bombardment of Moscow.
(I) More units advance.

550 BC (9)
The cats aren't doing much at Moscow. The army drops back to heal. The cats are covered by a spear and sword.
(I) Ghandi comes by asking for free handouts, we refuse and he declares. The Russians take out an archer.

530 BC (9)
I lose an elite warrior trying to kill a hurt archer, a sword finishes the job and promotes. The army advances back into the foothills of Moscow. The sword kills off an archer next to the cats. We are generally advancing across the front so that the colony and the settler is no longer in danger.
(I) The Russians prodice some more archers.

510 BC (10)
The army gains the hills on the other side of the river, in place to attack next turn.
(I) The Russian archer attempt to avoid our swords and get behind them.

490 BC (11)
Or army redlines taking out 1 stinking spear and we retreat it to heal. We take out four Russian archers in various spots. I go ahead and buy CB from Japan for 81g. I start some temples to expand borders.
(I) No Russian movement at all.

470 BC (12)
More swords to the front, the army gets to a spot to heal.
(I) Silence.

450 BC (13)
For all the turns of the cats hitting Moscow, they finally do 1 hp of damamge, which will heal. Moscow doesn't have a RAX,btw.
(I) One Russian archer appears, but is out of range.

430 BC (14)
New units coming up move to take out the archer. The army still heals.
(I) Ah, The Russians drop off another archer near Wosan.

410 BC (15)
A sword moves to meet the archer at Wosan. We take out the land based archer and advance more units. The army will begin to move next turn.
(I) The Russain archer dies at Wosan. Another archer appears with two horsemen. Our first temple completes and we get a palace expansion.

390 BC (16)
We pound a horse and take it out. The army advances with a 6 sword escort.
(I) The Rusians move to defned the capital.

370 BC (17)
The army moves into position to attack next turn. We take out an archer with our elite sword.
(I)The Russians ignore our units and try to get behind us to the iron colony.

350 BC (18)
Glory be what a portent! Both cats manage to hit something in Moscow. The army takes out two spears and the second one is one of the damaged one, can it be that the capital only has 3 spears. It is true as a sword takes out the last spear giving us a razed town and 9 more workers. We then take out 3 more archers and a horseman in the area leaving one archer and one horse to still handle. I start workers clearing the wetlands for our new city. The settler for Moscow's replacement starts moving up. I dial up Cathy and she will give us all the techs if we kick in 80g.
(I) A couple of horseman try to take out a sword and give us an elite sword and they get one retreat, one loss.

330 BC (19)
Moving the swords forward to kill the horse shows the Russia is moving a settler/spear up as well. We can't reach them this turn, but they better run for cover. We take out the horse leaving only on earcher on the map. The back area sword swing towards Yakutsk as it is now size 2.
(I) The settler/spear tries to get around us. It does pick up an archer as escort.

310 BC (20)
We move next to the settler. We bomb the other archer and take it out. We now have three swords headed for Yakutsk and three for Rostov.
(I) The Russian take out two swords with the archer and one Horse. The Russina settler/spear runs.

290 BC (21)
We take out the archer and the horse. The army is healed and on the move. Both settler ar in place.
(I)The settler spear decides not to run but to try and get by. The Russians drop anthier archer behind the lines.

270 BC (22)
We found two new cites. The army is outside Rostov. Three swords arrive outside Yakutsk and it dropped to 1, so it was whipped. We take out the spear and get two more slaves. We then take out an archer.

I will stop here. There is a settler due next turn. We have several temples now and we are about to finish the one in our capital. I will leave it to the next player as to how much pain we put on the Russians. We can get all the techs from Cathy if we kick in some gold. That may drop if we take out a couple more cities. That will leave her with 5 and between us and the Mongols. Peace with the Mongols is down to 120g, peace with the Chinese down to 100. The Indians still want 160g. Once we finish the Russians, we can take the army and about 10 swords to go make peace with the Mongols. I would kike to raze a couple of their core cities, especially the ones with wonders in them.


BTW, I didn't go back and MM the cities after swapping builds, you might take a peak at them, although a lot of them don't have much choice.
As expected, the mighty general Meldor has taken it to our mortal foe and the blight once known as "Mos-COW" is no more :hammer:

Looking at the map, I would be quite strongly prone to remove/capture Yakutsk and Rostov or take them in peace, as this gives us a single "point defense" instead of a jutting-out-finger with three sides. Plus that will make the next (and last?) war with Russia that much easier.

I love this line:

Once we finish the Russians, we can take the army and about 10 swords to go make peace with the Mongols. I would kike to raze a couple of their core cities, especially the ones with wonders in them.

:lol: Indeed, and for me it's hard not to be biased by two things:
i) the way the Mongols have treated us in RBC9 (ouch!)
ii) the fact that the Mongols were our enemies and failed us in the first Korean game. In fact, after the Russians, I most most love to see these guys go DOWN :hammer:

JMB <-- UP to take it to someone :p
Bam-Bam <-- On Deck
0 - :eek: We are banking rather heavily on that archer not beating our spearman near Wonsan... Swap a couple of back-line cities to temples and front-line cities to catapults. IBT, Grr... An archer does take out our damaged sword across the river, and the archer near wonsan takes out our spearman, capturing Wonsan :mad:. An archer from Yakutsk dies attacking our sword. We also get the FP message...

1 - Grr... The Russians whipped Wonsan and now have a spear there... Our first sword kills a reg spearman in Yakutsk, as does our second, promoting, and we raze the city. At Rostov, our army takes out the spearman and we destroy the city. We could make peace with Cathy, getting Wonsan back, but will only net two techs. I'll wait a couple of turns until we can recapture Wonsan. IBT, Japan decides to demand 31 gold. As this is the first demand from Japan (and the first demand I've received), and he declares war (go figure...). They then begin Sun Tzu's. Grr... Cathy is going to pay for whipping another spear in Wonsan (down to size 1).

2 - Not much. IBT, the Russian Archer takes out our gems colony... Cathy certainly isn't interested in endearing herself to me... The Chinese begin the Knights Templar.

3 - An elite Sword takes out a Russian horse.

4 - Our elite archer takes out a Russian archer. A reg. Spear in St. Petersburg takes out our Vet Sword. The Army goes in next and takes out the next reg spear and kills the first defender, netting us 2 workers and St. Petersburg. IBT, The Mongols lose a Keishik and begin the Statue of Zeus. The Indians begin the Knights of Templar.

5 (150 BC) - Not much. IBT, we lose a spearman and a sword to Mongolian Keishiks (they are now in their GA...). We also get a palace expansion... ( :confused: )

6 - Our first swordsman takes out the spear in Wonsan, our second dies without damaging the spear, and our third (a 3/5 elite and last attacker) wins, recapturing our city. Having achieved my objective of recapturing Wonsan, I make peace with Russia for Mysticism, Literature, Map Making, Horseback Riding, Currency, Construction, Philosophy, Code of Laws, Orenburg, and 11 gold. Cathy has but 4 cities left... Looking at the map, Orenburg (size 2, 0 defenders) is undefendable and has Chinese troops right next to it... While I'd love to take out a couple of Temujin's core cities (he is really running away with the game...), we are about to lose St. Petersburg to the Mongol horde (and our army with it...), so I look into making peace with Temujin... He'll accept peace for 100 gold (and has over 2200 gold :eek: ). As we can't defend Orenburg, I see if he'll accept it for peace... He will. While not completely in line with our Nation's character, I make peace with the Mongols, gifting them Orenburg (in 20 turns, we'll be right back after them...). Peace with the Indians could be had for 100 gold and with the Chinese for 60 gold. We really aren't in trouble from these civs, so I hold off. Polytheism is purchased from the Russians for 18 gpt (I could buy it off of the Mongols for less, but I don't want to help them out any more...). Interestingly enough (I should have noticed this earlier...), Temujin doesn't have access to any horses... Our free tech is Feudalism. Fortunately for us, Russia doesn't yet have it. If I mortgaged our entire economy, I could get both Monotheism and the Republic, but it just isn't worth it... Feudalism to the Russians for the Republic (interestingly, she has no available gpt to give...).

7 - I double whip St. Petersburg for a library.

:( Not thinking, I forgot to revolt upon getting the Republic... We do so and draw a four-turn anarchy.

In 50 BC, we finally start seeing a few Chinese troops; the Chinese also begin the Sistine Chapel. We take out their horseman and spearman. The Mongols begin Leo's and complete the Statue of Zeus.

10 AD, we bombard a Chinese spearman down to 2 hp and take him out with the army. Our two elite swordsmen cause two horsemen to retreat, the third takes one out and a vet sword takes out the second. The army takes out the third horseman. A vet sword also takes out the regular Chinese warrior threatening our workers outside of Inch'on. This turn, an Indian spearman shows up... IBT, our vet sword forces a Chinese horseman to retreat. Nothing like kicking a nation when they are down... Temujin decides to demand 43 gold from us. :mad: I give it to him (although I doubt Charis would have... ;) ). We'll come after him soon...

In 30 AD, we become a Republic. After bombardment, an elite sword takes out the Indian spear. We complete the Heroic Epic (hopefully it'll help me get a few leaders...). Pyongyang begins the FP (thinking about it now, I probably should have swapped the Epic to the FP earlier and then built the Epic).

In 70 AD, Temujin establishes an embassy with us. In 110 AD, India and the Mongols sign a military alliance against the Japanese (who appear to be down to two cities...). We kill an Indian spear settler pair, netting two slaves. In, 130 AD, the Mongols complete the Knights Templar. A bunch of Indian units show up just outside our borders. As do a number of Chinese units who are mostly taken out...

I'll finish my (IMO, rather poor; I guess that is what you get for taking time off of civing...) turns here... Unfortunately, I am not sure how many turns I played… We have something like 6 turns left on our peace treaties, so I think I played somewhere between 20 and 30…

We can get peace from the Indians for 100 gold. They have something like 2 jumbos and a few (2-3) other troops outside of Vladlvostok (or something like that...). It'll probably take 1-2 more turns before they'll be able to reach/attack us. We might be able to shuffle a few troops to the front line cities they are targeting, but while we could fend them off, we really need to build up our infrastructure and population... I'll leave it up to the next leader to decide what to do wrt continuing the war, or paying for peace.

If we accept peace with China, we can get a 300 gp discount on Engineering which we could then sell to Russia for Monotheism. Again, I'll leave it to the next leader to decide.

We can also get peace from Japan straight up (actually, we can almost get the same discount on Engineering from Japan as from China... (ie, Peace and Engineering for 520 gold and 4 gpt from the Japanese (from Temujin, Eng costs 500 and 16 gpt)) I don't think there is any reason we shouldn't take this deal (and we've never even seen a Japanese unit... :D), giving Japan a bunch of gpt (as it doesn't look like they will survive much longer...), and continuing the war with China (or perhaps mortgaging our economy for a 300 gp discount on another tech). We haven't seen any Chinese Riders yet, but once we do, I'd suggest that we make peace with China as they would likely tear through our meager defenses...

The next leader (Bam-Bam) will probably want to check through, and modify, the build queues. We could really use several marketplaces, but there has always been something more important for the cities to be producing... Bam-Bam, I hope I didn't leave any units on goto and I hope that your GL luck is better than mine...

Here's the save: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads6/RBC8WK150AD.zip

Charis <-- On Deck
Bam-Bam <-- UP

I'll post a screenshot sometime this evening...

Very good, not only taking out the close cities, but pressing on to St Petersburg -- that's the nail in the Russian coffin! :goodjob:

While it would be tempting to start another mid-anarchy war, facing Keshiks and the holder of Zeus, caving in seemed like the right strategic move. Gasp, it was painful to see those darn Mongols getting Zeus *and* Knights Templar.

The one thing we learned from the first Asian rumble must NOT be forgotten here -- if you appease a dominant powerhouse on this difficulty it will run away with the game with no hope of comeback. Between rumble 1 and seeing what happened to the Hittites in RBC9 vs the Mongols, I'm convinced we'll want a do-or-die all-out bring-in-the-dogpile war against the Mongols *before* they get cavalry, even if we don't think we're "ready" for it.

One big difference this game... our Hwatch'a will be lethal. We really can't neglect this and make token catapults, but this should probably be our main military strategy, combined arms not blitzing.

Good luck, Bam-bam,
Ouch. Sorry folks, but I am going to have to drop this one. I used to be able to support two SGs, but my schedule does not support more than one SG, and the RBGalCiv SG has my one spot filled.

Hope I didn't take too long letting you know. Again, sorry for the drop.

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