RBC8 - Revenge of the North Koreans (C3C Deity SG)

No problem on the timing, 1/4 day is much better than a week :P
Good luck with your other SG, and grats on striking a blow for "moderation" :hammer:

Charis <-- UP
Speaker <-- On Deck

Got it, but may fall asleep before starting it tonight :P
We're at war with India, Japan, and China. China and Japan are ready for peace,
but the India who are so far as to be phony, are not. Our FP is due in 8.
Russia has four cities, Monotheism and Monarchy, and NO resources :P
Mongols, Japan have those techs plus Engineering.

Mongols and India are top in power, we're middle above Japan and Russia. Our
culture is abysmal. Wonder wise, Mongols are a monster - Pyramids, Lighthouse,
Sun Tzu, ToA, Zeus, Templar, and working on Leo!

While I don't have a problem with continued fighting, there are no cities to gain
until our next war with Russia. The question is, once we take the three Russian
cities near us, what then? One of two things - a brief consolidation phase, or
near immediate war with the Mongols to keep them from growing TOO large. Captured
cites will want a rax and library, so 10ish turns of peace in preparation would be
good. Mongols are still sending out spears with their settlers, so they're not
likely at gunpowder yet. Wait too long, and they will, with Knight support.
Hitting them pre-Knights, if that were still possible, would be of benefit, but
we could not take and hold any cities really until we have the Russia cities under
our control. Hmm... just 6 turns of peace left with Russia?? That's less than expected,
and if we take peace with other civs then and hit Russia, timing is near perfect.
Peace with Mongols also lasts 6, with no conditions, so it will revert to 'normal' peace.
When we do hit Mongols, it should probably be with China as allies.

In the upcoming war with Russia we will NOT get any cities, so I expect one tech
or 1+discount, leaving them their one distant city for now. So we don't need to
buy Monotheism, unless we could buy Entr, trade it for Mono in hard cash only.
The problem there is we won't cause enough dmg to demand Monarchy, and they won't
have another tech by end of the war. Still, the peace discount coming up with Japan
or China is about all we have for money saving, and there's nothing else to spend on.
(We don't really need Monarchy anyway, as we're happily in Republic)

Conclusion for goal: beat on enemies a few more turns, then take peace with all and
"bring it" to Russia in about 6, capturing and keeping all 3 cities, then regroup
and prepare troops to fight Mongols. This will take about 20 turns, but whenever it
is, it will be up to the next leader to decide if and when to pull such a trigger.

[0] 150 AD - Nampo tile to forest so aqueduct and size match up. Pyongsong with no
shields swaps to library while Hyangsan with better shields and no need to expand
swaps from lib to rax. JMB suggests markets, and that's not a bad idea, but with need
of border expansions and units, and low commerce per city, they can wait a tad.
Temples are more useful for us, just more expensive. We may self-research far later
in the game, but won't do ANY for another era or two.
Tis tempting to Dbl whip Wonsan for Granary, which would grow back quickly, but the
current riot belies the fact it's a city with good shields. It's left to finish it.

What madness is going on at Seoul?? Not great in shields, a forest is being
chopped down pre-Engineering to save 1 turn on a horse which will be lost
immediately due to falling below 10spt? And an already mined grass is being
over-done with irrigation when there is an *unimproved* grass next to it?? :smoke:
In fact, we can mine-over an irrigated spot to hit 15spt. The workers are woken
up, and soundly beaten about the head and flank. :spank: :P

IBT - Holy cow, a SOD of 14 Indian units steps up the plate, in striking distance
this next turn or one after. China spear-cat bombards us and pillages.

[1] 170 - We bombard two jumbos and a spear. Reg sword beats that spear and promotes.
Elite sword barely beats the jumbo (and is glad for the catapult hit)
Army kills spear, but is kinda hurt and moves back.
IBT - Jumbo beats a sword, and whoa... LOTS of Indian movement!
[2] 190 - We beat a Chinese horse, then four elites attack, no ldrs. Army kills
two also. Horse wins, and that's all the dmg we can do. India has *33* units
in attack range, and we have almost all 1hp units scattered about, time for peace.
Despite killing more than losing, they must be aroused or something. It takes about
166g, or 9gpt, to buy them off. For Japan, they give us a worker for just 20g. China?
We're not done with them yet! From others, Engr is more than we have (552g+13gpt)
If we took peace now, China would discount it to 182g+13gpt (or 24gpt).
We have no more targets, that's not a bad price. Hmm... our very dmg'd army is in
range of a longbow. Not enough benefit to continue, we'll take the peace, with Engr
trade. It appears now everyone but Russia has Invention. Trade Engr for Mono?
Boo, there's a payment to be made for it, just under 400g. W/o Engr it's over 600,
so tis a decent discount, but she must be partway there. Done. Maybe she can come
up with Invention for us to extort :P All hard cash this deal. Right after deal
is done I see she has Chivalry - excellent. That'll do for an extortion goal.

Yikes! An unanticipated problem! Our people must have been downright delirious with
happiness for being at war, and the absense of conflict leaves them MISERABLE.
We must jump from 10% to 30% lest our FP city riot. Moving the roving sword in for
MP lets us kick down to 20% and just one entertainer (for 7 turns anyway)
(Duh, the sword did nothing, we're Republicans :P And why have I been expecting
to poprush temple?? :confused: ) Also, everyone (except Russia) has Theology.

IBT - Japan and Mongols come to peace. Mongols start Sistine *and* Copernicus!

[3-4-5] 210 - 250. Healing.

[6] 260 - Peace treaties expire. What to do?! :P It now reads simply 'Peace'
so there is no forced renegotiation. That's especially nice vs Mongols, but also
gives us a few turns if needed vs Russia. Is it needed? Two elites will be healed
next turn, so we'll hold one.

[7] 270 - Seoul hits 15spt. Russia, it's time. Declare honorably. Army takes out
a VERY rugged vet spear at Novgorod, exposing a reg spear and at least one bow.
IBT - No reprisal, only movement seen is two workers heading for safety.

[8] 280 - Several cities (especially with Russian names) don't take well to the
news of war. Too bad, the Wang Kong orders their food to be sold to provide
money for the war effort, and the people quiet down. Fish are not only not
biting at Novgorod, but we lose an elite sword. Three spears killed though,
then army takes the city. With a rax and marketplace, it's almost the most
developed city we have! :lol:

IBT - Russian archer dies across river vs fortified vet spear. In bigger news...

Our Forbidden Palace is complete, in Pyongyang [dance]
(Does it have any effect? Income goes from +16gpt to... +33, helpful!)

[9] 290 - The dreaded Korean catapults lash out at Vladivostok (missing thrice)
Then come horses - retreat and loss. Elites fish... win and.... WIN!
Chomung arises as a great leader! :hammer: ('bout time)
He immediately forms an army back in the core, but we're going to wait until
Knights arrive to fill it.
IBT - Nothing from Russians. We see Japan is at war with someone, can't tell
who but would guess India.

[10] 300 - Army, now healed, moves up to Vladivostok.
[11] 310 - Bizarre round at Vlad! Our army attacks a spear... 4... 3... 2... 1... yikes!
And wins. Just one hp left. Then elite sword goes after reg spear, another leader??
Well that's handy and dandy :P (I made the army even though no plans to fill it
just to make this possible, but I wasn't expecting another so soon :P )
Of course, I make a third army. After marketplace, Pyongyang could make Pentagon.
The city still stands, however.
[12] 320 - Now Trebs join the cats firing on Vladi. That helps us kill three spears,
still at least one more. Fine, send in the elite sword...

Onjo!!?? (Gah, this is almost embarrasing 8-\ Still, we'll take another leader.
At 400 shields, the Pentagon is almost worth the rush. It will take us forever to
come up with 12 Knights to fill what we have. I'll have to ponder this, so I don't
make him an army this turn. Rax and market intact at Vladivostock, cool.
I buy spices from India, both for relations and better happiness in core. Our
harbor path is clear from what I can see.

[13] 330 - Healing.
[14] 340 - More healing. Leader is now in Pyongyang. Army? Rush Pentagon? Neither?
We only have one more city to go after, so only 2-4 more elite battles before next
leader. The Pentagon would mean adding an MDI to our army (or pike, or musket),
and is definitely something we want. But do we want it NOW, or in 20 turns? We
could in that timeframe build 5 MDI? One extra empty army, or five MDI? Gosh...
I still take the extra army and build the Pentagon by hand. I think I'll start the
'gon, save the leader, and the next general can veto if needed and swap to
a cathedral, then rush the Pentagon if that's the desire.
IBT - India is swallong Japan, almost whole.

[15] 350 AD - Seoul's market is done, and seeing how we have a few cities undefended
and this waves a red flag in front of the Mongols, we set it on Pike production
for the next century, one every other turn. We move up a bit this turn.

[16] 360 - Move onto hill next to Yekaterinburg. BWT, Japan is now at just 2 cities.
We see four archers on the road and can reach us next turn.
IBT - That stack of reinforcements diverts towards Novgorod :P

[17] 370 - Sword loses, sword wins, and that was it for Yeka. Now it's open
hunting season on the archer stack. We slaughter each one. Russia won't talk yet!?
IBT - Two resistances end.

[18] 380 - Consolidate. IBT - Beijing completes Sistines, starts Copernicus.
[19] 390 - Last round of healing. IBT - Karakorum completes Leo's, India completes
Copernicus in Bangalore.

[20] 400 AD - Japan is down to its last city. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't
afford any techs. Too bad all that knowledge will disappear before too long.
IBT - Ouch! I didn't mean THAT quick. The rampaging Indians just wiped them out!

[21] 410 - Last straggling Russian archer is killed. Time for peace, methinks.
They'll give both Chivalry and Monarchy and all gold for peace. Shoot... too
bad they didn't come up with Theology or Invention. But they're way too poor to
get it, and only one small city left won't research it. I grant them peace.
Actually, they have a useless little city on south coast. I don't want it as it's
indefensible. They can however part with 5gpt too.

- Pentagon is due in 13. Could swap to Cathedral, but why? :P
- Upgrade a horse to Knight and start off the army next to Pyongyang. As you
get more, fill the other empty one with Knights. After Pentagon, add another
Knight to each, plus an MDI or a Knight (or later musket) to the sword army.
- The three new Russian cities are almost all starved down.
- There is one gap we might want to settle, so consider making a settler.
- You *do* have a MG leader sitting in Pyongyang.
- Peace with India and China are up for renewal soon. I can't see why not.
- I'm not sure if it's good or bad to leave army in Novgorod - careful.
- Don't leave any more undefended cities, in fact try to beef up the defenses
at the Mongol border. If they attack, we would be in dire straights, although if
they do not we are looking as healthy as we could hope for. If they get cav BEFORE
we fill the Knight armies it's going to be UGLY. If we can fill and get Pentagon before
any hostilities start, we're in great shape. Uh... wait...

** I talk to Temujin and look at the advisor, and see something obscene...

"The Mongols have cavalry."

Whatever thoughts we had of a new offensive now are out the window. Buddy up to
Temu for 20 turns until our armies are ready!! :eek: :wallbash:

In fact I would give the **highest** recommendation to buy ivory for 15gpt from
Mongols, which would improve relations and help him not to want to attack. The only
reason I don't do so now is not to tie next leader's hands, but... tis a good option.
(If only India and Mongols would go at it :D )

Here is the new map of Korea:


Charis (out of town Feb 7-12)
Speaker <-- UP
Skyfish <-- ON DECk

RBC8 Save File 410AD

Good luck, Speaker Kong!
If India & Mongols went at it, would Temujin trounce them as soundly as everyone else, triggering a Domination win for him? You might want to wait for the dogpile... :)
If Mongols DID trash India and we stood by we would be in the most dire of straits.

But it seems to me India is a monster. They had *3 dozen* units on our doorstep and had it not been time for peace would have eaten us alive. Then they turned around and swallowed Japan whole. That whole fog area is purple. And by score and power, India is only a tiny bit behind Mongols. Seeing those two clash and having many scores of units die before we enter the war would be fantastic for us. Do *we* want to be the ones absorbing 50ish Mongol units?? With Cav on Pikes???

War for us CANNOT come now. Over the next 20 turns we'll go from 0 Knights and 12pikes to 3 jumbo-sized Knight armies and pikes in every city, close to getting muskets. A declaration on us now would take back every inch of ground we've gained. It would be Mongols vs Hittites round 2 :lol: Actually, there we had muskets. Be cautious on economy for tech btw, if war does come, we'll need to buy India and if we're flat broke when that happens, it won't be nice. If on top of that Mongols ally them vs us... :eek:

A few nice factors, if we survive short term...
- Karakorum is NOT far from our borders, and if a declaration came when THEY weren't ready and we were, it would be razed by armies in short order.
- If we live comfortably to the H'watcha era, a huge stack of those covered by an army or two will be absolutely devastating.
- Speaker may have a nerve wracking turn, Skyfish could see devastation/glory/or preparation, and Meldor may be the hammer wielder, depending on how things go. (FYI I'm out of town 7th-12th) Good luck all!

I think ideally you'd want India and the Mongols to go to war about 10 turns before you were ready to jump in, not that you're likely to get that lucky. :) Nevertheless, my point was that if India and the Mongols went to war, you would be FORCED to jump in without a lot of delay in order to prevent one of them from gobbling the other. I think you have already come to that conclusion, though. :)
Well it turns out "halfway done" actually meant "two-more turns."

IT- I note that we are overly happy and drop the lux tax to 20%. Mongolia will accept our only Spices and 18gpt for Ivory and Furs, bumping him up to Polite and allows the lux to drop to 10% with gpt at 45. I am hoping that by giving Mongolia a luxury it will make him less likely to break the deal than if he were merely supplying us with one.

420AD (1): Upgrade one horseman to a Knight for 120 gold. Notice that we are paying the Chinese 24gpt for the pleasure of keeping peace with them (20 turns expired this turn). They will not give straight up peace, but settle for 2gpt instead. I wasn't quite sure if they would renegotiate in the IT and then give it straight up, but didn't want to risk the 22 gold.

430AD (2): Build a pikeman in Seoul. This is a bit odd. I try to move one of our armies south and notice that it only gets 2 movement points--it can only move two tiles at a time on roads. What gives? Cheju requites a taxwoman for 6 turns until its market finishes.

440AD (3): Upgrade a horse to a knight.

450AD (4): Upgrade a horse to a knight.

460AD (5): We now have a 3-knight army.

470AD (6): Upgrade a horse to a knight and build a knight.

480AD (7): Upgrade a horse to a knight.

IT- Trouble. India sneak attacks, losing a jumbo to our Elite sword in Yekaterinburg.

490AD (8): There are 5 jumbos next to St. Petersburg, with another 6 nearby. The Knight army moves over to St. Pete and kills 2. The three 'buckets cause a little ruckus and the Knight in St. Pete kills a jumbo. The sword army gets into the fray and kills a jumbo.

IT- Kill something like 6 Jumbos and lose 1 pikeman.

500AD (9): Wounded Knight army kills 3 injured Jumbos and will now need some rest. Sword kills a redlined jumbo. Elite archer kills a redlined jumbo, but no leader (oh, I just remembered that we have a leader sitting in Pyongyang, so of course there was no new GL). Sword army redlines but kills the last jumbo and our borders are relatively safe now.

Final tally is 18 dead jumbos versus 1 dead pikeman, with two heavily taxed armies. Those things really rock! :hammer:

Conclusion- I'll pass off here with a big decision to be made. Do we want to bring in Mongolia vs. India in the war. If India brought in Mongolia against us it would be quite messy. We also need to do something about our poor technology situation. If we bring in Mongolia, I would recommend bringing in Russia as well, in hopes that India will destroy them and remove our flip risk.

Kill India!
Guys I need some input before I take it, looks like a big decision for all of us to make here...
Interesting turns, and sheesh, India, did you HAVE to do that??

Despite the intense pain that would be caused if the Mongols were brought into the war, I don't think I would join them or bring in a dogpile here. Our main foe at this stage is the Mongols, and the only counterbalance they have is India. If we as a global alliance cripple India, the Mongols will have free reign.

We're 3.5 turns into the war so far, and they've not pulled in anyone against us yet. In 4-5 turns we can sue for peace, so the time in which they could get an alliance is rather short. If no other foes came in, then a defensive war putting a small hurting on them would be fine, without diverting our attentions too much or hurting India too bad.

Worse case - if India did bring in Mongols, then we ally the world against the Mongols, not the Indians! Depending when they brought them in, they may have 0, 1, or up to 4 turns of war. Sign peace then immediately bring the Indians into the dogpile vs the Mongols. THAT is the situation we want to see, world vs Mongols.

If we bring ANYONE in the war vs India we're in for 20 turns. Committing to 20 turns of pain vs Mongols is something I'm ok with, IF we can get some allies. Dogpiling India is another matter.

- Do we HAVE the finances to bring the world against the Mongols? If not, we need to get to that point ASAP, one way or the other.
- Could we last about 4 turns if an Indian-Mongol alliance formed against us? If you really think the answer is no, that may make our decision.
- If a dogpile vs India forms, against who will India send their troops? Well-defended Mongol cities, or weakly defended irrelevant foes? Surely the latter, making the Mongol losses even less, and making things even more lopsided.
- What's the relative strength of India vs Mongols. If India is as big a menace, such that a successful dogpile vs Mongols would vault them into world superpower, then there's not much harm in allying with Mongols now vs India, and playing a pretty passive war -- we would defend our cities so much that Indians would turn focus to Mongols, they would beat themselves to a bloody pulp, and we would crank out troops and try to get to Mil Trad. Then after 20 turns, if they're still equal, let the war continue, but if Mongols have taken a bigger lead, make peace with India and IMMEDIATELY ally India vs Mongols :hammer:

So think really hard before initiating an Indian dogpile :rolleyes:
Good luck Skyfish, and I hope you get to read this and at least think about it before playing :P
Originally posted by Charis
We're 3.5 turns into the war so far, and they've not pulled in anyone against us yet. In 4-5 turns we can sue for peace, so the time in which they could get an alliance is rather short.[
Actually 2.5 turns in, but you are right, we could get peace in a few turns assuming no alliance on either side.

- Do we HAVE the finances to bring the world against the Mongols? If not, we need to get to that point ASAP, one way or the other.
- Could we last about 4 turns if an Indian-Mongol alliance formed against us? If you really think the answer is no, that may make our decision.
- If a dogpile vs India forms, against who will India send their troops? Well-defended Mongol cities, or weakly defended irrelevant foes? Surely the latter, making the Mongol losses even less, and making things even more lopsided.
- What's the relative strength of India vs Mongols. If India is as big a menace, such that a successful dogpile vs Mongols would vault them into world superpower, then there's not much harm in allying with Mongols now vs India, and playing a pretty passive war -- we would defend our cities so much that Indians would turn focus to Mongols, they would beat themselves to a bloody pulp, and we would crank out troops and try to get to Mil Trad. Then after 20 turns, if they're still equal, let the war continue, but if Mongols have taken a bigger lead, make peace with India and IMMEDIATELY ally India vs Mongols :hammer:
1) We're making around 120gpt, so I think we can afford to bring in everyone.
2) We could last if by "last" you mean not be eliminated, but we would lose several if not many cities. Once you get past our frontline we are poorly defended.
3) We currently have two areas where the Indians are attacking, one of them using a Mongol RoP. A war would stop that and allow us to defend one area.
4) Last I checked, India is slightly more powerful than the Mongols, although I'm not sure India is as advanced. I didn't see any Indian Cavalry.

FYI, the Russians are down to a few cities, and after that only China, India, and the Mongols remain.

Welcome back Charis. We missed you. :hammer:
Great feedback thanks all !
Good I hadn't started playing :p
I had planned to finish this week-end but RL gotten into the way of this big time :sad:

I have started playing so I would like to continue, I hope you dont mind if I am a bit late, sorry.
This game has longer turns and I probably should have mentioned that players should feel free to take about double the time to play them. So go ahead, please do continue and finish them up (preferably before too long ;) )

And good luck!
510 : Bring reinforcements to the front, move pikes from city to city towards the south.
Eastern city of yekaterinaburg is under danger so I bring 2 knights in it for defense, one can fortify.

ibt : Mongols start Newtons and look Industrial to me...
3 Jumbos attack Yekaterinburg, we lose 1 knight but the attack fails the city is still ours !
We lose our wounded curragh in Indian waters :(


520 : our one fortified Vet knight in Yekat resists 2 wounded Jumbos attacking and promotes to Elite.
A huge stack of outdated units (mostly warriors and spears) come towards St Petersburg (this city must contain some future resource)
Stretching our front from East to West...It s time for drastic measures, we still have a lot of infra builds while
in serious danger, I rush a few buildings garnering a treasure will only attract more demands..
That army moving by only 2 tiles even on road is absolutely horrible ! I then realize We have 15 cities !
Just one more and we can use or more army, there is also a source of Iron in unclaimed territory.
Inchon needs a duct and can produce a settler now.

530 : A second huge stack appears, this is getting dicey.


Our knight kills the spear by St Pete and goes down to 1hp but the Army takes care of the whole stack for *no* hp loss (ok 't was only warriors :D)
Trebuchets injure the lone pike who gets taken out by our elite knight.
Just north of Novgorod, 3 trebs bombard a small pike SoD but only 1 succeeds. Our sword army takes out 2 pikes and our MedInf takes out the warrior. Only 1 reg warrior is left from that SoD, so whoever attacks it will be left uncovered next to a huge Indian SoD.
Heck thats what archers are for in the Middle Age no ? The Elite takes it out with no hp lost and is honoured as a hero. May he take many indian lives before they get him :cry:
Thats 7 indian units for no loss this turn.

ibt :The Archer takes 3 Indians warriors before losing his heroic life :D
Pillaging from India begins.

540 : Finally the empty army is near the Front : a knight is joined in.


In St Pete, first treb succeeds on spear, 2nd also on MedInf (all reg), under its warriors. The 1 knight army attacks and
wins vs the spear. The army kills the medinf and the warrior under and, out on a limb, reaches for the lone spear across river
and in reach of the huge SoD. It kills the spear but loses 3hp. Will the SoD attack it next turn ?
In Novgorod the sword army takes out the lone wounded warrior and retreats back into town. Walls are rushed in St Pete and
Novgorod. Trebs hit 3 out of 2. The 2 knights from Yekaterinburg come over to defend Novgorod. The Elite knight
takes out on their spear. A med inf has a go but loses. Still its 5 to 1 this round.
Here is after the battle.

ibt : The Pentagon completes !
The south SoD ignores Novgorod and moves out of our territory 1 tile up north and the 2nd (smaller) SoD moves up 1 tile
north to attack St Pete. More annoying is that a lone mongol musket enters our territory...
550 : I have 1 reg Knight produced by mistake in Wonsan, I will load it in our existing army with 2 elites. A vet knight
will be loaded in the 1knight army. Another vet knight is loaded and we have a new (almost full army) we're running out of units to fill our armies with this wonder :lol:
Indians still refuse to talk...
The 2 trebs in St Pete succeed. The new army from within StPete takes out 2 MedInfs and one of its members promote to Elite :D
The 4-knight army attacks the SoD by St Pete and takes out a spear and a medinf. The SoD is now reduced to a 2hp MedInf and a reg archer...
Our trebs in Novgorod wound a lone spear and the sword army takes it out. Two Jumbos threaten Yekaterinaburg so our pike moves back into it,

ibt : Our pike survives the 2 5hp-jumbos attack and promotes to elite with 1hp left !

560 : Finally ! The Indians are willing to talk and certainly due to the amount of units we have killed we can get a huge discount on the 2 techs we need : Theo and Invention. Paying them gpt might also help prevent another attack :blush:
We can still make more damage though. The starting price is Peace +Theo+Invention for 285g+64gpt.
Five trebs hit in a row ! Small army takes out 3 swords in a row, sword army takes out an archer and a warrior, a knight takes out
a wounded spear. Our big army takes out 3 medinfs but is seriously hurt. Finally we take 2 seriously wounded units out.
Well in the end all this blood is worth 100g :D Better than nothing.
To India : Peace+Theo+Invention for 185g+64gpt. Luxes have to be upped to 20%.

570 : Troops are reshuffled with one army in each border city. There is a loose Iron near Yekat
that we absolutely need ! I partial rush a temple there, its too valuable. Military orders are kept on
as we still need to beef up our military badly.

580 : I found a fishing village South by Yekat : it will help the cultural battle for the Iron and thats our 16th city [party]

590 : Temple rushed in Yekat. Incense are available from India but not useful at that price...

610 : Lib rushed in Taejon. Our deal with Russia comes to an end next turn, I sign another one with no counterpart so that we can
attack them if need be without too much damage to our rep.

620 : Loads of units complete, it s a good moment to hand over the reins of power at a time of peace and rebuilding for the Wang Kons.
Now knowing my illustrious follower of course that might be asking a bit much ;) We could go and kill off the Russians soon with our
uber-armies, however that would leave us open to attack and could very well trigger a nasty dogpile.


Heres the save : http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads6/RBC8-620_AD.zip
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