Realpolitik's PBEM Thread

I sent the save to aysee a few hours ago.

Scoutin' :hide:
just got home
Played and sent. I'm really doubtful about my starting actions now.
finally got to it. playing now

EDIT: sent
Save passed to TT.

There there rivals... it's allright to question yourselves and your actions when you know i got an awesome start. If i got all this good luck then someone had to get the bad luck :D
I love my start :)
Played and Sent :)
I will not comment on my start yet.

Shaka Dem Taqat :ar15:

PS. I know I'm Hatty, but shaka is a more zulu sounding name
Who has the save right now?
I know I haven't.

In fact I was just going to ask where it was myself.

Shaka Dem Taqat :ar15:
I do have it, Aysee had a long day yesterday. on it!
Save sent to TT.
Played and sent

Shaka Dem Taqat :ar15:
So, Aysee is up again. Try not to take another day. :p
On it, boss. :salute:
Save to TT
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