Reboot Role Play Challenge: The Mighty Kahn


RPC Supergenius
Oct 6, 2006
New York City
Welcome to the first reboot of the Role Play Challenge : The Mighty Kahn!

These games are meant to be educational and fun!

Fellow Civfanatics, I bring you the Mighty Kahn!!
Ghengis is a true Mongol King and in my opinion the best warmonger in the game! However, I have always felt that many on these forums (at least 10 years ago!) always underestimated him. Traits aggressive (FREE COMBAT 1) and Imperialistic (faster GGs) work real well together, plus a strong UU and the GER which work well together.

But let me tell you about The Mighty Kahn, HE ALONE RULES! Thus here are the rules of this RPC

1) Genghis can only win by Conquest! A Kahn does not take vassals. All other options are allowed for other leaders.
2) Only proper Mongol cities are permitted, thus all cities captured MUST be raised (Capitals, Holy Cities, Wonder cities, etc...). In addition, it is encouraged that we pillage as much land as possible.
3) The Khan can cottage and run specialists as he see's fit, but expansion must be by Mongol settlers.
4) The Khan thinks great wonders are a waste, however he will allow a select few such as The Great Wall, the Statue of Zeus, and the Pentagon. All National wonders are allowed.

Well those are enough rules, different enough from the Classic RPC game. As a reminder of my view on RPCs, they should be fun and reflect my feel on how the CIV personality is, thus I have been know to "Break a few Rules". With that said I believe Genghis is an honorable, if brutal leader and do not plan on breaking these rules.

So onto our leader


Note the Stats on the UU and UB.

Game settings


I know many do not prefer Marathon speed, but that is what I play on and the map is LARGE. Also makes a good RPC game/story

And the start


The Mongolians start with Hunting and the wheel, one turn from animal husbandry and fast chariots. We start with a scout which I find is a big benefit at the beginning to explore and get more goodie huts! Of course they help to find our adversaries :devil:

But the first question, where to settle, where does the scout go, and what do we research first.

Segment 1: Birth of the Mongolians
Segment 2: The Sea Wall
Segment 3: Building The Early Horde
Segment 4: Invasion of Germany
Segment 5: Establishing a Stronghold on The Second Continent
Segment 6: The Destruction of Washington
Segment 7: Building The Empire and Horde
Segment 8: The End of America


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But the first question, where to settle, where does the scout go, and what do we research first.

A good khan knows the value of rivers for trade and transport, and, although fortifications are for fools, a good defensible position for a capital seems like an option way better than camping in a forest.
Settle on the corn to feed more people asap. Tech woodcutting to attack other tribes using sticks.
But the first question, where to settle, where does the scout go, and what do we research first.
Khan is dealt a scout for some reason. Move it for max view (nw, n or hill) Then the settling question may be solved. Don't pop hut before settling. What to tech does not interest Khan for several years (5 turns normal speed, no idea for marathon).
Khan is dealt a scout for some reason. Move it for max view (nw, n or hill) Then the settling question may be solved. Don't pop hut before settling. What to tech does not interest Khan for several years (5 turns normal speed, no idea for marathon).
Enemies should be more far. Chance to meet low. Reason for delaying techs will be different. To find out what to do. And in what order. There is food but are there any animals? There are hills but maybe something more good and shiny? There is sea but is there fish? Can we find way to learn Horseback Riding soon?
Naah, sea tiles sounds fishy. Think PH n,nw perhaps promising. Two turn walk but gain hammer. Should be even better on marathon than normal speed.

If stones are around then Pyramids for Police State. Khans favorite civic!
Have you ever seen a Khan stride the waves like a Keshik? I think not! Leave that barren wet nonsense and move inlands towards the plains to have better chances of finding steeds!
Oh my, this map... our mighty Khan will have to come up with some serious ideas on how to overcome the initial hurdles.

Spoiler :
I think a 4 to 6-city Keshik "migration" might be in order
Segment 1: Birth of the Mongolians!

The mighty Khan awakens at dawn and leaves his hut, ignoring the putrid smells from the wild animal skins that formed his nomadic home. He sees his loyal Mongol people, simple settlers as well as his proud warriors, plus his valued scouts waiting in the west. He reflects the life-style, legends handed down by story which changed with every telling, feeding the masses by what they can kill and gather, and the tediousness of changing camps. NO, there must be more for his people, and he has visions of what his people will become.

He calls all over to him and speaks, "Mongols, we have moved long enough and need a more stable place to live, away from savage beasts, savage men, and savage winds. It is now time we settle as one people and take land that is rightfully ours! We know how to hunt, that is enough for today, and we know how to travel, but we MUST learn more to survive. " The people are hesitant what to expect, their leader is known to be ruthless and brutal at times, but they also know his dedication to them. SO they will listen and follow.

" My people, this is what we must do......."

So the Mongolians start with hunting (the reason we get a starting scout) and the wheel, simply one tech away from animal husbandry. But where to settle the capital

Genghis moves the scout west and the settler 1 space NW. We need land, a coastal start is not ideal especially with no seafood.


no resources to the west, no much to the north except a desert tile.

Well, we head both scout and settler north, to reveal


Not much except a few sheep, but looks like we can split this area in half, a river and a hill. We decided to settle on the hill (The hell with the desert and coast tile). Scout went east, the mongol started researching agriculture which speeds up animal husbandry as the second tech.

The scout immediately popped the technology of agriculture from a goody hut, and we started on animal husbandry. Let's see right away if we got horses for early chariots and Keshiks.


Well now, we certainly do!!!!! In fact we are well isolated on this peninsula, only one way to us, from the south. We started researching mining and BW, let's see how aggressive we can be to our future southern neighbors.

So our scout does some scouting and we got a second scout, 204 gold, 117 gold. The they both became dinner for the local lion pride. That is OK, because after mining a hill in the capital we actually popped a gold resource! :)

Build order went: Worker, 5 warriors, then a settler

And how to secure the horses?


2 food sources with the first border pop, horses ASAP, now I will secure a coastal city. Since we have slow growth until the first border pop, I started on a barracks working the unimproved horse tile.

Meanwhile our multiple warriors go out and fog bust a bit.

We also finished Bronze Working and


OK, so no copper. I say we drop 2 more cities to the east, and one to the west before we need to settle the south. Of course the location of iron would dictate which direction first.

But the question is what direction we head in research?


Archery and IW first for better military? Mysticism sooner for monument to feed our second city? Or perhaps a path of fishing/pottery/writing for a bit of economy first?

The capital looks good so far


The gold helps us research fast, one reason I am leaning towards the mysticism and the economic techs.

Oh, by the way we did meet one victim, I mean civilization


Fred, easier early in the game but difficult long term. Not sure how far south he is and if it's land accessible (another reason for the coastal city).

So my friends, how is the Mighty Khan doing so far???


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To get to your nearest neighbor, you have to go through

  • An arid plains
  • A small desert
  • A jungle
  • Another, larger desert
  • Possibly more land as-yet-unexplored.
Game going "no, you shall not get to have fun with Keshiks."
Mighty Mongolian Keshiks move effortlessly through terrain that would hinder lesser horsemen!
Segment 2: The Sea Wall.

The Mongolian advisers meet with the Khan about what to do. Ghengis listens, then raises his hand for silence. "The land is challenging to the south, even for our courageous scouts and future chariots. Let us build up our homelands first, only a fool rushes rushes expansion without being prepared. BUT, perhaps we can get a little more knowledge of our neighbors."

SO the Mongolians decide to establish a stronger homebase. While Beshbalik contructs the barracks, the empire researches Mysticism/fishing/pottery/writing while the capital builds 2 warriors for fogbusting, 2 scouts for exploring, and a settler. We have the land for some early commerce and we really need to feed Beshbalik.

The warriors are sent to fogbust (poor land but easy to fogbust) while the 2 scouts are sent south to determine what is beyond the jungles and deserts.



We find when the Germans are, either off the coast or part of a snaky peninsula (both possible in Big/Small games), unfortunately the lion pride continues to feast on Mongolian scouts. We finish writing and look to the next tech set


We opt for archery and sailing, always a good thing to have archers in case Barb axes slip through the fogbusters and sailing because we may need that to trade with the Germans (or perhaps a little pillaging!).

Meanwhile, we drop city #3 in the south, blocking the peninsula and getting a second post city (me thinks we will need this).


And open borders with Fred since we have sailing.


WE start building a few chariots to finish exploring the south and pop one last goody hut (we got a scout who was screaming for vengeance on the viscous lion pride).


Well, that definitely dictates what must be done. Good news is that there is a copper source way south. BUT, we did opt to research after sailing


Revealing iron in the capital BFC!


AT this point I saved to ponder what to research next


The research pace is going well led by a strong capital, but the treasury has just run dry


The Khan sits on his throne as his explorers relate the lands to the south. The warriors are eager for battle although the workers are less that eager to toil all the jungle and desert lands. Seams the Mongolian spirit has been dampened by the formidable coasts!

The Khan rises and laughs! " My people, it is time to build ships! If we need to become pirates, so be it! " The Mongols start cheering and start clearing forests to build some ships.

So Civfanatics, what do we research next? Masonry to finish the classical era? Horseback riding to bring chaos across the ocean to Germany? Metal casing for triemes to protect our galleys? Mongolian swords/axes are likely more than enough to start settling the German continent. One thing we do need is a few Galleys to explore a bit.

My thinking is to hold off on settling to the south and concentrate settling another land mass. We can always settle the south later, and if we find unwelcome guests.... :devil:


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Developing jungle and desert are tasks better suited for less glorious people than mighty Mongolia!
Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, but it looks like the iron is not actually in the BFC of the capital?

Edit: Also, that bit of island NE of your capital looks interesting. Might be worth poking around with a fishing boat or galley to see if you can get an easy intercontinental trade route or two there.
Correction, the iron is outside the BFC but within the capital culture.
Pigs south i would settle, nice green river there too (even if some are under jungle, and mongolian workers are lazy ;)).

Desert hill east above pigs, where a brave warrior guards already, makes a very good city.
Bit warm there, but our Kahn is not afraid of some desert.

New islands north, with tasty sheep still roaming free, could increase trading activity for the mongolian Empire.
What does the mighty Kahn think about coins and currency?
Better mathematical calculations could also lead to increased returns from forests, so much wilderness around Karakorum.
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