Yeah, definitely that argument doesn't make much sense.
But what I'm a bit worried is about the culture, vision and what's fun for the franchise. Things like what the developer said on reddit regarding the implementation of the World Congress, in which they would not add mechanics that mean nothing when used on a human player. For example, asking the AI to vote on something. So they did this "favor" yield.
Basically, I'm noticing that the design trend is going more and more about competition between players for everything, abstract "magical" yields, some which appear out of nowhere*, less simulation, fast paced game, smaller maps... I understand that many people love this direction, but I'm kinda on the opposite side.
* The other day I was watching a YouTube video in which it was in a fully snow world. No food production whatsoever. But then you plop an internal trade route and voila! food is created (?). A more "simulationist" approach would be what was done in AoW: Planetfall, in which cities can contribute half or all their food surplus and other cities can take from it. Basically, the food other cities get exist, and they are not created out of nowhere.