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Red Europe

What did you think of this scenario?

  • Incredible! I am impressed!

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • This map is pretty good.

    Votes: 17 41.5%
  • This map kinda sucks...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This is complete crap!

    Votes: 8 19.5%

  • Total voters


Civ3 Scenario Creator
Dec 27, 2002
Sacramento, CA
Red Europe V 1.0 By Sarevok:

After his annexations of Austria and Czechoslovakia, Hitler gets a secret intellegence report saying that Josef Stalin has secretly built up the Red Army, and had annexed the Baltic States, the Memeland, a third of Poland, and Moldavia secretly. Hitler secretly meets with the Slovakian and Hungarian leaders, and they both join the Third Reich.. But suddenly, The Soviet Union Invades Eastern Europe... Somewhat caught off guard, Hitler has to make a choice: Should he hold his ground with Mussolini? or should he request aid from his enemies Britain and France? Hitler understands that his plans for creating a greater Germany might be ruined by the attack. while all this is happening in eastern europe, Edouard Daladier and Neville Chamberlain meet in london to discuss the situation. They know that the Soviets could bring down Hitler for them, but they also realized that they would be next. they chose to wait until the soviets come to them, and until Roosevelt could send in support for the English. Stalin had been secretly planning this invasion for a long time, and he hoped to fufil his dream of a Red Europe...

This is a PTW scenario, the chosen player is the Soviet Union. the scenario uses the European Terrain modpack that comes with PTW. You should have it in the extras folder, and the scenario will look for it there. Expect more european based scenario's soon!

- Sarevok

Very Playable Nations: Soviet Union, German Reich, Great Britain.

More Difficult Nations: France, Spain.

Very Difficult Nations: Italy, Greece.

Under No Circumstances: Neutral Nations, Poland, Iraq and Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey.


  • red europe v1.0.zip
    84.6 KB · Views: 5,311
This sounds like an interesting scenario. Just one question though: were Iraq and Kuwait nations back during WWII? I thought they were part of Persia, controlled by the British and they didn't became nations until after WWII. I will download this scenario after work and give it a try tonight.
nice story...altought i cant realy download it, my CD drive is dead or something, so cant really play it, :(
what do you ecactly mean by hold his ground with Mussolini but it looks and sound quite good otherwise.
I meant to hold his ground with mussolini because first Benito Mussolini, the Duce of Italy was Hitler's ally since 1935. And by holding his ground, i meant that there would be no way in hell that the german player would be able to go on the offensive against the Soviets unless the german player attacks first, but even then they would be driven back and forced on the defensive: The U.S.S.R is way too strong for Germany with an army of well over 500 units (equivalent to around 12-15 million troops to Germany's 3-5 Million). For an example, I beat germany in three weeks (three turns) and currently im camping on the french border with over 100 units (2.5 million troops). :tank: :soldier: :tank: :soldier:
Oh i see what you mean hold groun along with mussolini not hold his ground in a war with mussolini
Originally posted by Ed O'War
This sounds like an interesting scenario. Just one question though: were Iraq and Kuwait nations back during WWII? I thought they were part of Persia, controlled by the British and they didn't became nations until after WWII. I will download this scenario after work and give it a try tonight.

Iraq and co was created after WWI i think, when France wanted to split the Persian Empire. the Brits stayed there as "police" or something i read, then, when the war broke out, Iraq turned pro Nazi and germany tried to supply it with 109s, But Britian took control of Iraq in 6 days.... Not sure about Kuwait though.
I think someone is going around and giving scenarios which seem popular bad thread/poll ratings, Sarevok. Someone did the same to my ACW scenario tonight, as they did to your scenario here.

Its happened to me several times in the last couple weeks, twice by someone using multiple user names.

I've given your scenario a positive rating, all of your Cold War scenarios look good.
(this is my only cold war scenario...)

hmm, thats unfortunate that someone would do that. I played your scenario, and I know that it is one of the best here.

either way, to any who it might concern, do not pay any attention to that vote in the poll.
I havent been on to respond online for a while, why you ask? I was playin this scenario nearly non-stop! This is good stuff :D

And about the guy who gave you the crap rating, he can just go :suicide: and then go to :flamedevi :satan: :flamedevi , :lol:
The description of this scenario sounds great! I just have 1 question : how do you load it? I downloaded it and cant find it any where on PTW....
So now people need to explain why they voted like they did? If you do not want people giving your scenario a bad rating, dont put those options on the poll.
I am have only heard good comments, no bad ones. Then some random person thought it was funny to make an ID and give post that get good comments bad marks. It just so happens those kinds of people rarely post with their new ID... and they usually also try to make some sort of an excuse for the person who made the bad rating which is probably themselves. Sound familiar?
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