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Reforestation for VP


May 31, 2015

It's the same mod as the original with some modifications for VP

  • Can't plant on snow or desert.
  • Workers can plant a forest and/or a jungle depending on the latitude.
  • Small chances of having a resource that appears but only for camps, plantations or lumbermills.


  • framedarchitecture: creation
  • civplayer33: no snow
  • adan_eslavo: lua, sql correction
  • gwennog: art, sql
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in original i noticed ai sometimes will plant forest on farm, build farm on forest, then immediately plant again.... not that often though i think, hard to say. i imagine these quirks persist here

Yes, I don't know how (and even if it is possible) to change the behavior of the AI?
I add improvement flavors but I don't know if they work. There is none in VP :confused:.
iirc, some of the community here have speculated that flavors have little to no effect on AI, though in past experimenting i'm not sure its entirely irrelevant.. regardless, i'm guessing its impossible using flavors to do anything meaningful (could be wrong though). i think this would be a dll side fix to eliminate these things entirely.

it seemed relatively rare that this ai behaviour occurred, or at least that i noticed it happening... if its frequent enough to be a problem though, blocking plant forest on existing improvements might fix this most of the way, though that would seriously limit its usage... some kind of creative set of restrictions though maybe.. maybe forest can only be planted next to existing forest or fresh water? could limit the tiles available for planting to the ai this way, and thus limit the occurence of odd loops, though not entirely

anyway, i still find it very playable with these occasional ai oddities, thanks again!
blocking plant forest on existing improvements might fix this most of the way, though that would seriously limit its usage...

Good idea but this amounts to limiting the planting to tundra tiles :blush:.

I may have a lead but I haven't analyzed the thing. Before becoming a forest, the worker builds a forest plantation improvement (IMPROVEMENT_PLANT_FOREST). This one having no yields value, it isn't sought by the AI. If I put values in it, doesn't the AI compare to the value of the initial improvement?
but I may be completely wrong. :dunno:
Before becoming a forest, the worker builds a forest plantation improvement (IMPROVEMENT_PLANT_FOREST). This one having no yields value, it isn't sought by the AI. If I put values in it, doesn't the AI compare to the value of the initial improvement?

It does, since it's very likely the same logic for automated workers (for example, with the community events mod and Brazil, your automated workers won't build logging camps even if they have nothing else to do, since the gold gain doesn't outweigh the food loss from the unimproved jungle until you get that industry policy or research combustion).
On top of this, if the AI is able to "see" the yields granted by buildings, beliefs, policies, etc. when planting a forest by making these give the corresponding yields to the plant-a-forest improvement, the AI (specially the civs with a cultural victory bias thanks to the zoo) should plant forests more often.
It does, since it's very likely the same logic for automated workers (for example, with the community events mod and Brazil, your automated workers won't build logging camps even if they have nothing else to do, since the gold gain doesn't outweigh the food loss from the unimproved jungle until you get that industry policy or research combustion).
On top of this, if the AI is able to "see" the yields granted by buildings, beliefs, policies, etc. when planting a forest by making these give the corresponding yields to the plant-a-forest improvement, the AI (specially the civs with a cultural victory bias thanks to the zoo) should plant forests more often.

Yes, since the last post (very old) I have tried a bit in this direction but thanks for confirming. There is a double problem with my modifications, planting a forest can give a jungle, in fact, the bonuses will not be the same and suddenly the second problem is how to dose the bonus of the IMPROVEMENT_PLANT_FOREST.
v.3 Online,
  • Workers can plant a forest and/or a jungle depending on the latitude.
  • New art.
  • Plant forest and Plant Jungle are improvements whose bonuses should make the AI choose them the same way as other improvements.
Did you create this new art? I needed new marsh icons for UCS.
Yes, these are not real 3D Icons made with blender but I'm not unhappy with the result :). I used paint.net and some tips from Asterix for the promo icons.
On the other hand there is nothing visible on the ground, no new 3D models, these are only the icons that I modified.

If it's just icons you're looking for, I'm willing to try, or give you the recipe, at your convenience :hatsoff:.
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