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Unity - JFD-US-DMS-THP-G&H's Ireland - Brian Boru for VP

There you go.
Thank you :thumbsup:, I now see how I could do it but it will take a slightly twisted formula to increase the modifier. Something like +2% :tourism: Tourism Bonus per Teach Tábhairne present in the cities of the influenced civilization.
pPlayer:ChangeInfluenceOnPlayer(iOtherPlayer, iTourismvalue, false, false)
iTourismvalue = (pPlayer:GetTourism() x (100 + pPlayer:GetTourismModifierWith(iOtherPlayer) + BuildingBonus))/100 - (pPlayer:GetTourism() / (100 + pPlayer:GetTourismModifierWith(iOtherPlayer)))
I'll work on that but in the meantime I'll release a version with some bugfixes and such.
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v.3 Online:

  • A few omissions for the Fili such as the purchase cooldown with :c5faith: Faith or the modulation of :c5culture: Culture points according to the :greatwork: GW of Literature created

  • Add +1 :c5moves: Movement to the Fiann (not a promotion, therefore lost to upgrade)
  • Cluain Eraird give +1 :c5faith: Faith, +1 :c5science: Science and +1 :c5gold: Gold to all temples instead of normal bonus
  • Chances to a Teach Tábhairne appear in foreign cities were 5 x Influence Level, nerfed to 3 x.
  • Now Teach Tábhairne gains + 1 :c5greatperson: GMusician point in each of your cities per Teach Tábhairne present in your cities instead of in foreign cities
  • Now Teach Tábhairne gains +5 % :c5faith: Faith and :c5production: Production towards :c5influence: Diplomatic Units in City per Major Civilization you're at least Popular with instead of +10%
@Enginseer, please, do you know if there is a way to modify the Tooltip content (pPlayer:GetTourismModifierWithTooltip(iOtherPlayer)) to display in the Culture Overview panel, the modifier from Teach Tábhairne ?
i dont know
@gwennog there is a mod conflict possible between this mod and the extra religious beliefs (sic) mod. In what I'm guessing is a mod load order issue I started a game and instead of the lia fail building the capital started with the religious belief's Apakana (sic) wonder.
@gwennog I'm also hitting a problem with this mod that I've encountered on prior G&H mods like Ainu and Scotland, but its a bug that's also occurred on other custom civ mods like Israel. When I start a game the music plays the initial custom theme and then no further music plays. If I click into another Civ's leader screen their leader screen music plays perpetually. I tried changing SQL to omit addition of the custom music but then the loading screen music plays without halt. Do you know how to fix this?
I'm also hitting a problem with this mod that I've encountered on prior G&H mods like Ainu and Scotland, but its a bug that's also occurred on other custom civ mods like Israel. When I start a game the music plays the initial custom theme and then no further music plays. If I click into another Civ's leader screen their leader screen music plays perpetually. I tried changing SQL to omit addition of the custom music but then the loading screen music plays without halt. Do you know how to fix this?
It surprises me for the other custom civs (Ainus and Scotland) but for Ireland, there is indeed a problem.
The specific soundtrack (the Celts for this civ) is deleted in the SQL database on loading. This comes from the IrelandBrianBoru_ModSupport.sql file. I will post a fix but until then just open it and comment out or delete the following lines :
UPDATE Civilizations
SET SoundtrackTag = (SELECT SoundtrackTag FROM Civilization_JFD_CultureTypes WHERE CivilizationType = 'CIVILIZATION_JFD_IRELAND_BRIAN_BORU')
there is a mod conflict possible between this mod and the extra religious beliefs (sic) mod. In what I'm guessing is a mod load order issue I started a game and instead of the lia fail building the capital started with the religious belief's Apakana (sic) wonder.
I don't know if the New Beliefs mod still works since part of it is now in VP, anyway your bug is weird (why replacing one building with another?). I'll take a quick look at this.
v.5 online:

Music bugfix
Teach Tábhairne Change
  • Foreign Teach Tábhairne no longer give a :c5culture: Culture and :tourism: Tourism bonus in the Irish Capital but a bonus for Ireland of 2% :tourism: Tourism output per building on the target Civilization.
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I don't know if the New Beliefs mod still works since part of it is now in VP, anyway your bug is weird (why replacing one building with another?). I'll take a quick look at this.
FWIW I was playing with the prior version of VP that didnt integrate the new buildings, but I was also using the corresponding version of this mod. I think it had to be a mod load order issue
It surprises me for the other custom civs (Ainus and Scotland) but for Ireland, there is indeed a problem.
The specific soundtrack (the Celts for this civ) is deleted in the SQL database on loading. This comes from the IrelandBrianBoru_ModSupport.sql file. I will post a fix but until then just open it and comment out or delete the following lines :
UPDATE Civilizations
SET SoundtrackTag = (SELECT SoundtrackTag FROM Civilization_JFD_CultureTypes WHERE CivilizationType = 'CIVILIZATION_JFD_IRELAND_BRIAN_BORU')
thanks for looking into this, I don't have enough familiarity with modmodding to know where to look for likely causes of errors.
I think I'm misremembering Ainu. For Scotland the bug was slightly different, music would play then cease but the skip song mod was able to then jump the playlist onto the next item
@gwennog some non breaking stuff to flag which may nonetheless be relevant.
When this mod is loaded I cannot open the debug database with SQLitespy. An error is thrown and it pertains to the blocks in GameDefines.sql that are CREATE TRIGGER ... BEGIN ... END.
These blocks don't break the generation of the relevant changes: the UA of +1 faith and +1 tourism still work.
I have encountered an issue with IGE causing the game to crash when used in conjunction with this mod. I have no idea if they are related but they might be
some non breaking stuff to flag which may nonetheless be relevant.
When this mod is loaded I cannot open the debug database with SQLitespy. An error is thrown and it pertains to the blocks in GameDefines.sql that are CREATE TRIGGER ... BEGIN ... END.
These blocks don't break the generation of the relevant changes: the UA of +1 faith and +1 tourism still work.
I have encountered an issue with IGE causing the game to crash when used in conjunction with this mod. I have no idea if they are related but they might be
Thank you for this feedback. There are indeed triggers to be sure that all Buildings/Improvements/Features/ that would be added after loading this mod are taken into account.
On the other hand, I never had a problem with opening the debug database. I think you are playing with a mod that I haven't tested.
Could you tell me which trigger crashes? There are 3 : TraitBuildingBrianBoru, TraitImprovementBrianBoru and Trait_FeatureYieldChanges
Could you send me the list of mods you use during the crash (and/or the lua.log) ?
For Scotland the bug was slightly different, music would play then cease but the skip song mod was able to then jump the playlist onto the next item
I'm currently playing a game with Scotland, nothing like that, the piece ended very slowly with 1-2 seconds of blank, maybe that's what you heard (or rather not heard :))
FWIW I was playing with the prior version of VP that didnt integrate the new buildings, but I was also using the corresponding version of this mod. I think it had to be a mod load order issue
Precisely, the triggers are used for that and I have just tested, I do not have this problem. New Belief is loaded after Ireland but the trigger correctly integrates religious buildings.
I think there may be a conflict with another mod among those you are using.
The current World Congress:


The Cluain Erairt gives:

+1 Vote at the World Congress per Major Civilization you're at least Popular with

This will give him probably 15 delegates.

I am playing with the World Congress Reformation mod, which gives

Ancient/Classical/Medieval/Renaissance/Industrial/Modern/Atomic/Information Civilizations receive an additional delegate for every 25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60 Population.

We are in the Enlightenment Era, Brian has 153 population, so this gives him 3-4 more delegates.

Brian has no other wonders which increase the number of his delegates:


So how does Brian get 63 delegates from Wonders and Population ?

I don't mind, it makes the game interesting to have such a dominating opponent to deal with.
So how does Brian get 63 delegates from Wonders and Population ?

I don't mind, it makes the game interesting to have such a dominating opponent to deal with.
Thank you very much for your reply. Me it bothers me a little, +15 seems more than enough :lol:.
I just discussed it with @jarcast2 and he explained to me that the function I used brings +1 delegate but modulated by the number of city-states and/or map size.
He advised me another function that will give the expected +15. I will edit a corrected version.
Thanks - I am playing with 22 civs and 33 city states on a 160 x 100 map - a bit huger than huge, probably that's why nobody else noticed it before.
v.6 online:
  • Fixed Cluain Eraird giving +1 Vote at the World Congress per Major Civilization you're at least Popular with modulated by map size/CS number.
    Now is really +1 Vote at the World Congress per Major Civilization you're at least Popular with. Thank you very much to @Siegfroh and @jarcast2
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