Religion: Corruption of Chaos
Religious Unique Buildings:
Religious Unique Unit:
Spoiler :
• Adoptable by: Norsca, Kurgan, Hung, Chaos Dwarf, Beastmen, Ind.
• Tech: Corruption of Chaos. Free missionary unit for any faction (who can adopt Chaos) who researches Corruption of chaos.
Founded by:
• Constructing the Shrine of Corruption, available at Corruption of Chaos tech.
Spread by:
• Religion does not spread by itself. Missionaries spread religion, expensive price. Spreads by event (Chaos cult event, maybe others).
Unique feature:
Has a chance of causing a revolt in any city it is present in if that city does not have corruption of chaos state religion.
• Adoptable by: Norsca, Kurgan, Hung, Chaos Dwarf, Beastmen, Ind.
• Tech: Corruption of Chaos. Free missionary unit for any faction (who can adopt Chaos) who researches Corruption of chaos.
Founded by:
• Constructing the Shrine of Corruption, available at Corruption of Chaos tech.
Spread by:
• Religion does not spread by itself. Missionaries spread religion, expensive price. Spreads by event (Chaos cult event, maybe others).
Unique feature:
Has a chance of causing a revolt in any city it is present in if that city does not have corruption of chaos state religion.
Religious Unique Buildings:
Spoiler :
• Building Name: Temple of Chaos (Generic)
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos Tech, Corruption State religion
• Background: -------
• Effect: +1 influence, +2 beakers. All chaos factions can build any of the chaos temples, but only one per city. The UU granted is limited to total National cap 10 across all 4 UUs (or alternatively just cap each at 3).
• Allows: Zealot of Chaos; Chaos furies, Inquisitor
• Building Name: Temple of Khorne
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects) +1 xp for all newly created units in this city, allows you to sacrifice any unit to give +1 happy for 10 turns in the city and +20 influence (once), (like Fall Further Cualli sacrifices), adds Mark of Khorne promotion to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Bloodletters of Khorne; Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
• Building Name: Temple of Slaanesh
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects) +2 happy, +1 happy per 20% influence slider, adds Mark of Slaanesh to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Daemonettes of Slaanesh; Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
• Building Name: Temple of Nurgle
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects) +2 health (yeah, they're diseased, but they don't die from it), some-other-minor-effect, adds Mark of Nurgle to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
*Alternative*; rather than +2 health, make it +3 food +2 unhealth. That way the temple is still making people sick.
• Building Name: Temple of Tzeentch
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects), Newly created units affected by Mutate spell with 50% chance, +1 happy from warpstone, adds Mark of Tzeentch to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Horrors of Tzeentch; Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos Tech, Corruption State religion
• Background: -------
• Effect: +1 influence, +2 beakers. All chaos factions can build any of the chaos temples, but only one per city. The UU granted is limited to total National cap 10 across all 4 UUs (or alternatively just cap each at 3).
• Allows: Zealot of Chaos; Chaos furies, Inquisitor
• Building Name: Temple of Khorne
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects) +1 xp for all newly created units in this city, allows you to sacrifice any unit to give +1 happy for 10 turns in the city and +20 influence (once), (like Fall Further Cualli sacrifices), adds Mark of Khorne promotion to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Bloodletters of Khorne; Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
• Building Name: Temple of Slaanesh
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects) +2 happy, +1 happy per 20% influence slider, adds Mark of Slaanesh to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Daemonettes of Slaanesh; Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
• Building Name: Temple of Nurgle
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects) +2 health (yeah, they're diseased, but they don't die from it), some-other-minor-effect, adds Mark of Nurgle to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
*Alternative*; rather than +2 health, make it +3 food +2 unhealth. That way the temple is still making people sick.
• Building Name: Temple of Tzeentch
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos tech, Corruption of Chaos State religion.
• Effect: (additional to Generic Temple of Chaos effects), Newly created units affected by Mutate spell with 50% chance, +1 happy from warpstone, adds Mark of Tzeentch to newly created units in this city with 25% chance.
• Allows: Horrors of Tzeentch; Chaos furies, Inquisitor, Demon prince.
Religious Unique Unit:
Spoiler :
• Unit Name: Demon Prince of Chaos.
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos state religion. Chaos incursion tech (or End Times tech). World unit; only one may exist.
• Background:
• Unit Class: Beast.
Race: demon
• Statistics:
Strength 12+6 unholy, 2 movement.
• Unique items:
• Other Bonuses:
Cause fear
Aura of flame (as for Meshabbar of Dis from FFH).
Raider (auto-pillages any enemy tile he moves into)
Sentry (+1 visibility).
• Art: Hyborem.
Hammer cost: 320
• Unit Name: Chaos furies (National limit 5, separate from 10 for the 4 temple demons)
• Requirements: Temple of chaos (any), Corruption of Chaos state religion
• Background:
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics:
o 1 movement, strength 4, range 5.
• Other Bonuses:
Counts as fighter aircraft unit. Can relocate between cities. Can perform recon run. Can perform strafing run. Cannot perform bombing run. Can be intercepted (all flying units should gain the interception ability). Can perform intercept mission.
• Placeholder Art: ? Fighter aircraft would look silly but make their purpose clear.
Hammer cost: 90
• Unit Name: Bloodletter of Khorne
• Requirements: Temple of Khorne, Corruption of Chaos state religion, Bloodlust of Khorne tech.
• Background: "Bloodletters are Lesser Daemons, known variously as the Footsoldiers of Khorne, the Warriors of Blood, the Teeth of Death or the Horned Ones. Carrying blades quenched in the blood of a generation of fallen warriors, they march behind twisted banners that flutter in no earthly breeze accompanied by the chanting of the names of those slain in battle. They are bestial creatures, with snarling fanged mouths, whose skin drips constantly with blood, their matted manes shaped into spines with dried gore. Like the raging god from which they are born, Bloodletters have no desire but to shed blood on the field of battle. They are clad in fragments of armour, which si sometimes melded to their skin, and wield massive swords." (From Mark of Chaos).
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon.
• Statistics:
o 1 movement, no metal weapons, strength 9, explodes on death (like Sheaim pyre zombies)
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Khorne.
• Art: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=288829
Hammer cost: 140
• Unit Name: Plaguebearers of Nurgle
• Requirements: Temple of Nurgle, Corruption of Chaos state religion, Gifts of the Plagued One tech.
• Background: "Plaguebearers have distended, cyclopean faces that leer from atop famine-wasted frames and corpulent bellies, split from within by gushing organs. Sometimes known as the Tallymen of Plagues, they count the diseases of the world, numbering the poxes and contagions in sonorous chants that burble and echo from fanhed mouths. Dripping with unnatural excretions, the Maggotkin feel no pain, for they are every lingering death, every moment of delerium and fevered starvation." (From Mark of Chaos).
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics:
o 1 movement, no metal weapons, strength 6+2 death.
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Nurgle.
Starts with Plagued.
• Art: Drowned or Stygian Guard from FFH.
Hammer cost: 140
• Unit Name: Daemonettes of Slaanesh
• Requirements: Temple of Slaanesh, Slaanesh's Pleasures tech, Corruption of Chaos state religion.
• Background:
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics:
o 2 movement, no metal weapons, strength 7.
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Slaanesh.
Can cast Charm Person.
• Art: Succubus from FFH.
Hammer cost: 140
• Unit Name: Screamers of Tzeentch
• Requirements: Temple of Tzeentch, Lore of Change tech, Corruption of Chaos state religion.
• Background:
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics: Strength 7, 2 moves, no metal weapons. Flying.
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Tzeentch.
Can cast "scream" spell. Does 10% damage (to a maximum of 15%) to all units in one adjacent stack, unless the unit is immune to fear.
Hammer cost: 140
• Requirements: Corruption of Chaos state religion. Chaos incursion tech (or End Times tech). World unit; only one may exist.
• Background:
• Unit Class: Beast.
Race: demon
• Statistics:
Strength 12+6 unholy, 2 movement.
• Unique items:
• Other Bonuses:
Cause fear
Aura of flame (as for Meshabbar of Dis from FFH).
Raider (auto-pillages any enemy tile he moves into)
Sentry (+1 visibility).
• Art: Hyborem.
Hammer cost: 320
• Unit Name: Chaos furies (National limit 5, separate from 10 for the 4 temple demons)
• Requirements: Temple of chaos (any), Corruption of Chaos state religion
• Background:
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics:
o 1 movement, strength 4, range 5.
• Other Bonuses:
Counts as fighter aircraft unit. Can relocate between cities. Can perform recon run. Can perform strafing run. Cannot perform bombing run. Can be intercepted (all flying units should gain the interception ability). Can perform intercept mission.
• Placeholder Art: ? Fighter aircraft would look silly but make their purpose clear.
Hammer cost: 90
• Unit Name: Bloodletter of Khorne
• Requirements: Temple of Khorne, Corruption of Chaos state religion, Bloodlust of Khorne tech.
• Background: "Bloodletters are Lesser Daemons, known variously as the Footsoldiers of Khorne, the Warriors of Blood, the Teeth of Death or the Horned Ones. Carrying blades quenched in the blood of a generation of fallen warriors, they march behind twisted banners that flutter in no earthly breeze accompanied by the chanting of the names of those slain in battle. They are bestial creatures, with snarling fanged mouths, whose skin drips constantly with blood, their matted manes shaped into spines with dried gore. Like the raging god from which they are born, Bloodletters have no desire but to shed blood on the field of battle. They are clad in fragments of armour, which si sometimes melded to their skin, and wield massive swords." (From Mark of Chaos).
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon.
• Statistics:
o 1 movement, no metal weapons, strength 9, explodes on death (like Sheaim pyre zombies)
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Khorne.
• Art: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=288829
Hammer cost: 140
• Unit Name: Plaguebearers of Nurgle
• Requirements: Temple of Nurgle, Corruption of Chaos state religion, Gifts of the Plagued One tech.
• Background: "Plaguebearers have distended, cyclopean faces that leer from atop famine-wasted frames and corpulent bellies, split from within by gushing organs. Sometimes known as the Tallymen of Plagues, they count the diseases of the world, numbering the poxes and contagions in sonorous chants that burble and echo from fanhed mouths. Dripping with unnatural excretions, the Maggotkin feel no pain, for they are every lingering death, every moment of delerium and fevered starvation." (From Mark of Chaos).
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics:
o 1 movement, no metal weapons, strength 6+2 death.
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Nurgle.
Starts with Plagued.
• Art: Drowned or Stygian Guard from FFH.
Hammer cost: 140
• Unit Name: Daemonettes of Slaanesh
• Requirements: Temple of Slaanesh, Slaanesh's Pleasures tech, Corruption of Chaos state religion.
• Background:
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics:
o 2 movement, no metal weapons, strength 7.
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Slaanesh.
Can cast Charm Person.
• Art: Succubus from FFH.
Hammer cost: 140
• Unit Name: Screamers of Tzeentch
• Requirements: Temple of Tzeentch, Lore of Change tech, Corruption of Chaos state religion.
• Background:
• Unit Class: beast
Race: demon
• Statistics: Strength 7, 2 moves, no metal weapons. Flying.
• Other Bonuses:
Starts with Mark of Tzeentch.
Can cast "scream" spell. Does 10% damage (to a maximum of 15%) to all units in one adjacent stack, unless the unit is immune to fear.
Hammer cost: 140