Okay, well I figured I'd update you on where I am so far with the Inquisition thing. Basically what I wanted to do was first create the Inquisitors (which I am doing now), then install/merge Inquisitions themselves, then install/merge Tsentom's Spanish Inquisition project, then mess around with the religious victory conditions (if necessary) and hope that by then either Bakuel has made those Indian and Russian units (I am extremely excited for these two sets, probably more than I have been for any other set, although I was pretty happy when he made the Turks) or ThomasSG has figured out this DCN thing. Either way the next playtest should be pretty awesome since it will basically be the last one. I'll probably have one more trouble-shooting playtest after that.
Anyway, right now I have SOMETHING (even if only a placeholder unit) for the following religions: Aesir, Anunaki, Baalim, Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Druid, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Olympic, Shamanism, Shinto, Taoism, Teotlism, and Voodoo.
Which means I am missing two religions, in this case Zoroastrianism and Pesedjet. The Zoroastrian one I have already had an idea for, so haven't made it yet since it will be quite easy. Pesedjet, I have no idea what to do simply because I don't know which combination of Egyptian crap to throw together to create it.
On top of that I am unhappy with the current Inquisitors I have for the following religions; Druidism, Olympic, and Jewish.
In one case (Olympic) I am getting a model that I can use, so I am not as worried about that one. Which basically leaves me with four left. I know, we all agreed the Jewish one was good, but compared to the other units in the game it looks like it is lacking in quality. But since I only have two more left I'll probably just use a placeholder unit for Egypt and create the Zoroastrian one and then move on to merging in Inquisitors.
...which I have failed at three times previously.