As we are close to the end.... some more observations from me.
And a question - what is connsidered a good religious finish date and how consistent given civs are with it.
I don't know if there is a database of fastest victories in certain conditions, so I just entered YT and searched for religious victories.
It occurs that pre 175 are fairly rare and make a big WOW there. And I don't see Peter there
I always thought RV is one of the fastest and only culture may be quicker (I basicaaly rarely go for a religion victory, my default is science/diplo), so I just ran 2 games in a row with a leader that "cannot comapre" to top faih generators, with no exploits like giving away cities.
The bottom one Terra mapscript, for extremely hard start and no citystates influence. Among "top RV civs" Saladin in game. All civs survived.
Basically I was shocked. OK, maybe it is because terra which keeps all civs close to each other?
So I ran the upper game, continents to enforce reaching cartography. This time Georgia, Mali, Russia, Indonesia in game, so I would rather expect big problems. The result was still far below t175. I killed Russia and mali, but Mali was unable to found religion, so somehow doesn't count - I just wanted their Sugubas. Others survived.
What connects these two games is the negation of base rule shown here, which is "strong adjecency, faith pantheon".
In both case my best base adjecncy was +1
First game +2 faith from mines pantheon for a total gain of +6
Second game +1hammer/faith on improved strategic res. with total of +2 early game rising to around +6 faith late game
This leads me again to obvious fact, that pantheons and adjecencies are highly overrated in this thread. I don't say it is meaningless, but highly overrated.
And here comes Peter, whose leading positions is supported only by adjecencies/ pantheon synergy. And a question for you - what is the reliable and very repeatable finish turn of Peter on different mapscripts, including those when you have to cross the ocean. I don't have these data to compare, except the fact I personally cannot go below t200 or so
with my playstyle, while I can go sub150 with nonexisting adjecencies and pantheon.
Though I believe Peter can do amazing finish dates, I definitely doubt he can do it in most games. Even more, in most games he would fall into such huge early troubles (lower district limit / lower yields early / tundra barbs), that he cannot even compare to Gandhi / Hojo, who can handle every situation better (Gandhi missionaries rush + high population = more districts + productive cities+Varu/ Japan well balanced civ with significant district discounts).
Next aspect I would like to notice is beside gaining faith, ideal RV winner should have also the ability to DENY faith for AI, simply because deity AI has crazy faith generation. And among this 4 civs Peter is the worst at denying AI's faith, mainly because miltarly is far behind remaining three
I really respect potentially high Peter's faith, but for me it does not translate to RV. Instead it fantastic works with tourism victory (faithbuying in theatres and campuses) and I really see Peter 1-3 in tourism victory thread. In RV thread IMO he should't win.
And we have also Saladin left
Some people say worship building gives a lot for RV.
I disagree. In fast religion victory you don't waste apostles to develep religion, at least not early on, unless you need it for golden era. All you need among beliefs is holy order for -30% cost of them. And mahabodji for 2 more apostles, blocking resurection of dead religions.
Because last time I downvoted Sal, this is time for Peter. And because last time I upvoted Hojo, time for Gandhi.
Gandhi/India [17] 16+1
Hojo Tokimune/Japan [22]
Peter/Russia [34] 37-3
Saladin/Arabia [21]