Assyria - 21
Austria - 18
Babylon - 15+1=16 - I'm simply asking for a well-designed ancient Mesopotamian Civ. If not the Babylonian Empire, then the Assyrian Empire. Both are highly desirable to me and either one would make me happy.
Byzantium - 22
Carthage - 20
Celts -11
Denmark - 20
Ethiopia - 22
Hittites - 22
Holy Roman Empire - 2-3=-1 (ELIMINATED) - Finally. This was never a Civ in a first place, and is represented in game already in Frederick Barbarosa. Goodbye "Holy" "Roman" "Empire" "civ", it is pleasure to remove you.
Huns - 13
Iroquois - 22
Mayan - 25
Morocco - 27
Polynesia - 2
Portugal - 22
Shoshone - 20
Siam - 21
Sioux - 21
Songhai - 20
Venice - 17
Austria - 18
Babylon - 15+1=16 - I'm simply asking for a well-designed ancient Mesopotamian Civ. If not the Babylonian Empire, then the Assyrian Empire. Both are highly desirable to me and either one would make me happy.
Byzantium - 22
Carthage - 20
Celts -11
Denmark - 20
Ethiopia - 22
Hittites - 22
Holy Roman Empire - 2-3=-1 (ELIMINATED) - Finally. This was never a Civ in a first place, and is represented in game already in Frederick Barbarosa. Goodbye "Holy" "Roman" "Empire" "civ", it is pleasure to remove you.
Huns - 13
Iroquois - 22
Mayan - 25
Morocco - 27
Polynesia - 2
Portugal - 22
Shoshone - 20
Siam - 21
Sioux - 21
Songhai - 20
Venice - 17