Revising the lore of each civic

Then it should be fixed, so it shows for rest for civics, not just when building uses default civics as prereq.

bFirst = true;
if (NO_PLAYER != GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer())
    if (!GET_PLAYER(GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer()).isCivic(eCivic))
        for (iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumBuildingClassInfos(); ++iI)
            eLoopBuilding = (BuildingTypes)GC.getCivilizationInfo(GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveCivilizationType()).getCivilizationBuildings(iI);
            if (eLoopBuilding != NO_BUILDING)
                if (GC.getGameINLINE().canEverConstruct(eLoopBuilding))
                    bool bObsolete = false;
                    CivicTypes eCurCivic = GET_PLAYER(GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer()).getCivics((CivicOptionTypes)GC.getCivicInfo(eCivic).getCivicOptionType());
                    if (GC.getBuildingInfo(eLoopBuilding).isPrereqAndCivics(eCurCivic))
                        bObsolete = true;
                    else if (GC.getBuildingInfo(eLoopBuilding).isPrereqOrCivics(eCurCivic) && !GC.getBuildingInfo(eLoopBuilding).isPrereqOrCivics(eCivic))
                        bObsolete = true;
                        for (int iJ = 0; iJ < GC.getNumCivicInfos(); iJ++)
                            if (iJ != eCurCivic && iJ != eCivic)
                                if (GC.getBuildingInfo(eLoopBuilding).isPrereqOrCivics((CivicTypes)iJ))
                                    if (GET_PLAYER(GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer()).isCivic((CivicTypes)iJ))
                                        bObsolete = false;
                    if (bObsolete)
                        CvWString szBuilding;
HERE -----------------> szFirstBuffer.Format(L"%s%s", NEWLINE, gDLL->getText("TXT_KEY_CIVIC_BLOCKS_BUILDING").c_str());
                        szBuilding.Format(L"<link=literal>%s</link>", GC.getBuildingInfo(eLoopBuilding).getDescription());
                        setListHelp(szHelpText, szFirstBuffer, szBuilding, L", ", bFirst);
                        bFirst = false;
Reviewing to try to understand here and I find myself completely confused. I have no idea what you're trying to say the problem is... what defaults? Huh?
Reviewing to try to understand here and I find myself completely confused. I have no idea what you're trying to say the problem is... what defaults? Huh?
By default civics I meant starting civics.
It appears it is slightly more general:

"Disables construction of X" only points to buildings, that are buildable in current civic, but aren't buildable with other civics of same category.
That line isn't here at all in pedia when viewing in main menu.
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By default civics I meant starting civics.
It appears it is slightly more general:

"Disables construction of X" only points to buildings, that are buildable in current civic, but aren't buildable with other civics of same category.
That line isn't here at all in pedia when viewing in main menu.
Right, because it's intended for notification during play. It's a warning that you would be losing access to something you currently have access to. But if you're in the pedia, obviously if it doesn't give you access, then it doesn't mention that it does - and if you show all the buildings that could be lost from other civics in that category by switching to this civic it could be a long list, thus best to keep it only mentioned in relation to what you'd currently lose. I would imagine that when you took off the requirement for banditry to remain an active civic for the bandit's hideout to continue to function, this would stop showing up if you were on banditry and looking at other civics to move to from that one right?

I'm kinda thinking this is all correct as it stands (and surprisingly well thought out by the original designer!)
I would imagine that when you took off the requirement for banditry to remain an active civic for the bandit's hideout to continue to function, this would stop showing up if you were on banditry and looking at other civics to move to from that one right?
This shows if you can construct buildings, not if this building can function without civic, so ability to function without civics doesn't change anything.
This shows if you can construct buildings, not if this building can function without civic, so ability to function without civics doesn't change anything.
Might be useful to make that distinction here I suppose. Perhaps a second line. Still, kinda a nitpicky subject imo. A bit low on the needs list.
I believe you've expressed your concern about those in the past which is what prompted me to add the civic category to the message that you get when a civ changes names.
I guess I like the way they were expressed better before. I think it's still good we added the category into the message. I just took a look at all of them, realizing that your first post shows the renaming clearly. Yeah... I jive more with the way they were. Just me.
Here is list of all civics and their define names, categories and tech unlocks.

If you don't have Microsoft office, then you can get open office or libra office - those two are free,


@Thunderbrd @JosEPh_II please write here which ones you don't like and I'll revert their names.
There is only a handful that bother me KaTiON.
Separated is one that I mentioned as Separation of Power lends itself to the Democratic Republic description. And to the Tech it is associated with. Where as Separated though shorter does not, imo

While Marketplace is a Place that Trade sometimes took place, it was not the only place. And the Civic name Trade had a direct link to the Tech Trade. Same as Barter and it's Tech, though Bartering is not much of an obfuscation and is just a quibble by me at best. It is losing the Tech connection that makes it a bit confusing I guess is what I'm saying here.

Understand I do not expect a major makeover here at all. I just have a few that bother me and sometimes causes me to have to go back and forth through the files to keep clear which Civic it was before. (Old dog ingrained memories of a decade of play to over come in these few cases.)

And I will have to review the Civics thoroughly for a short list. These were on the top of my head as they have been recent Civics that I have worked on. And any that I may have will mostly be pre Information Era Civics (basically pepper2000's Civics). They are all New and therefore have no "History" attached to them.

Sorry if I made it seem that everything needed reverted. Just a handful that present a bit of confusion.
I kind of agree with Joseph, but it's best to avoid civics having exactly the same name as techs. Otherwise when the pedia mouseover says "Requires Barter", you don't immediately know which one. Not sure if the pedia itself sometimes takes you to the wrong one, or if that's fixed.
I kind of agree with Joseph, but it's best to avoid civics having exactly the same name as techs. Otherwise when the pedia mouseover says "Requires Barter", you don't immediately know which one.

Not sure if the pedia itself sometimes takes you to the wrong one, or if that's fixed.
1. Civic category could be added to civic name in those entries, so for example tech splash could say what category is that civic that got unlocked.

2. Pedia linking bug was fixed.
As I work thru the Civics if any more seem hard to work with I'll let you know. :)
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