• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Rhye's Catapult

Rhye said:
blasph. you're arguing about something already done...
Well, I gotta argue about something...
Yeah, I just didn't see it was done already because I didn't have time to read through the thread... Just goes to show you... I knew there was a good reason I held Read Threads Before You Post as a principal...
Man, I am insanely tired.
I really hope I will have a chance to join the testing before development is over.
OK, I wil do so - next game I will play the Spanish with all civs present
(i have a save of that from AD 720)


My French game will be finished by ca. 1950 with SpaceShip victory.
I have my France+Italy, and a big Canada :)

Ah, and USA is reduced to 2 cities in the NE region by Aztecs

Game finished in 1940, I have Future Tech 1
Resaerch: 1325
I finished 5th in land, but 1st in population!

and let me show you the United States of France :)
and this I got with no war!


  • rhye052 - USFrance.JPG
    rhye052 - USFrance.JPG
    100.9 KB · Views: 112
How did you manage to take so much of North America without going to war?

Soma and Rhye, have you done any analysis of techs to see if Arabia starts with too strong a tech position? I know that historically Arabia was a center for science in the mid to late first millennium, but in Civ there is no Mongol Horde to trample through. In every game I have played the Arabians are at a huge lead in tech when they start and increase it during course of the game.
Barak said:
How did you manage to take so much of North America without going to war?

Soma and Rhye, have you done any analysis of techs to see if Arabia starts with too strong a tech position? I know that historically Arabia was a center for science in the mid to late first millennium, but in Civ there is no Mongol Horde to trample through. In every game I have played the Arabians are at a huge lead in tech when they start and increase it during course of the game.

Well, you know, Louis is cultural by trait ;)

I got in to American land in 1450 or so, settled north of the Big Lakes
and then had 2 other cites there.
Had theatre and library, and then in the 1600s
an US city south of the Lakes flipped to me.
Then Aztecs conquered US, but it meant
the newly taken cities of the Aztecs were near my land with no culture
- so another flip to me :D

OK, in this new Spanish game I will keep track
of Arabia's tech-flow in a separate row
Barak said:
How did you manage to take so much of North America without going to war?

Soma and Rhye, have you done any analysis of techs to see if Arabia starts with too strong a tech position? I know that historically Arabia was a center for science in the mid to late first millennium, but in Civ there is no Mongol Horde to trample through. In every game I have played the Arabians are at a huge lead in tech when they start and increase it during course of the game.

Yes, in my French game it was the Arabs who did best (behind me).
AD 760

Whaaat? I see a Persian at place of "Paris"!! :)

And there's a strong Rome - where will France spawn???

EDIT: Nowhere...

EDIT 2: 7 barbs set idle in Portugal, thugh they cuold be devastating to my new civ...
I usually see Arabia slowly fall behind, due (I assume) to the pressure Persia puts on them. China and Egypt usually clean up in my games, with me causing havoc around the globe.
Rome is a fun warmonger civ to play. After surviving the barbarians, there is little Spain, France and Germany can do to stop the veteran Roman army if European manifest destiny is their goal :)

Perhaps for France and Spain replace a few longbows for crossbows?

Its also funny now the French are always declaring war on me, no matter where i am on the map. Loved to see the French armies marching all the way to Japanese Korea only to have their weak forces slaughtered by my veteran Samurai.
Aeon221 said:
I usually see Arabia slowly fall behind, due (I assume) to the pressure Persia puts on them. China and Egypt usually clean up in my games, with me causing havoc around the globe.

More often then not the Persian and Greek have been destroyed by barbarians. In those cases there is nothing to stop Arabian expansion. The AI does not seem to protect its cities very well when playing Greece or Persia.

I NEVER see Indian cities taken and very seldom see Arabian cities taken. As Rome, it was frustrating to see the barbarian stacks attacking my lands while Arabia could flip barb cities and expand unimpeded.
Weird, I guess you have a different random seed. For me, its rare to not see all the civs on the map. I had totally forgotten about the collapse mechanism until I finally had a game where the Egyptians collapsed.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the variations betweeen our observations probably indicates that the system is balanced.

But I would agree that France and Spain should spawn with xbows instead of the non-upgraded archers and the longbows.

Speaking of longbows, can we make their 'time in game' shorter than that of crossbows? Those things were only really "there" for about a century, as opposed to the lengthy period the xbows have been around.
I just discovered this Mod the other day, as I usually click stright into the finished content folders.

So first of all I want to thank Rhyle very much for producing this Mod. This is really the sort of thing I was dreaming of when I heard about the sort of event-scripting would be possible for Civ4. I do not have those skills and am glad someone is working on it (Firaxis better br paying you something for this!). I aloways found CIV to be a bit too much like a "game" (i.e., Diplomacy, Chess) while Europia Universalis is too much of a historical simulation. With the Mod, Civ4 seems to be to be approaching the perfect mean between the two. The game plays in a manner historical enough to resemble world history but it still feels like a game in which you can do do things that did not happen but perhaps could have.

My current game I am playing as the Arabs. Egypt had been destroyed by Barbs by the time I began. Persia was struggling to hold off hordes of Barbs. So I first sent my forces into Egypt to clear out the Barbs and make some cities. Then the Barbs in the Near East, having removed Persia from Mesopotimina, were coming after me, they took whatever city is in the south of Mesopotimina but then I beat them back. They were also fighting the Greeks, who were in the city North of Isreal (they soon flipped to me).

By 1650 the globe is rather historically accurate. Sure Rome is still the major European power (and top military power on the globe next to Japan) but France is where it should be and is gaining ground. Germany was beat up by Rome some time ago but did not lose cities, it land was ravaged but it is recovering. Spain is in its region, in a war of attrition with Rome. Russia is on the rise and becoming a real power. Greece has been taken out of Turkey by the great Arabian empire.

This is the most fun I have had with any Civ game (my MA thesis may be delayed yet again!).
I think that artists "great work" should be changed somehow.. I had a city in southern Germany ( with Rome ), which I gave two artists ( +8000 culture ) right after Spain, France and Germany spawned.. after 500 years, Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Orleans and Cordoba had flipped to me.

And due to Greece got wiped out, as usual, Rome was mighty powerfull...!

The earlier nations seem to have huge cultural advantage. Think this should be fixed/changed at some point.
kwan said:
I think that artists "great work" should be changed somehow.. I had a city in southern Germany ( with Rome ), which I gave two artists ( +8000 culture ) right after Spain, France and Germany spawned.. after 500 years, Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Orleans and Cordoba had flipped to me.

And due to Greece got wiped out, as usual, Rome was mighty powerfull...!

The earlier nations seem to have huge cultural advantage. Think this should be fixed/changed at some point.

I agree, this is why I could make Canada so big for me it was like a USF :)
It was fun, but not good gameplay-wise
kwan said:
I think that artists "great work" should be changed somehow.. I had a city in southern Germany ( with Rome ), which I gave two artists ( +8000 culture ) right after Spain, France and Germany spawned.. after 500 years, Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Orleans and Cordoba had flipped to me.

And due to Greece got wiped out, as usual, Rome was mighty powerfull...!

The earlier nations seem to have huge cultural advantage. Think this should be fixed/changed at some point.

In v52 cultural advantage is reduced. Is it still too much?
Agreed. I used two Great Artists on Mediolannum to mess with the French start, and kept Germany small. Just left the empty space empty, although I had extras of several resources because of it (pigs, iron, stone, even nabbed some horses!).

Arabia was getting WAY too strong, as only Persia was defeated, so I had Egypt (I've been spreading their religion, Hinduism, so they love me :love: ) declare war on them. They soon dragged me into it, as Arabia then got a Golden Age. I backed up their Horse Archers with my Macemen and Pikemen, defending against Arab Camel-Archers-turned-Cavalry. :eek: Scared for Egypt (and my pigs ;) outside Mediolannum, when a small stack of Cavalry appeared), I sued for peace for the both of us, having to give up Liberalism and Economics.

Oh yeah, and I got Peter to declare war on Germany. The war has just dragged them both down in score, and they're both still at least Pleased. :cool:

Two small, growing colonies in South America, France has three (although they suck); America hasn't improved their land at all, and they have 5 cities. Other interesting points:

1240 to 1645 AD
  • There are mountains blocking access from Central to South America. Geographically AND historically, Colombia WAS an option for building the Panama Canal. Back in the day, Panama was a part of Colombia, and there were few mountains in the area.
  • 1310 AD: a tribe in South America gave me Astronomy!!! :lol:
  • 1505 AD: noticed a Japanese Settler, Archer and Longbow sitting on a banana resource on the island of Java. Because of the jungle, they couldn't build a city, but they didn't move over to the nearby hills, either. No city has been built there since.
  • 1645 AD: Greece FINALLY settled Crete! Knossos was built by then, but there were still 12 Settlers, 8 Longbows, and more units (saw the ... at the bottom of the list)!
I've had a LOT of fun with this already! Seems like we're down to minor tweaks of gameplay, at least in Europe. The map looks very close to what it should, and the game tends to smooth itself out the later it goes. Early game refinements should make it perfect. Arabia is #1, Rome #2, Persia gone, and America coming up slowly. I'll finish up this game and move onto Japan, then India, as relatively boring (read: few barbs :goodjob: ) as they may be.

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