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Rise of Europe: Medieval Italy (Nov 8, 2008)

:eek: :eek: :eek: and :eek:
My God you mean you will rescale them ALL :hammer2:
Now THIS is unbelievable, but well, we'll have to believe :D
Link to rescaled Roman Units: you probably meant this one, it goes right to the download page ;)
Oh and BTW this is another wonderful pack, I'm downloading and checking it right now !
Sandris, thank you very much for your new and excellent units. Personally, I saw no need for a rescale (that consumes time that could rather be spent on new units).

The Norman units are great, thanks! Some little historical remarks are to be made though.
First, the "Norman Sicilian Archer" isn't Norman, but Saracen. The Muslim archers of Sicily were used as mercenaries by the Normans and later, the English and Germans. So you could just scrap the "norman" here - the unit itself is excellent, you even made him shoot his bow behind the shield like it was custom among these people. The other remark is that the equipment of the Normans in the south was sometimes different from the warriors in the rest of Italy, for example, the "golden" faceguards were a speciality of the Normans (who weren't exactly Italian). The knight you made looks like the one in the "The Normans" Osprey book, which wasn't Italian, but a knight from the Holy Land. Fortunately, I had a look at Italian armies of that time, and at civ scale, your knight even looks similar to an Italian one (except some minor differences in the helmet design). So there's no problem here. :) Altogether, it's a great pack, thank you.

There's only one little request, if you want. You might consider to make a simple 12th century Lombardic infantry archer for Italy (for pictures, ask me), which would accompany the rather mercenary-style and unique Saracen. :)

Enough of my nitpicking, thank you very much for your work!
I know you are only joking, but I am not sure he did "only" 19 units. You see, since his last release, he did most of those 19 twice, and he re-made most of his Romans..

So yeah.. :p

I'm sure he knows I'm showing my amazement. I can't make one unit and I see many struggling to make a single unit.

He must have a team of elves working with him, he must be averaging more than a couple units per day.

We are lucky to have him.
Wow, I had no idea medieval Italy had all this cool stuff.

And now it's in two scales? Sheesh, now Sandris is double the unit man!
Nice to see the factory is still churning out units at a mad rate. Lots of units I always wanted here :goodjob:
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