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Rnes4: Allies and Enemies (Board nes)

my appologies to Spacetraveler. Seems i neglected to add his new towns and city to the map when i did the update. that's been fixed now.
That also ads another 5 gold to his current total. (also already edited)

Thanks for pointing out my oversite.
To all Nations

England declares its neutrality in anyt wars and offers non-aggression pacts to all.

Orders will be pmed.

PS I am taking England after a PM was sent to me by Roddy
YAY!! thanks Sheep.

just so everyone knows, this means that i will be generaly VERY impatient in waiting for the LAST set of orders (as i'll have no problem doing them myself without any conflict of interest problems).

so as soon as you can decide what you want your nation to do this turn, send your orders, or i just might decide not to wait for you (if you're last) and decide for you.

currently need orders from:
Spain - RI00SF2
Austria - Amon Savag
Germany - Plexus
To:The world

We declare sea Q as our territory and will war with anyone who tries to meddle with that.


We thank you for not messing with our country...If you need something you can just ask;)


We will not attack unless attacked.
To: Austria
From: Italy
We have a couple of territories on the shores of zone Q -- that body of water is very important to us. Perhaps we can jointly claim it as our national waters together? We understand its stategic importance to you, and will only post a small defensive naval contingent there (only in time of national distress would troop carrying ships find themselves there). Hopefully our gestures of good faith in the past have proven to you Italy's honor. Please let us know that this is acceptable to Austria...

100th post... yeah!
Alright...But don't have many or we may suspect some tricks to be pulled...And we've only got 2 fleets being prodced in sea Q so I would like it if you didn't go much higher

if you need many fleets in that sea just PM me first so I don't overreact
I understand that;)
Plexus, you're evil. said last night that i'd have orders in a few, and then disappeared. so if you dont like what i did with your country, blame yourself. i dont think i did too bad of a defence though.
I was going to post this right before 5pm eastern time but got unexpectadly called away. had to send myself the unfinished version of this and the map. sorry for the delay.

EDIT: fixed the map a couple times. thanks for pointing out the mistakes.
oh, also. i put dots in the middle of the French fleets cause i could barely see them on the oceans otherwise. the dots are NOT armies (armies would be sticking out of the corners of the fleets). those dots are jsut there to make the fleets more visible.

Territory 57 Germany 15 vs Russia 6
The Russians put up a brave fight and took out 4 of the German armies.

Territory 45 Spain 4 vs Africa 2
The Spanish suffered some heavy casualties but won the day none the less.

Territory 23 Spain 3 vs Africa 2
The Spanish troops were able to fortify and hold of the African invasion with only limited losses to their own numbers.

Territory 17 Spain 25 vs Africa 2
The African armies were told by supperiors that there should not be much Spanish resistance, so when the were faced with a force more then 12 times their own, they had no strategy at all, and most of the soldiers even refused to fight the useless battle.

Sea I Africa 7 vs Spain 1
The Spanish use the same strategy that the Africans used against them earlier and sink an African fleet before going down.

Country:Start-Spent=Bank+Income-Upkeep+Trade+War=Left to Spend
Africa 86-38=48+9-16+47+3=91
Spain 51-51=0+19-37+55-3=34
Turkey 41-20=21+20-26+56+0=71
Austria 109-16=93+15-14+63+0=157
Italy 48-42=6+17-32+64+0=55
Russia 84-75=9+18-31+57+1=54
Germany 97-63=34+19-32+57-1=77
Sweden 54-44=10+15-32+50+0=43
France 87-68=19+18-34+64+0=67
England 45-45=0+21-26+56+0=51
ok. economy posted. i've also again updated the relations chart in the third post.

i'm changing the attachment each time to a new version of the same file each time. if any of you are having problems seeing the current relations (there's 2 wars now) then please tell me and i'll start posting that chart along with the updates. being in a new post would proly solve most problems.

to ALL

I WILL do an update at the LATEST sunday night. so you have less then 48 hours to send orders. and if you dont send them by then, i WILL sabotage your country a bit (just a little bit, but still).
To France
From England

I propose we demilitarise Sea D so we do not come to blows.
Russian Empire

to Germany:
Will you agree to peace at current borders? And maybe resigning trade pacts? You will anyway get the economy from the baltic areas...

to Scandinavia:
We do you mass a huge army to our borders?
Is that an invading force? We wish to begin talking about DMZing 66 and 63 in times of peace. Will you agree?
from Africa to Italy: Please help fight of spain and turkey. Both contries have commited acts of war against me and their combined bugets and forces outnumber mine. The decleration of war would be more profitable for you then them. the alternative is to do nothing and watch the two double in size.
To France
From England

Great we will remove the fleets this turn, do the same.

Orders have been pmed.
so far I have only taken neutral territories that you have neglected to take and was uncontested in. I didn't attack you at all this turn and you tried taking 3 of my territories and you sunk my fleet. I didn't even take 18 or 24 from you which I could have easily done. Your fighting, I'm simply defending myself. You made a poor offer for peace with me in asking to keep 18 and all of africa. As for turkey they also only took a neutral territory that again was uncontested. You simply have made yuorself small, don't go crying about me warmongering.

To the WORLD, I implore you to no longer be allies with this wretched filth, he has now provoked a war in which he may not survive, he brought this on himself and deserves what he gets. He claimed territories that he did not take. He can't be trusted. I'll be honest with everyone, if he doesn't stay out of 18 and leave me alone, I plan on killing him and not stopping until I am have finshed him to his last army. I have no grievance with anyone other than Africa because his trickery and his lies have offended me. I have not invaded even one of his countries yet. The fact that he expanded like a bafoon is not my problem. I require 18 for me to leave him alone. He's going to kill more of me this turn. Must I simply sit back an let him chew on me somemore? That's not very reasonable. I'm not really defending myself to the north at all. I simply wish the world to back me in my decision to remove this filth. I ask everyone to either post their opinion publically or PM me with what you think.
~The King of Spain
The first part was solely for the swine africa to read. Sorry I didn't state that guys in the message.
The King of Spain
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