RR1 -Bond no More !

i think you're up Stuge :goodjob:
Cahokia won't flip to SB ever, since we conquested it, but if there are so many revolts it's useless we could just liberate it to him.
Well ... good job so far :goodjob:

I'm not allergic to win via AP and in this game it would not make a diference, since the momentum we are building. Anyway I would love to see a huge modern age battle with De Gaulle :p

And since stuge is MIA due to :badcomp: ( atleast I haven't heard anything about him since his warning ), Ad Hoc, you can pick it ;)
r_rolo1 said:
And since stuge is MIA due to ( atleast I haven't heard anything about him since his warning ), Ad Hoc, you can pick it
You sure you call the player up who just played?? I'd rather say it's your turn tough I didn't check a roster for ages.

I'm still for facing DeG, not just to see an epic battle and have an exciting endgame, but also to "play safe" and not get "backstabbed" by DeG in the worst moment...
I already grabbed the save but forgot to post a got it, so I'll wait on deck.
Well , I think I'll not play this SG again , as we are pretty much close of winning. But this set was dull .....

Well, most of the set was unit building and recovery of the recently adquired land ( BTW 7 workers is far too few workers for this task :p They are commited for now in railroading, but we need to have some reordening the territory in the newly adquired lands )

Some deals....
Spoiler :



A tech researched
Spoiler :

A AP election
Spoiler :


A great person
Spoiler :

A army
Spoiler :

A target
Spoiler :

And a city that some ppl wanted to gift away :p
Spoiler :

Well, for a more serious talk: De Gaulle dropped the hands full status ( another game for Dan to analize ;) ) and that changes all. And the fact that our friend João has no tanks make him a very suitable target. Given that we are pretty close of a religious win ( if there were a free budhist we would already won :p ) taking João to vassal will probably give us a win fast..... And the fact that we are pretty close of tanks will surely help ;)

Well stuge, you have the army... you know what to do


Oh very nice, looking great.

Probabely DeG saw he couldn't compete with our army buildup and dropped his plans. (For anyone interested: DeG went into WHEOOH-mode is exactly the turn where he made the demand in my turnset)

I say kick off a few golden ages before the end of the game... And if we want "backdoor-AP-win" and need a few more votes, we can convert those voting for us to buddhism (which would be joao).
I'd like to see some naval-powered invasion to french terrority, maybe take Paris or another culturally strong city, just to make sure they won't sneak a culture victory out of this. The + side of this is that we only need enough troops to take the city, and not to hold it, after we take it we can simply offer peace and gift the city back, just to ensure our victory.
We don't need that.... taking joão as vassal would win us the AP easily.

But if we want to go bloody, a amphi attack o De Gaulle will need a huge investement in the navy ( a thing that we almost don't have )..... not sure if it is worth it
Looking at it from work with no access to the save, the only thing that might make it exciting would be if Joao vasselizes to DeG. Could get quite exciting at that point :lol:
I started a golden age. I emancipated our people and nationalized the economy. I started a war. I conquered three cities with the juggernaut that is the Red army. I made Joao cry like a little girl and swear that he'll lick my boots clean if I only spare his life.

(He's ready to capitulate. I checked and that would put us less than 1% away from the domination land limit.)


Well, well, comrade Stalin was busy today :p

About capitulating João ..... it is always the same thing: one more city to give us more that the Dom limit and risk that João to cap to mr Big nose or play safe and take the rest of the french?

Anyway, mysty is up :p
With Joao we should be able to win via AP no? So just capitulate him and end it :)
Well it was quite clear what to do. I capitulated joe instantly (what's the point in keeping him alive? Just end it babe...)

As stuge said, we were quite close to DOM, just a few squashed percents...
We'd surely get that with the first border pops...

On the IBT I had a pleasn't surprise which arrived in the form of Michelangelo. He was sent to <some lately captured portugese city>

Three turns later he arrived and renovated the sistine chapel's frescoes. Wait... Didn't know they were there... Well don't care anyway :p :rolleyes:

That made every nation acknowledge the dominating power of our nation:

On the following turn, the unavoidable (yet quite pleasn't) message:



A few details to my set I should add:

I moved our army ready to strike on the first turn anticipating to raze a few darius cities to speed up domination (to gain access to those tiles).

I stopped all those units on the next turn and merely hit shift-enter...

I also built a few national wonders (tough not all may have finished... who cares?) and rushed one with a GE, and used the GM to bulb medicine to get the fringe researched in time... Not that it matters anyway :p

Save 1 turn before victory:
View attachment No espionage Stalin ;) AD-1910.CivBeyondSwordSave

Thanks rolo for the idea and hosting the game. Sadly we seemed to lose interest midway trought the game tough it wasn't due to the game, which was always entertaining. We were rather cramped with enemies that were rather easy tough (who doesn't like industrious leaders) altough we made it ourselves harder by delaying to attack.

I'd like to play in another game (now that I'm down to 1 SGOTM + 0 SGs :p long time it was quite some more...) should you (rolo or anyone) come up with an interesting idea. I'd probabely like another No Esp game tough it should be harder than normal games (as the AI doesn't waste their commerce on espionage, or we do it vice versa and have a go at the Espionage Economy (tm). I'm open to suggestions...
Ok, nicely done mysty :goodjob:

To sum all, I would say that No espionage looks to be a little harder than regular games.... probably because the AI does not spend money in espionage, like mysty said. The tech pace was quite strong for a monarch game with a crippled fin civ and SB as resident phi and if the French had played right, we could had suffered some really bad bumps in our road.

About other SG... I have a idea in the pocket for atleast a year and a half ( even before BtS ), that even GreyFox thinked it was crazy :faint: , but after the RB dudes had made a very similar game ( but not equal ), I think it is time to try it:

No workers paradise

1- We can't build workers
2- All captured workers must be destroyed ASAP

So, it is crazy enough? :p
That does sound crazy, yeah :D

What I don't like too much is that we'll be working VERY-low-yield tiles nearly all game. No mobility with no roads will make the game more boring. I followed that one and didn't enjoy it that much. Also stuff on noble like rushing a civ with a dog soldier is kinda cheesy...

What about we can only keep every 2nd worker we capture but build none ourselves?

Probabely we'll even be able to manage, say, prince :p

Tough we'd have to be surrounded by AIs that aren't that easy to rush like protective AIs and/or give them some archers via WB...
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