RR1 -Bond no More !

Well, mysty, who said that we would be working low yield tiles? I only said that we couldn't have workers... I haven't said that we couldn't have improvements :p
Thing is, if we wait for the AI to improve the land we'll have to wait a very long time until we can finally have improved land. Also, the land we settle ourselves will be improvement-free (apart from the AI roading...).
Well done team, it did lose it's way abit but we got there in the end.

interesting idea Rolo :crazyeye:, if it goes ahead i hope its on an island/archipelago, lots of settling on resources, lots of seafood (for the workboats ;))
Nice endgame, mysty. And :goodjob: to the team.

Rolo, I'm intrigued. How can one get a 4h tile without workers?
Rolo, I'm intrigued. How can one get a 4h tile without workers?

Forested plains hill adjacent to a river with a levee in the city.... see it all the time :lol::lol::lol:
I rarely play later-rich maps but that's an idea. I'm all for it. Willem FTW. I think that's doable... We don't need to invade much (besides probabely a backwards toku or so) until those dams and can get eary production, infra or even small army with the mighty :whipped:

Again, I'm all for it :)
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