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RTOR NES 8- Realism

Originally posted by EQandcivfanatic
whenever you do something that costs population you cannot grow it.

now u tell us :p


Great! our settlers arrived safely!, now we are to expand to the north! emmm......sir..........we have no men to send......WHAT! how come i wasnt informed of this! this is a huge setback to my original plan! darn...........
Emperor Sio called all of the people in the capital to go to the palace front to listen to a very important message.
pleople of china! we have food, we have resources......now what your govt. wants you all to do is........well....have babys, yes much more babys *men rejoiced*, we need them to expand china, and make china stronger! well what is everyone waiting for?!

OOC-wont it take a loooooong time to get anywhere if you need to grow population every other turn?
The Roman Cheifdom was expanding. The population continued to boom. Rome was expanding as more people and villages joined the Romans. The population would skyrocket over the many years to come.


Enlarge Population

The Monégasques were growing, their population had hit a new high, an estimated 70 thousand. But the people of Monaco saught protection from the outside world, they saught a grander army.


Grow army 2x.
-global events-

Russia founded.

Masses of immigrants flee into Russia and Fennia reporting a great army in the eastern wilderness slaughtering all who do not belong to them. (both nations have pop increases of 2)


Russia and Fennia have contact.

-NPC Messages-


erez, lowest population is 1, you cannot spend it to 0, so instead of expanding your population has grown.
World Map
Originally posted by Finmaster
Expand to south & southwest, towards Estonian areas.
You misread it :(
From Fennia:
To Russia:
Hello, neighbour! As you probably remember, we made maps together about how to not block each other from expanding, but our leaders have lost those maps :(. If you have those maps, maybe you could show them to us again (and eq would also see them ;)).


Expand towards north & northwest, towards Finland.
The Russian empire have met a new Civilization!
The Finish people were strange but looked like the Russian people.

The Chief remembered meeting thos people in the past, in an hunting trip. they were nice and slow but very smart.
He knew they might make problems now that he know they have a huge village, after all they were smarter...

to Fennia:
Yes we remembere your tribe, we shall show you the maps again to sign the NAP of god eyes!

Grow army
Expand into the East, NEVER cross the borders in the map!
From Fennia
To Russia:
uhm... actually, we weren't blocked from expanding into Germany in the original map ;). But we can discuss about that later. Other than that we are happy with the map and the NAP with you. Actually we think that an alliance could also be a good idea. How does that sound to you?

OOC: @EQ: When you make my nation expand, do not cross that line which Erez drew.
China (Orders and Stuff)

Changs Rice Paddies.

The emperor of china walked around the main market of the city, he noticed that a new food stuff was needed to keep continue the population growing, he had many advisors, but most of them could not give an answer to chinas food problem, then the last advisor came, his name was Li Chang, and he brought a bag, full of small white things, they all look the same, RICE! is RICE! i discovered it in the land some months ago, and have strated to see how agriculture works, i am here to ask you for economic aid, if my idea that agirculture works, china will get all of the food it needs! the population growth will double triple!.
Emperor Sio looked at the rice and at Chang, he trusted him and gave him plenty of money and men to work in the experiment of rice paddies. still the wonder would not start, as it was needed for the population to grow first......... and it was needed to expand to gain more knowledge in rice and other plants.

The Roman Cheifs and elders did not see the reason to expanding it's borders. Instead it would let it's population grow.


Grow Population
argh, that sux, my computer crashed for 2 days and couldnt post full stats and all that. Now I will be behind. Ah well...

Mayan Tribalism
Army: Tiny
Navy: NA
Economy: NA (changes once tech develops)
Population: 1
Confidence in Leader: Average
Living Standards: NA (not available until Classical age)
Education: NA (not availiable until Classical Age)
High Priest Moainettie stood upon his stone alter, which overlooked the vast jungle inwhich his people and nation thrived. Below, he saw the slaves working away against the crowding jungle, expanding the great city inwhich all of Maya was dependent on, Chichen-Itza.

The band of natives inwhich the Mayan had belonged to had decided to settle for good in this small jungle clearing. But soon the Mayans overpopulated the area, and new tools were developed to hack away at the surrounding forests, and soon the Mayans were even able to control a fire that burned its way through the jungle, little Mayan children following the flames and playing in what would become their next stone home. Chichen-Itza soon became double the size it was, and then triple. However, the city was not enough to hold the vast Mayan people,and soon Moainettie formed an army worthy of the Mayans, and sent an expedition to take more lands from which other tribes relied on. It was an interesting time of Maya.

UU: Jungle Fighter - a warrior enempt in jungle fighting, using the trees, shrubs, vines, and caves to out manuever their enemy and cause death.

Grow Population, duh!
Ok Russia UU
Spearoman. - High moral, highly trained exelent on defense, cannot attack with this guy...
Nation Name: Mowhawk
Government Tribal Oligarchy
Religion: Polytheistic Shamanism
Army: Tiny Stone Age
Navy: NA (changes once tech develops)
Economy: NA (changes once tech develops)
Population: 1
Confidence in Leader: Average
Living Standards: NA (not available until Classical age)
Education: NA (not availiable until Classical Age)

UU: Brave: Young warriors trained all their lives, armed with axes and with Signature haircuts. They know the terrain and are the original naturalists.

Put me on the waitinglist!
i will update upon returning from celebrating my birthday. Next up on list after Jason, china444 i believe, should post a story and/or orders after the update.

The Monégasques were elated at the size of their new army, now they were safe from the outside world.
Grow Population.

OOC: Happy Birthday, EQ.:bday:
-global events-

Maya founded in northern Amazon (forget where they really started).

Swarms of immigrants fleeing from barbarian horde in west continue flight into Russia and Fennia, but now have also entered China and Babylon en masse. (2 pop sizes for all nations) They report the barbarian horde will arrive at current speed in 50 years (next turn)


-NPC Messages-


On map are grey arrows, representing the told route of the barbarian horde. The larger the arrow, the bigger amount of troops. Mainly this is to give those in the way of invasions time to prepare tactics.
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