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Russia Vs China

The spectators will! :cool:

My money would be on Russia. Cripes, those poor folks will go absolutely rabid once they have something to be proud of again. :)
calgacus said:
I don't think there's any question that Russia would win if nuclear weapons became involved.
Actually, I'm not so sure about this. Russia is supposed to have 8,000 nuke heads (with almost half who don't work anymore), and China has 500 nuke heads. Considering that Chinese population is 10 times larger, I would bet there would be more Chinese surviving than Russians. ;)
Marla I didn't expect this from you :). I mean who on earth counts survivors by the number pre-war population!? Russian nukes are much more devastating than Chinese ones btw.
Chinese nukes probably aren't of the best quality either.

Bah. Nukes ruin good military chest-thumping.
Chinese nukes probably aren't of the best quality either.

Glady, I hope neither you or me will get a chance to test one. I would not trust you with one. But it is true that China is behind USSR in technology (in some areas) at least for 25 years. They just launched their first space rockets (based on Russian/Soviet design). So I wouldn't call Russian nukes bad either.
Pasi Nurminen said:
Russia still has a massive military, and has proven time and again, that when invaded, it can and will resist the intruders at any cost. No nation could take down Russia, not ever, and certainly not now. Even the Americans would have their asses handed to them.

:hmm: Did someone forget about the Mongols?

Anyway, China would win. The Russian military has been deteriorating for quite some time now, and the Chinese have the ability to overwhelm Russia with large numbers. Moreover, a lot of Russian provinces would see the war as an opportunity to revolt and gain independence, so the Russian government would have a hard time keeping the nation together and fighting an effective war.
Yom said:
so the Russian government would have a hard time keeping the nation together and fighting an effective war.

75-80% of Russians live in Europe. The only significant population center which would be easily accesible to China is Vladivostok. The Chinese would have to cover 4 times the distance as the crow flies to get to Moscow that the Russians would have to travel to get to Beijing.
calgacus said:
75-80% of Russians live in Europe. The only significant population center which would be easily accesible to China is Vladivostok. The Chinese would have to cover 4 times the distance as the crow flies to get to Moscow that the Russians would have to travel to get to Beijing.

How is this an advantage for either side? Both the Russians and the Chinese would have to travel great distances. Moscow isn't any closer to Beijing than Beijing is to Moscow. Furthermore, much of the land that will be traversed has separatist movements that the Chinese may be able to use to their advantage.
Yom said:
How is this an advantage for either side? Both the Russians and the Chinese would have to travel great distances. Moscow isn't any closer to Beijing than Beijing is to Moscow. Furthermore, much of the land that will be traversed has separatist movements that the Chinese may be able to use to their advantage.

Yeah, but any Russian army poised on the borders of China has very little to travel to reach Chinese population centers, whereas the Chinese are not within any realistic reachable distance of Russia proper.

And you're wrong about separatist movements. Russia's only serious separatist movements are in the Caucasus. China's are mostly on her north-western border with Russia.

So, that's how :p
And about separatism, except for Caucasus most of the population (incl. non-Russians) is more afraid of the Chinese than they dislike Russians. So thats unlikely too.
Non-nuclear scenario, a Chinese army would be overwhelming. However, if Russia could use superior arms to cut of Chinese supplies it wouldn't matter how many men they had as starving men with no bullets can't do much. Also, the Russian climate would make more supplies needed to stay warm and to keep machinery working.
hm... There were some jokes concerning Soviet-Chineese conflict, but I guess I've already posted them somewhere :)
Like "What will happen to USSR in 1980's? (joke from 1970s)
"I have no idea, but things will be very quiet on the Finno-Chinese border"
russia has tons of suppys just sitting around waiting for war, and if war broke our lost of russian men would either voluteer or be drafted and with there great weapons beat the chinese back. also of course the chinese wouldnt care about the losses they substain look at their involvment in the korean war
All of Russia's wars have either been won by overwhelming numbers or the Russian winter. Against China, Russia has a huge disadvantage in numbers and the Russian winter would likely have little effect in the modern day. That said it is also unknown how the Ural Mountains will come into play, as no other nation has tried invasion of Russia from the east. Russia would stand no chance at invading China because if the Chinese saw their homeland being invaded they would respond with ENORMOUS numbers and drown the Russian army just as the Red Army overwhelmed Hitler. In conlusion, I would say, barring the use of nuclear weapons, China would be the victor.
Gelion said:
Marla I didn't expect this from you :). I mean who on earth counts survivors by the number pre-war population!? Russian nukes are much more devastating than Chinese ones btw.
That's maybe due to my paranoia which pushes me to believe that Chinese people will get us all whatever happens. ;)
Fetus4188 said:
All of Russia's wars have either been won by overwhelming numbers or the Russian winter.
Of course. I mean how did Russia beat Napoleon? Winter of course. Hitler? Winter no doubt. Best Russian general. Forget Suvorov. Russo-Turkish/ Russo-Swedish wars? Winter of course. Especially in the Black sea. And of course the numbers. I mean 7000 Russians and 8000 Austrians vs. 100000 Turcs is way too much. It must've been the Austrian soldiers who contributed the most. And of course Allies loss much less in ww2 cuz they counted their men. I mean Coventry is just one great example of that. :mad:
:rolleyes: /sarcasm
I can go on for hours in that manner. And if it is the winter? WHY THE **** DO YOU GO INTO RUSSIA IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP AGAINST? Face it if you know what waits for you shouldn't you bring some proper equipment? Or you simply don't do that cuz later you can blame your defeat on the scary "russian winter".
Fetus4188 said:
All of Russia's wars have either been won by overwhelming numbers or the Russian winter. Against China, Russia has a huge disadvantage in numbers and the Russian winter would likely have little effect in the modern day.
Don't ever underestimate the Russian winter. Germans in the 40's also believed that in the modern day, they couldn't be caught as did Napoleon's army... and you know what happened... ;)

That said it is also unknown how the Ural Mountains will come into play, as no other nation has tried invasion of Russia from the east.
The Ural Mountains are over-estimated, its highest peak is the evil Naroda Mountain culminating at 1,895m... Corsica is a small island of the Mediterranean which is half the size of New Jersey and it culminates at 2,500 m !!

Nah, they should be called the "Ural Hills" but as European geographs knew the political importance of showing geographically Europe as an independent continent, they've invented that limit which is far less obvious than in the case of India... which is supposed to be only a sub-continent. :p

Russia would stand no chance at invading China because if the Chinese saw their homeland being invaded they would respond with ENORMOUS numbers and drown the Russian army just as the Red Army overwhelmed Hitler. In conlusion, I would say, barring the use of nuclear weapons, China would be the victor.
Well, yeah I agree with this. Even if as many people know, the winners of such wars are those who don't participate. :)
Marla_Singer said:
That's maybe due to my paranoia which pushes me to believe that Chinese people will get us all whatever happens. ;)
lol I think so too. The future belongs to the Chinese. Lets hold on long enough ;).
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