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Russia Vs China

Nobody said:
When we talk of this we must also mention the ANZACs

Forgive me! You are so correct.
Well mostly I agree with you. I cannot say if Russia can win this conflict or not as I said in my previous post.
Lol, I'm all for more countires in the EU :lol: Especially if they learn how to drive ;).
calgacus said:
I don't think there's any question that Russia would win if nuclear weapons became involved. However, imagine a war were to break out tomorrow between these too huge military powers, who would win? Would the superior Chinese numbers in manpower and aircraft swamp the Russians, or would a war fuel industrial and economic revitalization in Russia that would enable it to bring down its largely superior military technology for victory?

Try to forget Russia's past greatness and China's future greatness...this war will happen in the present. ;)

So, which,of these powers, America's closets military rivals, if either, would come out on top?

Russia has 150 million people. China has 1.3 billion. That's a tenfold advantage in manpower. If it came down to a slugging match, and it inevitably will unless you bring in nukes, China will outlast Russia. Blitzkreig simply isn't going to happen, not when you're talking about the vast amounts of territory and strategic depth both countries have.

Furthemore, in a land war between China and Russia, China has far better supply lines to supply its troops and run its reinforcements. The Sino-Russian border is far, far away from Moscow, where the majority of Russia's people, resources, troops, and industry is. It is connected by only the Trans-Siberian railroad. If the railroad ever gets cut off at some point, pretty much all the Far East regions are screwed.

There's no way in hell Russia could ever succeed in invading and pacifying China. On the other hand, China could possibly cut off the railroad, and starve off and seize the Far East regions, but they'll never make it anywhere near Moscow.
At last a non-political topic to post on, that is actually more than totally banal;)

I think that it would depend on who is the aggressor. The aggressor in this case will be in a difficult position as the territory and the people will be difficult to handle making for a brutal, disastrous war for both sides.

I am no military expert, but I would assume that China will want to keep such a war quick because it is very possible that Russia may use her influence with India to cut off China's access to ME oil. Now I don't know if Russia will be able to have such an influence on an Indian leadership not keen on entering either side, but Russia may also use her superior naval reach to cut off shipping from the Middle East to China (a fewakulas at the right places can do wonders) This will force the Chinese to choose between starving people for energy or the military offensive. Moreover, China is still dependent on Australia and the US for grain imports and either of these countries could choose to cut off supplies till they stop the war. Additionally, China will have to make a desperate oil run to sustain their offensive in Siberia and here I think the Russians will be better equipped to fight a war in freezing conditions, than the Chinese. Also, whatever the equipment the Chinese buy from Russia, they will not be able to match the Russians in their use, at least the top-of the line stuff. Russia's problem may come with regard to supply if the Trans-Siberian railway is attacked and Siberia cut off from the rest of Russia. When this happens, Russia may be sorely tempted to use the nuclear option on China (they've get ****loads more of it than the Chinese) and show them who's the boss. While the dragon may severely wound the bear, the bear can still give a deadly blow even in its dying moments.
You guys should all go read "The Bear and the Dragon" by Tom Clancy.
Can you give us a link for book review of some sort?
storealex said:
You guys should all go read "The Bear and the Dragon" by Tom Clancy.

I have. The first 200 pages talks about Japanese sausage and "Mao liked little girls". Then a single sniper's bullet kills the general of the Chinese army and the US destroys China's entire army using a squadron of planes without a single loss. (Have I mentioned the silliness of US being involved because Russia is part of NATO now?) I don't remember a single battle even taking place between the Russians and the Chinese.

While I enjoyed Clancy's earlier works like Hunt for Red October and Red Storm Rising, his later books have degenerated into total crap.
Jeff Yu said:
I don't remember a single battle even taking place between the Russians and the Chinese.
You missed the part where the Russskie hidden in an old turret slaughters the evil Chinese who try to attack.
And the tank battle between Russians and Chinese...
Actually i've read some of Clancy's later books and i was really disgusted. It is all about the same:

Bad Guys (Chinese, North Koreans, Kurds, even Japan) attack righteous and good United States of America. After some difficulties US manages to destroy enemies with superior weaponry, smart secret agents and genial president. Uau. Goebells must be laughing in the hell...
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