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SCENARIO: Iran-Iraq War

Mr Black

Los Zetas
May 8, 2003
Houston, Texas

Conquest ONLY!!!

“The border between Iraq and Iran has been contested diplomatically and sometimes militarily for several centuries. After the Ottoman Empire conquered present-day Iraq in 1534, making it the easternmost part of its empire, Iran, its eastern neighbor, became a frequent rival. More recently, when Iraq was made a separate state in the aftermath of World War I (1914-1918), Iraq and Iran disagreed sharply over the precise border between them, especially in the area of the Shatt al Arab, a river channel providing Iraq's only outlet to the sea, via the Persian Gulf. In 1937 the two sides came to an agreement establishing a boundary that gave Iraq control of the Shatt al Arab.

Despite the border agreement, relations between Iran and Iraq continued to suffer periodic crises for two reasons. First, although Iraq is predominantly Arab and Iran is predominantly Persian, the border still cut across some political loyalties. In the north, a large population of Kurds (who are neither Arab nor Persian) straddled both sides of the border. Along the southern part of the border, an Arab minority inhabited the Iranian province of Khûzestân among a Persian majority. Furthermore, the largest portion of the Iraqi population is Shia Muslim, as is the majority of the Iranian population. Shia religious leaders at odds with the secular (nonreligious) government of their own country sometimes sought refuge in the other, straining Iranian-Iraqi relations. The most prominent refugee was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a leading Shia religious scholar who settled in Iraq after being exiled from Iran in 1964.

The second reason Iran and Iraq continued to suffer crises was that both countries were politically unstable. When either Iran or Iraq experienced a revolution or coup, the other country would exploit the troubled country’s political weakness to gain a diplomatic advantage. As Western countries, especially the United Kingdom, gradually lost influence in the area in the mid-20th century, both Iran and Iraq felt freer to pursue more ambitious foreign policies, unhindered (and at times even supported) by external powers. By the beginning of the 1970s both Iran and Iraq sought broader influence in the region. Under Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Iran felt it could assert its authority in the area, partly with the backing of the United States. Iraq, governed by the Arab nationalist regime of Major General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, sought to unite and strengthen the Arab world and reject Western influence. These opposing views created a bitter rivalry between the neighboring countries.

In the early 1970s Iraq's Kurdish population rebelled against the country's government, and Iran joined several other countries in supporting the insurgency. At peace talks in Algiers, Algeria, in 1975, Iran agreed to abandon its support for the Kurdish rebellion in return for an agreement by Iraq to share the Shatt al Arab waterway with Iran. Thereafter, the border between Iran and Iraq was drawn down the middle of the Shatt al Arab rather than along its eastern (Iranian) bank as agreed in 1937.

In January 1979 followers of Ayatollah Khomeini led a revolution that toppled the shah. The following month, Khomeini returned to Iran and began to take control of the new government. In April, after a popular referendum, Khomeini declared the establishment of an Islamic republic. The revolution posed what seemed to be both an enormous opportunity and a dire threat to the Iraqi government, now under the control of Saddam Hussein. On the one hand, Iran was in disarray. The various elements in the coalition that overthrew the shah were badly divided and the army was being purged. Further, the taking of American hostages in November 1979, combined with the desire of the new government to free the country from all foreign influence, left Iran internationally isolated. Never had Iraq’s rival been so vulnerable.

On the other hand, Iranian Shia Muslims had carried out the successful revolution against the shah’s secular government. Their success excited many Iraqi Shias with the possibility of similar gains in their country. Although Shias also constitute the majority of Muslims in Iraq, the Sunnis (Sunni Islam) had long held political power in Iraq’s secular government. Cautiously, the domestic opposition to Hussein’s strong-handed government became emboldened. One Iraqi religious leader in particular, Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr, emerged with ideas very similar to Khomeini’s. Al-Sadr was soon arrested and executed, bringing protests from some Iraqi Shias as well as a crisis in Iranian-Iraqi relations.

While these events were unfolding, some Iranian officials made no secret of their desire to have other Muslim countries follow their path of Islamic revolution. A crisis between Iran and Iraq escalated during 1980 as the two countries accused each other of border violations and interfering in each other’s internal affairs. Iraq responded to the escalation by repudiating the 1975 agreement giving Iran access to the Shatt al Arab in September 1980. Several days later, on September 22, Iraq launched a full-scale invasion of Iran.”

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“The Iraqis invaded Iran on September 22, 1980. Their major thrust was directed at Iran’s
Khuzestan province, in the extreme southernmost portion of the country, on the northern Gulf. Concurrently, two smaller penetrations occurred in areas farther north along the border.
Iraq committed 7 of its 12 divisions to the invasion, 5 of them entering Khuzestan. The objective of the latter was to seize four cities—Khoramshahr, Abadan, Dezful and Ahvaz. This would enable the Iraqis to cut off the main reinforcement route to the province from Tehran, and would deliver the Shatt Al Arab into their hands.”

Military “experts” predicted the war would end in three weeks, it lasted 8 years.


For more information about the Iran-Iraq War please look at this thread.
Additional Information
There you will find other links and information. Thanks to yaroslav, Case, pawpaw, jroa99


CREDITS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: All of these people helped create the Iran-Iraq War Scenario. And I am forever grateful to them. :goodjob:
Pawel from Sweden
The Last Conformist a native of Sweden
TRpwau from America’s Playground (Atlantic City)
tossi from Europe (Germany)
Zeeketer from Belgium
Ekmek from the Empire of California

Download the Iran-Iraq War scenario here. Install Instructions on the next post. This is version 0.5
Download FULL SCENARIO: IIW-version0.5 HERE (1.3 Mb)

Included in this download is;
3 .biq files: IIW-MPv05, IIW-Iranv05, IIW-Iraqv05
Civilopedia Icons, units32, terrain
3 new unit folders:
shershen - created by Wyrmshadow
osa - created by Wyrmshadow
nanuchka - created by Wyrmshadow
PediaIcons.txt, Civilopedia.txt and ReadME files, among other folders.
There are three versions of the scenario in here. Reasons why are explained in the 3rd post.

Additional Units Here If you previously downloaded the IIW scenario, you don’t really need these units. But if you replace the entire IIW with the new download above, make sure to move the current units somewhere safe, to later drop them back in. Or, you could just download the units again, if your not too familiar with all that.
Download FULL SCENARIO: IIW-version0.5 Additional Units HERE (2.8 Mb)

Included in this download are unit folders for:
Chemical Missile – Gas FLC created by Smoking mirror, sounds created by Vuldacon
Hind - created by Wyrmshadow
Cobra - created by Wyrmshadow
Terrorist - created by Dark Sheer (I think)
Phantom - created by Wyrmshadow
F-14 Tomcat - created by BeBro
Rafale - created by BeBro

If upgrading from v0.4 to v0.5, then all you need is the BIC files.
UPGRADE SCENARIO: IIW-version0.5 HERE (129 Kb)

WWII Units
There are three more units you need to have and they’re from the PTW Extras folder. They are designed by Firaxis. Download them from the Civ3.com website, or from LouLong’s thread in the Unit Graphics forum, if you haven’t done so already.
Italian Rifleman
Last edited by a moderator:

First off I’m pretty much jocking the way Procifica started out the ACW thread. Why reinvent the wheel, I say.

Below are installation instructions for Civilization III: Conquest (C3C). It is recommended that you use the latest version of C3C for running this scenario. Currently the most recent version for Conquests is v1.12, NOT v1.13, that’s not even a BETA.


Install instructions also are included in the ReadME file for your convenience.

1) Extract the ZIP File to the Conquest/ Scenarios Folder. This will create a new "IIW" Folder inside your Scenarios Folder.

2) Download the other zip file (which contains the Additional Units) move all of these folders into the “Units” folder, located inside “IIW/Art” folders.

3) If you do not have PTW, then you will need to download three additional units from Firaxis. “Italian Rifleman”, “T-34”, “Churchill”, these can either go into the “Units” folder of “IIW”, or in the PTW directory (If you created such). If you have PTW, then don’t worry about a thing, your good.

4) Move the 3 different .biq files from the IIW folder into your Scenarios Folder.

5) You should be able to play now.

6) Post your feedback, comments, and any bugs or mistakes you find in this thread.

7) Have fun!

This is what your folders should look like, for PTW owners. Non-PTW owners may need to have the Italian Rifleman, T-34 and Churchill folders here, as well.
IIW Versions

There are 3 versions, which you can play. In Civ3 when the Modern Age arrives, the human player always has the advantage. Mostly because of the way we use Artillery and Air units. While playing this game, I also realized the AI had an inability to handle invisible units. So I set out to help the AI with different versions of the scenario. This should give the human a competitive game in Single Player mode.

This version represents the Iran-Iraq War in its truest form.

1) You no longer have invisible units, only Iraq does.
2) Your air units, no longer have the lethal land, only Iraq does.
3) Battlefield Medicine and Leo’s Workshop are already in Baghdad, thus there are two fewer techs to research in this version.
4) Barracks located in Al Mawsil, Baghdad, Al Basrah, An Najaf, and An Nasiriyah.
5) 5 extra T-54’s given to the Iraqis.
6) There is an extra Iraqi Infantry inside every Iraqi city. (This was not done on purpose, I still don’t know haw it happens. However, I think it’s OK since it benefits the AI).

1) You no longer have invisible units, only Iran does.
2) Your air units, no longer have the lethal land, only Iran does
3) Battlefield Medicine and Leo’s Workshop are already in Tehran, thus there are two fewer techs to research in this version.
4) Barracks located in Tehran, Tabriz, Mashhad, Kermanshah, Esfahan, Shiraz.
5) 5 extra Chieftains given to the Iranians.
6) There is an extra Pasdaran inside every Iranian city. (This was not done on purpose, I still don’t know haw it happens. However, I think it’s OK since it benefits the AI).
Scenario Information: Iran-Iraq War

There are only have the 2 civs in the game, with Technologies representing the outside influence of other nations (Soviet Union, United States, Saudi Arabia/ Kuwait, China/ North Korea, France). I’ll get to the techs in a later post.

The map size is 100 vertical by 70 horizontal. Each square represents roughly 400 squared miles, meaning that a soldier marching from one square to the next, will be marching 20 miles. All cities have been placed in the most accurate position possible, without overlapping. However, there is one exception and that is the Khuzestan Province of Iran. In reality, the Iranian cities of Khorranshahr and Abadan are right next to Basrah, in this map they might even be in the same square. Also the city of Ahvaz is actually where Khorramshahr is placed on the map. Just think of this as a ZOOMED IN version of the Khuzestan Province. All of these cities are extremely important in the context of the war and they had to be placed.

This scenario begins September 1980 and runs until August 1988 (95 Turns, like the Napoleonic Scenario).

VP Victory Condition:
There are 12 VP locations in the southern border area, 6 belonging to each side. There are 2 more VP locations in the north and central region along the border. The war was mostly fought in the south, thus more VP’s there. Here is a list of what the VP’s represent in the screenshot below.

1) Qasr-e Shirin, Iran (this small in the north, near Kurdish Halabja, fell to Iraq early and later liberated by Iran.)
2) Mehran, Iran (this town in the central border region fell twice to Iraq, and liberated twice.)
3) Dezful, Iran (1 of 4 KEY cities, which Saddam started the war for. It was never captured.)
4) Ahvaz, Iran (1 of 4 KEY cities, which Saddam started the war for. It was never captured.)
5) Susangerd, Iran (small town, captured early by Iraq)
6) Khorramshahr (1 of 4 KEY cities, which Saddam started the war for. It was captured, after a fierce battle, but later liberated.)
7) Abadan (1 of 4 KEY cities, which Saddam started the war for. This city was completely surrounded, but Iraq was unable to capture it.
8) Arvand-Roud (in Farsi)/ Shatt al Arab (in Arabic) This strategic waterway was captured early in the war. It was shared by Iran and Iraq before the war and it’s still shared today. Iraq has the left bank, Iran the right.
9) Al Faw Peninsula, Iraq (The town of Al Faw had already been abandoned, when late in the war Iranian troops launched an amphibious operation and successfully captured the peninsula and it’s underdeveloped oil field. The area, would later be retaken by Iraq.
10) Umm Qasr, Iraq (Iraq’s only sea access to the Persian Gulf, during the war.)
11) Ramallah oil fields, Iraq (These were bombed by Iran, but never threatened.)
12) An Nasiriyah, Iraq (I can’t really tell you what happened here, that is important. But I needed an extra VP for Iraq.)
13) Al Basrah. Iraq (This city was attacked fiercely by Iran for over 6 years. OVER 6 YEARS!!! It never fell. For defense, the Iraqis created several artificial lakes in the area.
14) Majnoon Islands, Iraq (This Island in the middle of the marsh, had an underdeveloped oil field. It was captured by Iran. I’m not sure if the Iranians abandoned it, or if the Iraqis recaptured it.)

Regicide Victory Condition:
There is no need wait out the 95 turns with your VP’s, for you can end this war quickly by killing your opponents leader. Each capital has a King unit, they are immobile, so they’re not moving from there.

Horses and Bananas
Because of the large populations, specifically in Tehran and Baghdad, I’ve given these two resources extra food production. This is why you will see them spread all over the map.

Landmark Terrain and Wheeled Units
First off, I’ve made hills “impassable by wheeled. All Artillery, and Tank units have all been given the wheeled flag. I did this to make certain that these units stay in the South, where the war was fought. Now, Baghdad is very near the Iranian border and the city of Ilam. I realized that it would be very easy to just build a road to Baghdad from Ilam and just roll in with your Tanks. This is why I have put the LM terrain squares separating the border between Iran and Iraq. It is impossible to build a road on these LM Terrains. If you want to go to Baghdad, you will have to do it with you Foot Units only. The only way into Iraq, with your wheeled units is through Basrah. And for Iraq, it is the same, the southern region is the only way into Iran, with your wheeled units.

There are entries for most of the units in the game. However, at this moment there are none for Techs, and Improvements.

There are very few roads which are railroaded in this scenario, mostly in Iran. Realistically there should be several lines, but the Infinite movement is ridiculous, as it takes away all strategy, therefore there is no way to build further railroads in this scenario.
Units in the Game

Units used by both nations:
Scout (radar, all terrain as road)
Fixed Gun (immobile)
Fixed Anti-Aircraft (immobile in Airfields)
Artillery >upgrades to< M-46 Artillery (Iran), GHN-5 Artillery (Iraq)
Flak >upgrades to< Mobile SAM

These two units are produced every 5 turns in Tabriz and Al Mawsil by different Great Wonders.
Kurdish Rebels (Iran)
Mujahideen-e-Khalq (Iraq)

Units used by IRAQ:
Ba’thist Militia (immobile) >upgrades to< Jaysh al-Sha'abi (immobile)
Iraqi Infantry >upgrades to< Iraqi Infantry II
T-54 >upgrades to< T-62
Mi-24 Hind >upgrades to< Mi-24 Hind II
Mig >upgrades to< Mirage
Iraqi S.O.F. (invisible, sees invisible)
Scud Missiles
Al-Haris Al-Jamhuri*(starts Golden Age)
Chemical Weapons

* Al-Haris Al-Jamhuri is the Arabic name for the Republican Guards.

Units used by IRAN.
Mostafazin (Immobile) >upgrades to< Mohammed Corps (immobile)
Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami* (Infantry, starts Golden Age) >upgrades to< Revolutionary Guards (amphibious)
Imperial Infantry >upgrades to< IIGF Infantry
Chieftain (Tanks) >upgrades to< Chi/ NK T-55
AH-1 Cobras >upgrades to< AH-1 Cobras II
Niruyeh Moghavemat Basij (like a cruise missile)
Takavar (invisible, sees invisible)
F-4 Phantom
Galleon (transport)

* Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami in Farsi means Revolutionary Guards. I used both names to differentiate between the upgrades.

Starting Units
There are a lot, but more than half are immobile, so just the first turn is going to suck, since you have to fortify. The animations used for the immobile units are Musketman and Cannon. Later the Rifleman.

24 Workers
Ground Forces:
82 Mostafazin (Immobile)
40 Fixed Gun (Immobile)
15 Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami (Infantry)
7 Imperial Infantry
7 Chieftain (Tanks)
4 Artillery
2 Kurdish Rebels (invisible)
2 Takavar (invisible, sees invisible)
3 Frigate
3 Galleon (transport)
2 Corvette
6 Gunboat
3 Destroyer
Air Force:
5 AH-1 Cobras
5 F-14
11 F-4 Phantom
5 Fixed Anti-Aircraft (Immobile in Airfields)

13 Workers
Ground Forces:
75 Ba’thist Militia (Immobile)
36 Fixed Gun (Immobile)
24 Iraqi Infantry
12 T-54
8 Artillery
2 Mujahideen-e-Khalq (invisible)
2 Iraqi S.O.F. (invisible, sees invisible)
4 Gunboat
Air Force:
3 Helicopter
6 Scud Missile
3 Mi-24 Hind
12 Mig
3 Fixed Anti-Aircraft (Immobile in Airfields)


Here are the technologies, as you can see I have no idea how to get the arrows into this view. HELP ME!!!
The top two rows are for both civs. They contain mostly Great and Small Wonders which can help improve the performance of your military, but not that many unit upgrades. The 3rd and 4th row is the Iraqi tech tree. The last two rows are for Iran. I really need feedback here, about the tech cost and if the top two rows of techs are needed. Some of the names are pretty damn corny, so I’ll need your help in renaming them into something more “professionally sounding.” Also help in renaming some of the GWs.

TECHS: (allowed for both Iran and Iraq)
Mobile Medics (MP version only) = allows the construction of the Battlefield Medicine.
Espionage = allows the Pentagon, Intelligence Agency, Secret Police HQ (wait till patch to build this)
Leo’s Workshop (MP version only) = allows Leo’s Workshop
Advance Tactics = allows Sun Tzu, Great Wall
Grand Mosque = allows GW Grand Mosque (J Bachs Cathedral)
Universal Suffrage = allows Universal Suffrage
Aerial Defense = allows SAM Missile Battery, Mobile SAM, and Radar Towers

Iraqi TECHS:
Chemical Weapons = allows Chemical Weapons Facility, Chemical Weapons
Arab Loans/ Grants = allows SW Loans/ Grants (Wall Street)
Jaysh al-Sha’abi = allows the unit Jaysh al-Sha’abi
Soviet Assistance = allows units Mi-24 Hind, and T-62
Infantry Tactics = allows unit Iraqi Infantry II
French Deals = allows unit Mirage
Iraqi Artillery = allows unit GHN-5 Artillery
Al-Haris Al-Jamhuri = allows unit Al-Haris Al-Jamhuri
National Draft = allows you to move on to Mobilize tech.
Mobilize = allows you to Mobilize.

Iranian TECHS:
Basij = allows the unit Niruyeh Moghavemat Basij.
Naval Tactics = allows the GW Naval Advance (Magellan’s Voyage)
Pop Boom = allows GW Longevity
Mohammed Corps = allows the unit Mohammed Corps
NK/ Chinese Deals = allows the unit Chi/ NK T-55
Iran-Contra = allows the units IIGF Infantry, AH-1 Cobras II
Iranian Artillery = allows the unit M-46 Artillery
Revolutionary Guards = allows the unit Revolutionary Guards
New Year Assault = allows you to move on to Mobilize tech.
Mobilize = allows you to Mobilize.

Most the improvements you are used to are allowed to be built here, like University, Stock Exchange, Factory. But there are some new ones.

Basij Training = Only Iran can built these. They produce a Niruyeh Moghavemat Basij unit every 4 turns.
Scud Facility = Only Iraq can built these. They produce a Scud Missile unit every 4 turns.
Chemical W. Facility = Only Iraq can built these. They produce a Chemical Weapon unit every 10 turns.
Gunboat Production = Produces a Gunboat every 5 turns. These are already built in the Persian Gulf cities, so unless it gets destroyed, there is no need to built it

1) Tech Tree graphics have screwed up arrows. This isn’t a bug, but it sucks nonetheless.
2) Sometimes the King unit for Iran will appear as Saddam Hussein, instead of Khomeini. It doesn’t happen all the time, so I’m not sure what the problem is.
3) Fortress graphics sometimes appear as Medieval fortress graphics.

All right, I’m done. I’ll be back tomorrow. It’s Friday Night and I gots to get my freak on!!!
Have you incorperated the use of gas given to Iraq by the USA?
Have you done something to make defensive positions even more powerful? I played the first turn and threw all my tanks at one of the cities. There was at least 10 tanks and all were defeated without taking a single Iranian unit out. It doesn't seem right since the attack strength of my tanks was nearly double the defensive strength of the Iranian units.
First, I hope people stop writing such nonsense on this thread. It is common knowledge, verified by endless UN inspections, that the chemical weapons facilities in Iraq were mainly bought in Germany, while the French focused on nuclear capabilities and the Soviets provided most systems of delivery for WMD:s. This said, there are some things in this scenario that can be easily improved, so let me give some suggestions.

If I had had time to actually play through the scenario I might have more useful comments :), but when installing and loading three things came to mind.

1. Since many people have PTW, or a new version of civ that has the PTW stuff on it, it would be very convenient to change the scenario path to IIW;..\..\Civ3PTW\extras\World War II. It is generally a good idea to keep the units in one place instead of copying them to local folders. And if you don't have such a directory - nothing happens anyway.

2. There are no civilopedia icons for the units and no units32 file, despite that the icons are actually included in the unit directories!

3. It is very easy to have truly separate parts of the tech tree for the two sides. Flavors are good to select which technologies will be researched first, but in such a simple case as this is a rather weak solution. The best way is to use two of the ancient advances, e.g. Bronze Working and Warrior Code, that give nothing specific, and make them non-tradable non-era, giving one to each side. If you then require the first tech on each of the national trees require such a non-era technology, that tree will not be accessible to anyone else. I think this would work best for you.

EDIT: The first comment was with regard to the post of sims2789. :)
looks great, and i've heard Irani as the Farsi word for Iranian, just to let you know.
It’s great to hear all of your responses.

Originally posted by lovelymonger
Have you done something to make defensive positions even more powerful? I played the first turn and threw all my tanks at one of the cities. There was at least 10 tanks and all were defeated without taking a single Iranian unit out. It doesn't seem right since the attack strength of my tanks was nearly double the defensive strength of the Iranian units.

The cities that are on the border, for Iran and Iraq have Walls (if under 7) and Civil Defense. The stats on these two improvements have not been changed, from their original format. With Iraq, you should use your Migs and Scuds, it makes the taking of Khorramshahr much easier.

Incidentally, there are no air defenses at all early on, except for enemy Jets. During the entire 8-year conflict there was never a reported downed Jet, due to ground fire.

Originally posted by Pawel
1. Since many people have PTW, or a new version of civ that has the PTW stuff on it, it would be very convenient to change the scenario path to IIW;..\..\Civ3PTW\extras\World War II. It is generally a good idea to keep the units in one place instead of copying them to local folders. And if you don't have such a directory - nothing happens anyway.

Excellent!!! I didn’t even know this could be done. I shall make the changes and have the new .biq ready on Monday, after the patch comes out.

Originally posted by Pawel
2. There are no civilopedia icons for the units and no units32 file, despite that the icons are actually included in the unit directories!

With the civilopedia icons, I have no idea what happened. I put in the descriptions in the civilopedia, and now the icons are different.
Regarding units32 file; Can you have a specific units32 file for a scenario? Or, does the units32 file affect every game you play.

Originally posted by Pawel
3. It is very easy to have truly separate parts of the tech tree for the two sides. Flavors are good to select which technologies will be researched first, but in such a simple case as this is a rather weak solution. The best way is to use two of the ancient advances, e.g. Bronze Working and Warrior Code, that give nothing specific, and make them non-tradable non-era, giving one to each side. If you then require the first tech on each of the national trees require such a non-era technology, that tree will not be accessible to anyone else. I think this would work best for you.

This is a good idea, I’ll experiment with this and see how it goes. As you can probably tell by now, I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to making a scenario. In fact, this is my first ever attempt at a scenario.
Like ACW though, its very well-made for a first attempt.
Originally posted by Mr Black
With the civilopedia icons, I have no idea what happened. I put in the descriptions in the civilopedia, and now the icons are different.
Regarding units32 file; Can you have a specific units32 file for a scenario? Or, does the units32 file affect every game you play.

Well, the icons are different from the descriptions. The ones for the civilopedia can be found in the PediaIcons.txt. If you don't have them, civ will try to use the actual unit graphics, and it doesn't look very good. On the other hand, if you screw things up with the pedia icons, for instance by not having them in the right place, the game crashes. You use the same identifiers as in the Civilopedia.txt, though.

The unit_32 file is much simpler. Just copy the one from the [c3c] unit directory to your own, and use some program to paste in the small icons into the sheet. Since you own scenario comes first in the path, this file will be used instead of the default one.

Neither of these changes will affect gameplay other than from an esthetical viewpoint, although this should not be underestimated as you want to create the right mood. :) It also makes the game more understandable. However, the unit_32 has also offers benefits in the editor, making it easier to know which units are which - very useful if you give them individual names.

This is a good idea, I’ll experiment with this and see how it goes. As you can probably tell by now, I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to making a scenario. In fact, this is my first ever attempt at a scenario.

I hope you understand that my suggestions were only constructive in nature and not meant as criticism! Perhaps I spent too much time myself messing with getting every detail right for my own scenario. :) However, there is one thing there that you might be interested in copying from there. The reason is that if you write the path in an even more clever way, you can access the [c3c] units from the scenarios directly. WWII Pacific gives, for instance, instant access to the MG battalion and US, Japanse, and British infantry, the light tank, and many others. The only thing you'll have to do is to include you own music.txt file. This will not be overridden since there is none in the default Conquests text directory. On the other hand, maybe you like the music from the Pacific scenario! :)
I appreciate all your help Pawel! I'm learning so much.

I've fixed the civilopedia Icons for the units, which already have them. If the uploading is returned and the patch is here, I'll put it all up on Monday.

For the other new units I'll try to get new Icons for them. Same for the units_32. Not sure, when I'll have this done.

EDIT: the attachment is no longer neccessary, with version0.2.
OK, if you appreciate it so much, I can give you a few more hints. :)

1. If you have made an error in the PediaIcons.txt file, the game does not crash until a unit of that type is on the map, or that page in the civilopedia is opened. A good way to ensure everything is ok is thus to make a test map with one unit of each type, and then go through all civilopedia entries after loading the scenario. You will at least have checked for the most common bugs.

2. Although I recommend a look at my scenario anyway :), the
path I referred to above is not as trivial as one might expect. In order to get access to the Pacific and PTW units, you have to write
IIW;..\;..\..\civ3ptw;..\..\;..\Conquests\WWII in the Pacific;..\..\civ3ptw\extras\World War II, otherwise the scenario files will screw up the default ones. I wanted to make this clear - just in case. ;)

3. When you have a scenario of this size, it is always nice to remove redundant files. For instance, may units actually use sound files, and sometimes bomb animations, that are not new but already part of civ. If you look at the Hind, you can replace lines such as
and remove the .wav files from the directory.

Another point is that you can actually add different sounds than the original one. In the animation the Hind fires its gun as well as its missiles. You can thus add a second attack
and change the sound lines to
In this case it will fire a missile followed by gunfire. Actually, it may even be a good idea to replace the .amb with the .wav file it calls.
Sometimes the .amb files play many .wav files at certain frames in the animation, but in the case of the helicopter, the only thing it does is to introduce a delay that you actually may not want in the first place. And the advantage of .wav files is that they are more reliable. But you should try, of course, and see which combination creates the best impression.
Version0.2 is now up, for Conquest v1.12

I also have an Upgrade zip, if you don't want to download the whole thing again. (If you downloaded the previous version.)

Most importantly, I now have all Civilopedia Icons, as well as the units32.pcx. More info about what is new is located in the first post, where all of the downloads are located.

Also, all of the redundant Unit files have been removed, in the NEW download. (For those who previously downloaded the scenario, and just want to UPGRADE. Please note, that you will still have the redundant files. So, if you want that extra space in your hard-drive, you can just download the whole version0.2 again and replace the old folder.)

Thanks for all your hints Pawel, I followed your advice on everything and it looks much better. :)

IIW;..\;..\..\civ3ptw;..\..\;..\Conquests\WWII in the Pacific;..\..\civ3ptw\extras\World War II

It's a good thing you wrote this out, because I tried for quite sometime to get it right, with no avail. :thanx:

BTW, I'm going to check out your mod. I'll give you some game reports.
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