december 13, 2011 update
i managed to get a lot done over the last few days. first up is the new resource lineup. see attached. it's the first one. be kind on the quality of gfx

i am a novice...although some came out pretty nice if i may say so

most i made from scratch, others are by either Vuldacon or Pounder. here they are, from top left corner across.
I Corps Tactical Zone, II Corps, III Corps, IV Corps (these replace the USA resource of old), Air Strip, Air Base, Fire Base, US Navy, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Red River Delta, National Liberation Front
P-O-L (petroleum, oils, lubricants; 2 are Vuldacon's, barrels are Pounder), Railway Hub, Radar Station, NVAF Base, Ho Chi Minh Trail Hub ( how cool is that?
), Port Facility (tough one to center on tile, Pounder's btw, not me), Village, Hamlet, Timber (Vuldacon), Cotton (V), Coal (V + mine gfx by Pounder), Thailand
Rubber (V), Coffee (V), Sugar (V), Tobacco (V), Rice (V), Tea (V), VC Base Area I, and VC Base Area II (these last two may need some work), Fish [bonus resource]
i'll probably add a few more bonus resources to the end of the list.
quick hit on the potential game play ramifications for these new resources:
first 20 are strategic, last 12 are lux. all after that are bonus. this adheres to the 'dispel the phantom resources' protocol of lining all of the strat&lux resources into the top 32 (slots 0-31).
the CTZ resources will allow for the building of specific wonders (ie US and ally troop buildings) in specific areas. just another way to narrow down the focus.
air bases, air strips, and fire bases: sort of crappy gfx. did the best i could. would be tickled pink if someone out here in cyberspace thinks they can improve them

here's the deal with them: AirBases that can be built by workers are invisible now (on the x_detect_airfield file. however, i intend to pre-place the worker-built airfields although there will be the resource gfx showing instead. this will allow for me to differentiate between air strips, air bases, and even fire bases (they had small runway strips capable of handling transport places and utility helos).
US Navy: kinda crappy, i know. my intention was to have it cover the entire tile (likely Plains, an island Plains tile, iow, single tile in middle of ocean). more blank/transparent tricks...blanking over city size 1 and using resource gfx to show instead which in this case, is the US Navy resource. it is intended to have it represent the two USN stations in the China Sea, Yankee and Dixie. it'll isolate carrier aircraft builds and could isolate some other naval builds as well. a WIP but conceptually, it seems like a go.
flags: most will be under cities. each of these were in the previous version; they just didn't have flag gfx to represent them (i used Gold for some reason). a huge aesthetic improvement in the long run. will be used like before to isolate certain builds, grant bonuses etc.
Red River Delta is specific to that region up north. liken it to a type of 'Industry' resource like with AoI. this region was the industrial heart of NV. will allow for some isolation stuff and bonuses.
National Liberation Front (NLF), aka Viet Cong, in English - South Vietnamese Communist (roughly, a shortened form). this is fka as the 'Ho hi Minh Trail' resource, that little hut thingy i used before. awful. much, much, much better now. these will be placed around SV and along the HCMT. be aware though - they'll be invisible to the SV player, at least until a certain point in the tech tree (little known fact about the Tet Offensive in '68: US & ARVN forces got a great deal of intel on VC sanctuaries after Tet. iow, their so-called uprising betrayed their positions and MACV was able to pinpoint their whereabouts and essentially destroyed the NLF/VC as a fighting forece after Tet).
P-O-L, Railway Hub, Radar Station, NVAF Base, Port Facility will be targets of opportunity for the USAF. most will be placed in the red river delta area, in the hanoi-hai phong corridor. these resources will probably be the required ones for a host of wonders for NV, especially king producing ones (in line with the mass regicide game mode) but also aircraft and air defense (mig's/SAM sites). again, this whole concept is a WIP. can't confirm anything yet but i eagerly await testing to see if this will fly.
lux resources are all indigenous to SE Asia. had to do a little digging and map examining to finalize the list. they'll enable resource-specific improvements like in AoI and my other stuff.
VC Base Area resources: two of them, one for grassy/jungle-ly/hilly terrain and another for mountainous. take a close look at they will be what shows in place of size 1 city gfx. mash it all into the surrounding gfx...and it will be hard to see

a WIP of course. but the intent is to fleece, or at least to play tricks on your eyes

iow, finding VC Base Camps (ie size1 cities for NV along the HCMT and into SV) will not be easy.
screen2 is of IV Corps, south of Saigon and the Mekong Delta. i tidied it up some. airbase gfx don't look all that sexy. notice the chopped culture. Charlie owns the Countryside!
screen3: Mekong Delta, northern IV Corps. new rice paddy irrigation gfx looking fly on the AoI terrain