"Scientifically" Created Random World Maps (C3C)

North King

Jan 2, 2004
Hello. I have made a map for C3C, as the title might imply. ;) Well, I cant think of better descripition than this:

"In a "scientifically" random map, unlike your generic civ maps, the continents are shaped and placed by the theory of plate tectonics. A few continents fit together like a jigsaw, like on Earth. Resources are placed with a little knowledge of geology, unlike the completely random maps. Domesticatible animals are not randomly placed; you will notice an abundance in some places, while in others, humans hunted them to extinction. Plants can often only be found in one place. Lastly, civilizations are placed according to the theory in Guns, Germs and Steel."

So there.

Questions? Comments? Critique?

(Ignore the below; corrected download in 8th post)
Originally posted by The Last Conformist
Wellcome to CFC!

The map looks interesting on a quick check.

Those stretches of Sea, presumably meant to represent midoceanic ridges, may have unwanted consequences re: pre-Navigation seafaring.

Hmm, that is right. It shouldn't be that bad, considering you either need Astronomy (whose Caravels actually did cross oceans, note the Europeans and their explorations), or the Great Lighthouse, which would only be one civ. You are very right, though.

Would you prefer the midocean ridges removed, then? The only reason I put them in was so we did not have a "blank" ocean, and so placement of some islands might make more sense.
huh, am i the only one who cannot unpack the archive?
the ZIP file seems to be damaged... or worse, it seems it's not a ZIP archive!!!

You're not alone, Mendax!:(
*Insert Frustrated word here*!!!

This should work (I think it does, testing it myself):


  • srm1.zip
    34.3 KB · Views: 618
Very nice map. :goodjob:
Another nit wouldf be that the continents look a bit too, well, islandish. They should probably be more irregular with more peninsulas and the like.

Overall, though, great job. Looks very professional.
Guns, Germs and Steel.

:goodjob: I've yet to read it, but I've read his summation essay
in The New Humanists and saw him on C-Span discussing
G,G,&S - fascinating man.

I like your idea for a map,... I wish the map generating engine
for Civ worked like this.

Just so you know, I am starting another one. These take a Long Time, though. :)
"Guns Germs and Steel" is a book that explains (or ties to explain depending upon your point of view), why world civilizations developed when and where they did. In doing so he provides reasons why western Europe came to dominate the world during the 16th - 20th Centuries.

It is an excellent book and provides lots of data while being easy to read. A more recent book " A brief History of the Human Race" by Michael Cook, builds on G,G,& S but adds a focus on the industial revolution in England and its role in the European rise to power. Also excellent.
Awesome! "Guns, Germs, and Steel" was what initially got me interested in Civ in the first place. Jared Diamond is a genius.
Pretty cool map. But what would be even cooler is if you could make it randomely generate a new map every time using that guns germs and steel. I like the way youre map looks but I like suprise in maps as well.
I've DL this map before, and it was very cool... but now I got a new pc, with windows XP, and i DL this map again, and the file don't work in zip, neither in WinRAR... could you please help me to fix this, cause I just love this map...
Something tells me either you've posted in the wrong thread or something fishy is going on here.... It was years ago that I made that (or it seems like it), and people still like it?

As to your problem, did you use the zip in the original post (Which is broken and gone to ****, I think I just renamed the file from .biq to .zip, this being before the days when I knew how to use WinZip), or did you use the zip a bit farther down the page (which seems to work for me)?
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