What is so crazy about a sufficient equipped lab and sufficiently educated biologists privately creating such a virus? Is the necessary equipment so hard/expensive to come by? Or do you think the actual knowledge of doing it will remain too well contained within non-private institutions?
But how are they going to privately create it?
The equipment absolutely required is pretty limited really - high-speed centrifuge, PCR thermocycler, laminar flow hood, CO2 incubator, a bunsen burner, a good freezer and access to a sequencer (probably the hardest bit). Likewise the materials - bog standard cell lines, a bacterial plasmid that I'm guessing is pretty standard (still might raise some red flags, I'm not sure), standard but expensive mutagenesis kit with its fancy bacteria, a bunch of appropriate primers, and the standard set of reagents and kits etc that you need for run-of-the-mill DNA work. Oh, and a sick person/sick chook/the appropriate DNA. Knowledge-wise, there's no particularly specialised knowledge involved in the production, and most of the steps are pretty routine molecular biology. Knowing how to work with it safely would be the most specialised knowledge involved, I'd reckon. Not particularly fancy stuff by any means, but still the sort of stuff you can only acquire if you're a proper lab that's authorised by whatever appropriate regulatory bodies. So you'd be known about by the national biosafety authorities and so be subject to the appropriate regulations for whatever your lab is authorised to work on and be under scrutiny.
That amount of stuff wouldn't get you anywhere near the biosafety level required for actually working with that sort of virus legitimately, and obviously doesn't include the animal testing part, both of which require that you have an obscenely high level of biosafety precautions and that you are watched like a hawk by regulators. Which essentially means that you're in a high-security government-associated facility, and you'd need either an incredibly large and co-ordinated conspiracy or direct official approval to pull it off. I don't know if any rogue nations have these sort of facilities doing this sort of work (I doubt it), but if they do I'm sure they attract a whole lot of interest from international bodies as well.
So that really just leaves the option of doing the virus stuff under the table in a non-viral lab and hoping to avoid the regulators and colleagues. I guess if you had an actual legitimate lab that just happened to be full of jihadis who all decided to create a humanity-threatening-virus with no real personal safety precautions, and not a single sane person in the lab then maybe?