Screaming into the Void

Wow, that’s fantastic news! I’ve been back into playing the mod again after playing DoC more for a while, so I’m excited for this!

I’d actually love it if you added more than one Germanic civ—the Burgundii and Saxons could both at least be Armenia or Pontus-level civilizations.

Well, being a total war fan as well, I too believe that more than one German civs are welcome. We'll see how it will go!

Also I will look to drastically modify the Celts; they are more like "Gauls" currently, rather than "Celts". I would like them to span from Britain to the Balkans.

And actually a third “barbarian” civ could fit within the end-date of the game—the Bulgarians!

Regarding Bulgarians, though I agree that they fit in the timeframe, they will have less than 100 turns to play the game, I don't know if it will offer any fun at all..

Hellenic city states could be awesome too! As long as stability for being a civilization not in Empire + Bureaucracy is changed to actually be viable :mischief:

Ah, yes, civics combos will be modified. There will be a penalty for the amount of cities on every government type though, eg a kingdom will be strong and stable when occupying core and historical areas, but will become unstable when it controls more than two cities in foreign areas - it is time to become an empire, not just a kingdom!

Also, any chance AI behavior gets tweaked later on? I’m miffed that AI Baktria never invades India properly...EDIT: but I think that’s just because they always collapse to the Saka before their scripted event to do so, lol

Sakas will be severely nerfed, I will have the nomad confederations civs replacing them. But generally I would love more scripted wars, eg Hannibal invasion, Caesar invasion etc
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I’m excited, to be honest.

Well, being a total war fan as well, I too believe that more than one German civs are welcome. We'll see how it will go!

Also I will look to drastically modify the Celts; they are more like "Gauls" currently, rather than "Celts". I would like them to span from Britain to the Balkans.

You could always have a “Gauls” and a “Celts,” but really the Gauls weren’t ever unified so they could just be part of the Celts.

Regarding Bulgarians, though I agree that they fit in the timeframe, they will have less than 100 turns to play the game, I don't know if it will offer any fun at all..

Yeah, you’re right. They could be another nomad civ, maybe.

Ah, yes, civics combos will be modified. There will be a penalty for the amount of cities on every government type though, eg a kingdom will be strong and stable when occupying core and historical areas, but will become unstable when it controls more than two cities in foreign areas - it is time to become an empire, not just a kingdom!


Sakas will be severely nerfed, I will have the nomad confederations civs replacing them. But generally I would love more scripted wars, eg Hannibal invasion, Caesar invasion etc

Yeah, the Sakas are weirdly strong.

And yes I’d like that too! Scripting things like the wars between the Seleukids and Mauryans, the campaigns of the Punic Wars, the conquest of Gaul, Roman-Persian Wars—could be cool!

EDIT: One more civ, not a new one: Numidia could be made playable for another African civ
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I don't want to rain on anyone's enthusiasm but I remember the early game by itself being really amazing. I think if anything rather than adding many new things would be to expand on what already exists. Perhaps the game time should even be shrunk to 500 AD-600 AD. I know many may be upset with that, but as it stands its the late game that has the most problems. Part of the problem is that by that era many things were so drastically different from 350 BC.

I remember many civs, such as Korea, Funan and Yamanoto Japan feeling awfully incomplete though I really appreciated the divided China feature.
I am trying to revive the mod, but god I am a bit lost with the code!

I wished to add a new playable civ, but the process seems to take too long because there are arrays upon arrays for civ-speficic data that need to be modified, and none of these arrays has a standard size! There arrays with 46 entries, others with 57, others with another size, and I don't know why. That means that if I add a new civ, and update the arrays with one entry, I may break the game entirely...

I may abandon the idea of adding a new civ for the time being, and focus on solving bugs and improving the gameplay
It would be a shame if you had to drop adding a civ—you could try asking someone like Leoreth about how the data works, maybe?

I mean, any work done is awesome, so so whatever works for you!
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