• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


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I love Flak guns... in one frame that man is going to be dead ;)
I concur. SimCity truly is a great franchise... I would like if they included more politics and economics in it(this could of course be optional for those who don't want the increased complexity), but not the same way Societies did... I want the actual SimCity qualities preserved, with optional political trimmings.


The Marian Fortress/Palace/Castle under construction. Soon, towers shall rise out of the corners, solid black stone adorning the entire structure.

The ballroom/dining chamber is nearing completion, with three stories worth of varying balconies and a skylight under construction. The Emperor, Marius Shadouno, makes his chambers right behind the third level of the ballroom, easily able to access it through an open hallway balcony on the third story of it, or able to go downstairs through reinforced doors and enter into his seat, the most prestigious in the entire room.

The dining room can accommodate, in Sims terms, up to: 24 guests, 4 lords, 2 distinguished individuals(usually bodyguards or romantic interests), and the Emperor right in the middle of the far back table. The exact amount of regular guests can be dramatically increased if the tables are pulled apart, opening up far more seats.

The royal cadre is quite well-off, if their 150K - and growing - estate was not any hint.

Marius Shadouno is not employed, but is quite talented in the artistic department and has recently taken up fishing to relieve the stress of governing. He has considered taking up a career in business to increase his personal clout.

Kazma Oz is a Governor aspiring for the Vice Presidency of SimNation, and serves as Marius' de jure power.

Crash Bandicoot is the insane other politician of the group(currently a Mayor, following in Kazma's footsteps), frequently running against Kazma(and losing), so as to ensure that the highest political offices end up under Marian influence no matter who wins.

Crunch Bandicoot is the muscular sports Superstar, bringing home the largest check, and also disseminating Marian propaganda through his prestigious position as the hero of so many.

Evil Crash Bandicoot is charged with taking over the Underworld(currently a con-man) while his accomplices do the legal pathways. He has stolen countless items to assist the growth of the estate, such as two statues of great value.

After the original five were well-established, Marius imported two workers from the Far East to act as checks and balances on his old cadre.

Ashworth Wombat is a flight officer, working his way up the ranks of the military to control it from within and spread Marian influence.

Fei Ma is the FWB of Kazma Oz, and also the Master Chef of the group. While he isn't useful for influence, being in the culinary career, he is excellent at maintaining the vast agricultural assets(the apple trees can be seen on the right) of the estate, and transforming it into some of the world's most delicious food.
The Sims was one of those games that looks and sounds really awesome, but that I could never really get into. Almost prefer just looking at other peoples' work to playing the game!

The Sims is one of those games that ended up being like a second life. Most of the menial stuff was automated, which made it bearable. In the end though, those zany stories you hear about are less than 10% of all of the games, with the rest being pretty boring.

I too found it more enjoyable to look at other's work instead of play on my own. A good Sims LP can be a great read.

Time to re-take Africa.
@Cheezy the Wiz, triangular buildings? How is this possible!? Is that a custom add-on?

I like The Sims 2... :blush:

Time to re-take Africa.

@Godwynn Kudos for liberating Scotland :)

Does the white russia puppet come from an event, or did you liberate that too?
@Godwynn Kudos for liberating Scotland :)

Does the white russia puppet come from an event, or did you liberate that too?

The Bitter Peace event with the USSR comes from an event, and then afterwards you can liberate it just like any other nation, if you want. I think you can even liberate it before the peace event, but I prefer to wait.
You can liberate it before yes, sometimes it's helpful when bitter peace decides not to fire, which happens to be going on in my current game >_>.
@ Cheezy: That's beautiful work! What mod is that?
@Cheezy the Wiz, triangular buildings? How is this possible!? Is that a custom add-on?
@ Cheezy: That's beautiful work! What mod is that?

The Network Addon Mod allowed the Light Rail (trams) and the pedestrian malls. The rest of the buildings are just individuals I downloaded on Simtropolis. Those specifically are Hausmann buildings from the re-drawing of Paris in the 19th century.

It would be sweet to have like SimCity: Victoria or something.

That would pretty awesome, except that you would have to have practically zero control over almost everything that happened. Laissez-faire FTL.
After playing the The Passing in Left 4 Dead 2

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