SGOTM 13 - Phoenix Rising

So I did some tests of my own and sailing first is pretty good. Props to awilder for the idea!

My votes: Work PH+GF while building WB, research sailing.
I think it is obvious sailing first is best due to the wealth of builds it opens up.

Question is what did BB do for first 9 turns?? PH and corn or PH and forest grassland. I can't think with a slight temperature.

I do think we need to quickly play on to Oracle. We can't spend a week on one turnset!! We do need to make sure we are working the right tiles though!
are we sure that the upload to progress page is functional?
I saw Alan mentioning in maintenance thread that he will check it...
I can probably play the TS "soon", but if there is no upload... then there is no further fun
Pretty sure I mentioned it earlier but as soon as we hit size 2 we have to switch to PH and Gforest! Otherwise 2nd workboat comes out a turn late! Good luck with the turnset vranasm (do we have enough consensus to go ahead with sailing? If so then go for it!)
Pretty sure I mentioned it earlier but as soon as we hit size 2 we have to switch to PH and Gforest! Otherwise 2nd workboat comes out a turn late! Good luck with the turnset vranasm (do we have enough consensus to go ahead with sailing? If so then go for it!)

I am happy to go with this and Stuge is too. To date Bobby has provided the best start and a impressive Oracle date too.

Vranasm if 2 more players agree to this start please play next turnset till the point of the workboat being built within next 24 hours.

Remember to switch to workboat after first turn.

Do make note of any religion dates in your write up. ;)
ok it will be probably tomorrow then, since here in CR it's already evening.

I hope the upload on progress will function as it should.

I wonder who the 2 more people will be! :)

I will stop 1T before WB finishing and make notes of religions. (I plan to make some calculations with the exact dates...)
I like what Awilder and Bobby have been doing.

@Vranasm Can we have a turn-by-turn breakdown of what you're going to do this turnset? I'm slightly confused - I agree wholeheartedly that we should go Sailing before BW and settling the 2nd city on the Marble, plus build Oracle there - but what about the micro?

T0 of TS no adjustments

T1 fishing finished, switch to sailing
put in build queue Work boat (barracks I will probably clear off queue)
capital works corn

T2 capital grows to size 2
switch citizens in capital to Grassland Forest and Plains hill

T3-end of turnset
"press enter".
I plan to end the turnset where work boat gets finished in 1T (should be i think T9 of TS)

after each turn i should check event log for religions. i don't really think there can happen many more.

I hope i didn't miss anything.
^^ Yep that's just about it. The main choice you'll have this turnset is whether to press enter or to click the end turn button with your mouse! :lol:
I would just play Vranasm!! No one has voiced out against the plan and I think it is the optimum strategy at this stage.
My only thing was that you, BB and AW were in sync with the early turnset plans. As long as that's the case, then I'm fine with it.
The turnset was without problems, new save is uploaded to progress page!

turnset log

Spoiler :

Here is your Session Turn Log from 3775 BC to 3525 BC:

Turn 9, 3775 BC: You have discovered Fishing!

Turn 11, 3725 BC: Buddhism has been founded in a distant land!

Turn by turn report

T9 - zzz
T10 - fishing finished -> sailing started
build switched to Work Boat
T11 - growth to size 2, adjust citizens to forest + PH
T12 - buddhism founded reported!! (seems to me quick)
T13-T19 - without much surprise

we are 1T off finishing WB.
Okay Lymond is up next! We still await BB write up of his 1775 Oracle. :)
The only reason we might want to tech masonry before myst->priesthood imo is if we want to settle 1 off the marble. I'll bet we could still get a reasonable oracle time if we need to improve the marble. Might need a second worker instead of a second settler though.

This depends a lot on the terrain around the marble site, I don't think we could get a great oracle date in 2nd city however as the main factor in getting quick oracle in 2nd city is actually the ability to work improved clams from T1, we could still get a decent time in the capital with an earlier worker however, so it's worth keeping the option open.

Vranasm, I'm assuming no new tiles were revealed? T12 buddhism has izzy written all over it. I'm going to try and write a turn by turn of my plan today.
From what I remember Ai's play on Noble difficulty.

So Myst costs on Noble Epic 97 beakers, meditation 156, Polytheism 195

The Buddh research was reported at T12, but for the AI actually happened at T11.

That means the AI with budh starts with Mysticism and should produce around 15 bpt in average. 10 is palace+fixed per turn beaker.
So where it gets the another 5 then?

it seems we are facing AI with some high commerce tile in BFC and starting with Myst.
If I am somewhere off please correct me.
Vranasm, I'm assuming no new tiles were revealed? T12 buddhism has izzy written all over it. I'm going to try and write a turn by turn of my plan today.

no border pop no fun and no other AI met (that was actually good since otherwise it would make me really nervous)
I guess we need to decide how important it is we stick to the Oracle path vs letting some workboats explore a bit. You do have the option of 2 x chopping forest for Oracle.

Also the option of building it in our capital although the second city is more ideal as it frees up the capitals production and saves it from 1-2 whips. The plus side is we save the forest there for later builds.

Overall I would rather keep capitals GP pool non diluted and use the forest to chop into a forge. We can then decide if we want to use capital for mids or a third city somewhere.

My only concern with BB plan is lack of exploration!! We would be settling the marble city without knowing if a better city south of marble was there. We could be missing key sites to settle if we did the same with the stone. That being said come 1700bc we will have 1-2 spare workboats roaming. Perhaps that is the answer. We do need to find copper asap!!

What is everyones thoughts on a longer next turnset to get the capital to size 4? We are crawling along when we could be much further along.

We should consider a E/W workboat gambit to get the +1 movement option on all sea units.
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