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SGOTM 13 - Unusual Suspects

Ok, so next 4 turns are straight forward, tech mystisim, improve stone, continue scouting at will and start settler after lighthouse.

But what do we do after mystisism? looks like pottery, writting is the way?

Only thing to look out for is make sure we have stone connected before slaving settler at max overflow. If stone not connected yet then make workboat for a few turns.

I agree. Green from me.

BTW: Good job so far, Narri. As for the scouting... any which way but loose. (Anybody regretting we didn't do the goto mapping this time :mischief: )
5 turns later, we have Mysticism (1 turn at 0% for money). We have found England. But the rush distance is way far:

That land you see on the right side looks to be one tile wide. It's possible then to use a city planted there as a canal for our attack. Decision time, folks.
Indiansmoke's plan called for five cities before we start the axe rush. We don't know where they will be. A canal getting the marble would be nice, but it is far away. We should discuss where the cities will go.
The other open decision was Pyramids or not.
edit, looked at the save, no really good places for cities. We need to explore west. Don't expect we will find anything nice there either. To keep maintenance costs down, we should probably keep our cities close to the capital. Put one in each direction.
Reminder, we were warned that the game is harder than normal Emperor because of our poor starting position
:goodjob: Narri. I'll need to look at the save before I comment.

Is it time to hand off to TSM? Is TSM active yet? How about Vra? Or does Narri want to continue?
:goodjob: Nari!

It looks like there will be no axe rush after all.

Lets discuss the wonder plan abit.

My opinion is that we absolutely need pyramids and that Oracle would be nice for metal casting and colossus and stonehedge helpful.

Can we get all of the above?

I think we can get stonehedge in our second city and pyramids in capital, Oracle I am not sure if we can manage along with pyramids in capital.

Expanding and settling all the islands available is key priority as well. What I would do is expand like mad, settle everything available, slave granaries, lighthouses and then grow cities to be able to run representation scientists or merchants with caste system.

Then slave army and attack... probably maces + catas + galleons

It looks like there will be no axe rush after all.

Lets discuss the wonder plan abit.
My opinion is that we absolutely need pyramids and that Oracle would be nice for metal casting and colossus and stonehedge helpful.

Yes, everything is helpful. Always is.

Can we get all of the above?

No. That's why we need to prioritize.

I think we can get stonehedge in our second city and pyramids in capital, Oracle I am not sure if we can manage along with pyramids in capital.

Pyramids I think is highest priority. I'd see Oracle as second priority, except that I do not believe it is a worthwhile risk to aim for that... it forces us to take techs we don't need right away. It would probably be faster to get to Metalcasting by manual tech than by Oracle. Stonehenge is very useful if we are making lots of cities... the happiness bonus is nice, but it will also enable border pops which make city placement easier. Stonehenge (with stone) costs the same as two monuments... so we'd break even with just the cities we have now! Should be do-able. It means the first GP would be a GPro (to settle in capitol and fund REX), and our second GP will be a GE, who could be useful in a number of ways (bulb machinery, settle in HE city, rush a wonder... etc).

Expanding and settling all the islands available is key priority as well. What I would do is expand like mad, settle everything available, slave granaries, lighthouses and then grow cities to be able to run representation scientists or merchants with caste system.

Yes. And if we are doing Pyramids and Stonehenge in Elba and Stony Brook, then we first need another settler to make a third city to produce other stuff in the meantime (settlers, workers, workboats, units...).

Then slave army and attack... probably maces + catas + galleons

I think if we wait for Astrro we'll need more than maces and catas... knights and trebs probably. But we'll have to see as the game progresses.


I'd give TSM and Vra 24hrs to show some interest/availability. If they don't show... then I think its back to the top of the order, which iirc means Indiansmoke is up.
Our posting order in this thread, which was supopsed to be the model for our play order, was:

The Simple Mind

Unless I'm mistaken, everyone has played one turnset except The Simple Mind and Vra. So if they post in the next 24hrs that they are available to play it, they can get the next turnset (if both show, it would be TSM -> Vra).

If they don't show... Indiansmoke is UP and kcd_swede or Dedckhand is on deck.

So, IS, I think its OK for you to start planning.

Edit to add: Sorry about 2 posts in a row... I'm curious to see if we can get our post count below 1 per turn, and that just makes it harder. :mischief:
Yes. And if we are doing Pyramids and Stonehenge in Elba and Stony Brook, then we first need another settler to make a third city to produce other stuff in the meantime (settlers, workers, workboats, units...).

The plan is to slave and use overflow for pyramids and stonehedge so both cities will slave settlers while making the wonders. Pyramids i don't think we are in risk of losing, stonehedge we might.
Please do plan IS, as I'm getting into exams now. Will look over the data and compose a post tonight.
Given the proposed list of opponents:
The plan is to slave and use overflow for pyramids and stonehedge so both cities will slave settlers while making the wonders. Pyramids i don't think we are in risk of losing, stonehedge we might.

Sounds like a good plan! Pyramids should be no problem. remember the 6th coalition:

Austria, Prussia, UK, Sweden, Spain, Germany.

Our opponents, probably:
Charlemagne (Holy Roman Empire) = myst + hunting
Catherine (Russia) alt Stalin = hunting + mining (Stalin = IND)
Elizabeth (England) alt Churchill alt Victoria = fishing+mining
Ragnar (Viking) = hunting + fishing
Isabella (Spain) = fishing + mystJoao Portugal = fishing+mining
Bismark alt Fredrick (Germany) = hunting+mining (Bismark IND)

Only Stalin + Bismark are Industrious, and only Charlemagne and Isabella start with mysticism. So I'd estimate that stone wonders should go later than normal, and our shot at Stonehenge is pretty good. When were Hindu/Bhudism founded? Were they founded yet? I don't think we start the stonehenge too late here, since we have masonry/stone. Izzy or Charlie are probably the biggest threats for stonehenge, imo.

Please do plan IS, as I'm getting into exams now. Will look over the data and compose a post tonight.
OK, just let us know when you have some chance to play, and you can jump in then.

I heard a story about an exam once...
Spoiler :
The CIA were recruiting a new assassin and they had narrowed it down to 3 candidates after the background checks, interviews and exams: Richard, Sam and Jane.

For the deciding test the CIA agents took Richard to a large metal door and handed him a gun. “We must know that you will follow instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife, Betty, sitting in a chair. Kill Her!” Richard replied, “You can’t be serious, I could never shoot my wife.” The agent told him he wasn’t the right man for the job and that he should take his wife home.

Sam was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. Sam came out with tears in his eyes, “I tried, but I can’t kill my wife.” The agent said “You don’t have what it takes. Take your wife and go home.”

Finally it was Jane’s turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband Bob. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet.

The door opened slowly and there stood Jane, wiping the sweat from her brow. “The gun was loaded with blanks,” she said. “so I had to beat him to death with the chair.”

I presume she got the job…

I concur with plan as outlined above. ^

I think we should stretch and grab the marble with a city. Better explore nearby first.

OK, here's a joke:
Spoiler :
A wife asks her husband, a software engineer, "Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get six. "

A short time later the husband comes back with six cartons of milk. The wife asks him, "Why did you buy six cartons of milk?"

He replied, "They had eggs.."
^Great! I don't think a lot of detail is needed... we're all pretty much in agreement on the "big picture", and for the details its most important that you know and understand what to do and how best to do it, since you'll be executing it later.

You're up and I'm on deck, afaik.
After looking at the save and thinking about it for at least 2 minutes here is the plan :groucho:

pottery - writing stop session after writing or unless something major happens before

continue with settler to maximize the 2 pop overflow for mids. Slave just before we lose 2 pop slave and stone is connected, overflow to pyramids, grow with pyramids then start settler again and repeat. After second settler stagnate with pyramids.

Stony brook
slave galley, lighthouse, workboat, settler.

Settling spots
third city goes on the pig as capital border pops and with fish and 3 food on city tile it will serve as a great slaving spot for east expansion.
fourth city goes to the island west of capital, scouting will determine the exact spot.

Our worker
will improve stony brook and then get a relaxing massage for all his hard work.

Our galley cannot pass the border, so will go from the other side of the island and see if there is a way around there (I don't think trying the ice is worth it, but you never know sometimes). A workboat, from stony brook, will explore west.
Played to writting.

We settled another city, on marble :)
We got stonehedge
We have another settler loaded on the galley
we met vikings, workboat came from west
Pyramids is slowly getting there....

Spoiler :

Turn 76, 2100 BC: The borders of Elba have expanded!
Turn 76, 2100 BC: Joao II adopts Slavery!

Turn 78, 2050 BC: Victoria adopts Slavery!

Turn 81, 1975 BC: You have discovered Pottery!

Turn 85, 1875 BC: Paris has been founded.

Turn 91, 1725 BC: Judaism has been founded in a distant land!

Turn 92, 1700 BC: Napoleon has completed Stonehenge!

Turn 94, 1650 BC: Stony Brook can hurry Lighthouse for 1? with 15? overflow and +1? for 31 turns.
Turn 94, 1650 BC: The borders of Stony Brook are about to expand.
Turn 94, 1650 BC: The borders of Stony Brook have expanded!

Turn 95, 1625 BC: You have discovered Writing!
Turn 95, 1625 BC: You have trained a Settler in Elba. Work has now begun on The Pyramids.

Turn 96, 1600 BC: Will Sign Open Borders: Joao II, Ragnar, Victoria

some screens
Spoiler :

Good job, Indiansmoke! :goodjob:

I'll open the save and make some comments, start planning.

I assume I am UP and Deckhand is ON DECK, unless Vra or TSM show up and would like to play.

@Indiansmoke: what do you see as the goals for the next set? 2-pop whip settlers with overflow into Pyramids... what tech do we need? With the marble, I'm tempted to look towards Parthenon to speed up the specialist economy... but maybe there are higher priorities. Any ideas on the next spots to settle?

I'll be back with more comments after I look at the save.
OK... looked at the save.

Some comments:

Will we continue to whip settlers? How many? I like the marked gold/seafood site, btw. Worker improve the gold asap. We could use another worker. We could use a library to prevent getting that Stonehenge GPro, imo, too.

Getting Pyramids fastest would be my goal... not sure about how to do that. I agree work the mine for 5 turns rather than the corn for 4 turns. At pop growth, is it better to work the second mine or work the corn? Depends I guess whether we will whip/overflow more.

Barbs starting to appear, so we might need to be careful that settling sites are free from land units. Also want to keep a galley near for protection against barb galleys which are sure to show up sooner or later. No sign of the GLH owner yet... suspect we can forget about an advantageous early capture of that wonder.

Diplomatically we now have options. We can open borders or not. We can also trade resources with Joao and Vicky. Until we have resource trading with Ragnar, we won't get spontaneous Bhudism spread from him. Also note that he did not found the religion, but has probable contact with the founder. No worst enemies yet.

I'm thinking that we could gift our corn to Joao since its nothing we are using right now. We should have crab before health becomes an issue for us. By gifting, we will improve relations with Joao and thereby get some use out of it. I'd suggest OB with Joao and probably Vicky might be good ideas, too... though we'll have to map a city or two so that we get foreign trade route(s).

We have ungarrisoned cities... I think we should at least put some hammers into a warrior or two so that we can whip it in an emergency.

I think the 2-fur+crab site is a decent city, but exploring more might find better. Am tempted by the greener grasses on the island near England, as well. That will probably go quickly, but otoh does not give us any new resource, really. Would get us close border issues with England.

Polytheism for Parthenon and on way to Lit for GLib is of interest. But the marble makes the Oracle seem suddenly a possibility... metalcasting, maybe. Not sure of the priorities, though, with library(s) being wanted, plus REX and other builds. Could whip the lighthouse in Stony Brook into the Oracle. But we'd need PH first, and that is many (14 at present rate) turns away. Not sure the Oracle will still be available based on dates for the 3 first religions being founded. Maybe Parth is a better bet.

Anyhow... more ideas and guidance clearly needed. We're still early enough that every move can have big impact. Lets be careful. Lots of team discussion would be very much appreciated (but I don't hold my breath, ok :mischief: ).

Lets talk about the goals before I delve into the specific management issues. Plz?

Edit to add: Oh yeah.. and graneries... if we are whipping, they'd be more useful than libraries at this point.
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