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SGOTM 18 - Plastic Ducks

The most pressing unknown area is E of the Corn/Fur. Can Warrior 1 explore this while Warrior 2 goes NW ---> W ---> S/SW/SE?

I'm a bit worried that we will miss out on a Copper or Horse tile if we leave that area unfogged for too long; that sort of thing will influence our settling options, and we may choose to start roading in this direction during T31–41 if we find a super site.

Medbot is at risk where ever she goes. Perhaps 1SW, and cross our fingers? :)
Doshin: yes, those tiles should be unfogged by T31. And the other warrior will circle around Mongol land. Should we stop moving the medbot 1 tile at a time and try to move up and down the railroad?
The most pressing unknown area is E of the Corn/Fur. Can Warrior 1 explore this while Warrior 2 goes NW ---> W ---> S/SW/SE?

I'm a bit worried that we will miss out on a Copper or Horse tile if we leave that area unfogged for too long; that sort of thing will influence our settling options, and we may choose to start roading in this direction during T31–41 if we find a super site.


Medbot is at risk where ever she goes. Perhaps 1SW, and cross our fingers? :)

Not agreed. If goldmember can send workers via railroad, it can send Archers too.:eek:
2 N-S connexions. maybe there are 2 E-W connexions as well.

Medbot has a pretty safe move in 1E, that would give visibility. Then there's another hill 2S.
Stepping on the railroad is strong and risky all at once... hmm... errr... no comment :)
Not agreed. If goldmember can send workers via railroad, it can send Archers too.:eek:
Right you are. She's not safe next to the railroad either. OTOH we're running out of safe options.
I'm for risking. But first 1E looks good to me too, then on rr? S first I'd say, maybe is another under ocean highway there.

Right you are. She's not safe next to the railroad either.
That's my point. No safe tiles are left— unless we double back, we either have to move onto a Hill, stand next to the Railroad, or move onto the Railroad.


Can you tell whether Goldmember's city near Fembot is connected to the mainland? kcd gave Dr. Evil a free Settler outside of his capital.
It could very well be connected. I actually assume the railroad connects to Goldmember's land to the S. Do we want to try and move medbot N along the RR?
Railroad will be there later too. Let's try to find out about Evil as much as possible. We'll want to plan our attack right. The sooner we get it back, the cheaper and faster will it be to bring it to Legendary. Also, there is a possibility there is a corridor in the East. Only medbot can give us enough info this early.

That's my point. No safe tiles are left— unless we double back, we either have to move onto a Hill, stand next to the Railroad, or move onto the Railroad.

I'd go to the tile between gold and silver. No strong opinion on this. Every move is a gamble.
Hm. RR to the N might give us the opportunity to circle around Dr. Evil.
So go 1E then now and hold our breaths? Or stay in some safe place?

EDIT: We're 8 turns away from buying peace with Evil if we want, so kossin's suggestion has merit, definitely. Unless Goldmember has some extra units around the center of the map medbot could scout around unharmed afterwards.
1E is too much gambling imo.

Either RR to the N or between gold and silver as shakabrade proposed initially. :dunno:

EDIT: although RR is even more gambling than 1E :eek: What am I saying...
We can buy peace with Dr. Evil shortly

Forgot about that. Fall back, UE, fall back. :) (safe place between edit: precious metals)

BTW, we'll need a new micro. My micro could use chopped granary in Wash and BiC's micro is too much NY and Fish city oriented (too many workers there).

I am 100% sure our 4th city should go to the fur/corn/? site.

Edit: And I think some forests in Boston will go to settlers.
I'd go like this; and we can monitor this 2 turns what's happening on RR. And after 2 we can decide if we want to go on RR or not. And we'll see further S, if it is ocean or not.
Spoiler :
Dubioza: 1 is relatively safe, but 2 and 3 aren't. Archers can travel fast on RRs.

I suggest going back 1NW then (that's where she came from). We could then try the gap between gold and silver, although Evil could be lurking there.

I am 100% sure our 4th city should go to the fur/corn/? site.

Edit: And I think some forests in Boston will go to settlers.
Yes to both :)
Yeah... straight north is probably Dr Evil's capital... within 10 tiles? Within less?
We still have 8 turns to "burn". Kossin's right that the peace treaty comes soon enough we don't have to take any (disproportionate) risk :)

1NE is where we come from. Either that or 1E seem safe to me (only 1 fogged tile makes 1E dangerous). Then either back to the coast or up into the hills.
If we have space (2E from RR), we should ignore the railroad for now and head south towards the goldmembers. We'll head north after peace with Dr Evil.
We came from 1NE, right? So we saw grasshill 1E of 1. Only unsafe spot around 1 is grassland(?) 1SE of it, between mountains(?)

We're in unsafe area wherever we go. Should we fortify until peace and wait GM to come? No! I'd move! :D
OK. Will then try the silver - gold gap. Playing on :)
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