[BTS] SGOTM 25 - Home Slices


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Welcome to your BtS SGOTM 25 Team Thread. Please use it for all internal team communication, turn logs and discussions. Subscribe to it to receive notifications, and do not visit the other team threads for this game until you have finished.

The Maintenance Thread is now open for this game, where teams and staff may post non-spoiler information of general interest. You will find the Game Details in the first posts of the Maintenance Thread. If any changes occur in the game settings or rules, they will be posted in that thread.

Please wait until your team leader/administrator/scribe has reserved a couple of top posts in this thread for game admin information. Then post here to let your team know you have arrived.

Good luck with the game. Enjoy!
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Hi Homies! Finally made it.
Oops, Mitchum usually reserves this post for...well, you'd have to ask him.
Useful In-Thread Links

Turnset sequence:
How about we play in alphabetical order with Mitchum inserted if/whenever he thinks he has some time?
in that case, bbp, you're up! Then Kait, LC and me.
bbp's diplo excel chart
total points ideas, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8,
spy missions,
T0 map analysis, #2,
bbp's AI power calcs, WT's calcs, bbp t8 calcs, AIs by era,
Screenshots T0,
LC ideas, Kait ideas, more LC, more Kait,
AI tech test,
Fast Kremlin plan
bomber mechanics, bomber beatdown, bombto20%-strike-strike, UnitAttackOdds, strike-strike better, more data,
basic AI attitude data,
watermills, worker-turns
building espionage points, culture-spy calcs and building eps
WT minimal strategy, domination?, T12BigPicture,
calulating civic formulas
formula for AI city production
Kait's cool thread for AI characteristics
TRs go through closed borders coastal tiles
Classical tech we need
AI era -- tech level, AITrainPercentByEra, AIWondersCheaper, MoreData, AI Hammer Costs by Era
Kremlin whip bonus explained, more data, some testing data, SP is weird,
T12 GAU: CaptureShanghaiT23, 2whipCaptureHKfirst,
T12 AI attributes, T29 AI attributes,
Classical techs we need,
ConquerGold formula
GLH popwhip after Kremlin
Flushing GP points
Buildings dying on re-capture, barracks, walls can survive,
Deity AIs will CF cuz of our power, Precise testing,
AI RefuseToTalkThresholds
All Techs by Era
T29 AI Tech speed estimates
T29 Possible Toku Plusmods
Toku to Friendly?
Resource-Trade-Turns survive DoW
T25-T29 Manchou hammer production
AIs with Alphabet will bribe others to DoW us
WT's system for analyzing Strategy, #1 Kill-em-all, #2 150K, #3 52% Land, #3 10% Land, #4 Religious, #5 Techs, #6 Wonders, List of Wonders, TroublesGettingCIvil 100%,
bbp's Darkest Secret Revealed
Liberation mechanics code, explained, formula,
Building spies,
Conquest by Roosy vassal,
Toku Gift Cities
AI Known Tech Bonus Formula,

Pop2 AI cities list
T12 AI builds,

Turnset #1 T0-12, 2000BC - 1520BC (bbp): PPP #1, dG is 8th AI, T0-4, T4 comments, more, screenies, PPP T4-7, T4-8, PPP T8-17, T8-12, about 900 tiles,
We meet all 8 AIs. Decide to whip 3 workers and chop 2 more. Gua will whip itself to death, gift, steal back, etc. We find all AI capitals. Map is world-like. AIs are weakly defended. Several very nice cities to capture nearby. Diety AIs seem to have no workers, no scouts. JC has a Praet near us, Mehmed a Janissary. All AIs and cities have religion and revolt. Toku has CS, revolts to Bureau. Churchill and JC have Banking, revolt to Mercantilism. Gua gets TR with Tsingtao because TRs go through defogged coastal water even without OBs. Bbp stops on T12 because of possible Bis worker capture.

We conclude domination will probably be fastest and easiest, with minimal teching required. We'll probably go for 100 cultural points.

Turnset #2 T12-T29, 1520BC - 900BC (LC): We puzzle over many things, when to capture Bis worker, whether to revolt to Tao + OR for Kremlin beeline, what to tech, war sequence. BomberPlan. PPP. WarUnitPlan. We decide to switch eps to Toku and gift him resources. Build Kremlin without Tao, OR or forge. T12-T15. Steal Bis wkr. T15 Screenies. T15-T17, we spy 5 American barb cities, T17screen, T17-T22, T19 Toku has IW. T20 capture Moscow wkr, T22 capture Mongolia with granary, T21 new Toku joins to finish iron mine. T22 screen. We decide not to DoW Toku for wkrs yet. T22 JC and Mehmed have IW now. T22-T29. T25 Capture Hong Kong with no buildings. CF Churchill. T29 capture Shanghai with granary, lighthouse and worker. End-of-turnset analysis. T29 screen. Stalin has IW now. We get +1 from Toku for resource trades! We're mystified that we've seen no roaming barb animals, units, or galleys yet.

Our VC seems to have shifted to Religious.

Turnset #3 T29-T, 900BC - BC (Kaitzilla): Decide to put eps on Toku to see if he's teching Alpha. T29 screen. T29 Tokyo screen. PPP. T29-T30. We decide to tech HBR. T29-T30. Toku T30 Alpha(9t)! CF de Gaulle. Tokyo wkr spotted. JC founds City#2. PPP T30-T33. Manchou attack plan. We plan to settle and liberate a city or two to Toku to get him to Pleased. in time to trade for Alphabet. (missing links). Latest PPP(T33),

We're now considering conquest VC using Feudalism to vassalize Roosy.

AWOL (Mitchum always)
Kait, MitchChecksIn,

2000BC test save, 2000BC v2, 2000BC v3, 1840BC update, 1320BC MM test, 1680BC update, 1520BC update, 1520BC Kremlin test, LiberateTest,
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Whoa, the thread is up. :cool:

Hello strange people!
Thanks for taking me along.

Never played one of these with a bomber. (It's like flying artillery!)
Hopefully we get the save that uses it.

WastinTime sounds good for captain duties.
Never played one of these with a bomber. (It's like flying artillery!)
Combat should be fun. Anyone know what it's like to have a Choko with 6 first strikes? We get Drill I for free. Probably won't need a healer so much...if I understand how that works.
Deckhand posted last night, but now I don't see his post. Maybe AlanH deleted it and is going to revise the OP?
It said deity. Didn't change much else that I can remember. There was "Earthlike added to map type.
Checking in from Vega$ this week.

One thing I was thinking about was whether or not we think we could win by AP Cheese super quick and somehow eek out enough points in the other categories for the win. I think AP would be the absolute fastest VC but not sure we could have enough points by then.
Mitchum, are you still planning to play our 1st turnset (and then fade away)?
If so, do you think you can put out a PPP before the save is available? using bbp's test save?

We've all spent some time thinking about the big picture, but not much short term planning. Maybe we can get the game moving without nailing down bigger plans.
One thing I was thinking about was whether or not we think we could win by AP Cheese super quick and somehow eek out enough points in the other categories for the win. I think AP would be the absolute fastest VC but not sure we could have enough points by then.
This reminds me - I don’t think the admins ever answered the question about whether religions would be pre-assigned or random. Might be worth confirming? We also have COL and Philo for free, in addition to the ancient ones, so presumably we just get those.
I can't really do anything this week. I'm on a business trip and won't have much time for anything... any spare time I do have will be filled with the normal things that happen here that no one is allowed to talk about. ;)

I'll try to dive in next week when I get back.
I'd be reluctant to make any detailed plans before the actual save is out. My test game involved a lot of guesswork based on a screenshot.
I'd be reluctant to make any detailed plans before the actual save is out. My test game involved a lot of guesswork based on a screenshot.
right, but we could turn our attention towards things like first tech, first builds. or Bomber recon pattern, etc.
Combat should be fun. Anyone know what it's like to have a Choko with 6 first strikes? We get Drill I for free. Probably won't need a healer so much...if I understand how that works.

Chokos aren't as powerful as people think.
They are expensive and the collateral damage they put out are only 2/3rds of the collateral damage Catapults cause.

Paired with a bomber and Catapults though, and they are insane!
The bomber can bomb down city defenses to 0%, then hit the stack with as much collateral damage as 1.5 Catapults.
Plus, the bomber never dies.

Then use 3 more catapults after the bomber to get everyone down to half hp.
Then use 1 Choko to get everyone down to 40% hp.
City is dead, and not much healing is needed if First Strike Chokos are used to clean up.

Iron and Bronze and Horse Tiles can also be bombed. :crazyeye:
I dare say the whole world can be rolled over with a single bomber.
Then use 3 more catapults after the bomber to get everyone down to half hp.
Sounds a bit slow a quite expensive. Maybe some cheap, fast chariots to clean up. Either sounds fun tho.
Depends if we're up against lbs, Muskets or better units.
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