[BTS] SGOTM 26 - Home Slices

DanF5771 has it opposite. Paris (or Louis city 6) has to have a TR with one of our cities.
DanF5771 is once again right.
I was muddy with my meaning.

Test Game
Spoiler :

How about?:
The player will get a -20% Trade Route :espionage: bonus if the AI target city shows up as a trade route in one of the Player's city screens.

Will the caravel with spy arrive at Louis City 6 before or the same as Paris?

Green light
City 6 is three more tiles away from us than Paris I think.
green light.

Just confirmed that a combat in domestic territory has 200% gg point rate without the Great Wall, either attacking or defending. The Great Wall makes it 300%.
Wow, I can't believe I didn't know that! :eek:

I think I've never fought an enemy on my homeland before, ya that must be it.
i don't want to work spy specialists. I don't want to send a spy to France. I don't want build missionaries.
(If you veto me and send the caravel at least kill that SB galley east of MoundCity on the way over.)

One of the other 3-4 plans should work.
If you don't want to gift 10 techs and have Iron on T158, then we can hope for a demand, or hope he takes Free Religion, or wait for +resources and +OB.

I think the 10 tech gift is 99% likely to work, and we get Iron super-early. We get Frigates, or whatever to get the war moving fast.
We can gift less scary techs like not Feudal and Machinery and give them Edu and Liberalism. Let them spend 20 turns building a university. Although, isn't Edu 1 step from GunPowder?
I still like the original gifts up thru Nationalism.
i don't want to work spy specialists. I don't want to send a spy to France. I don't want build missionaries.
(If you veto me and send the caravel at least kill that SB galley east of MoundCity on the way over.)

One of the other 3-4 plans should work.
If you don't want to gift 10 techs and have Iron on T158, then we can hope for a demand, or hope he takes Free Religion, or wait for +resources and +OB.

I think the 10 tech gift is 99% likely to work, and we get Iron super-early. We get Frigates, or whatever to get the war moving fast.
We can gift less scary techs like not Feudal and Machinery and give them Edu and Liberalism. Let them spend 20 turns building a university. Although, isn't Edu 1 step from GunPowder?
I still like the original gifts up thru Nationalism.
What is this, an amber light? :mischief:
DanF5771 is once again right.
I was muddy with my meaning.

Test Game
Spoiler :

How about?:

City 6 is three more tiles away from us than Paris I think.
Hmmmm... Now I’m confused. If we see Aksum in our city screen that means it’s our trade route, doesn’t it?

I think Elite’s right and DanF wrong. Or they both meant the same thing and I’m illiterate (which Mitchum discovered long ago).

So as long as we have a buttload of TRs we should get Paris or whatever and get the 20% discount. :goodjob:

Are we getting a 20% discount for cities with Peter right now?
i don't want to work spy specialists. I don't want to send a spy to France. I don't want build missionaries.
(If you veto me and send the caravel at least kill that SB galley east of MoundCity on the way over.)

One of the other 3-4 plans should work.
If you don't want to gift 10 techs and have Iron on T158, then we can hope for a demand, or hope he takes Free Religion, or wait for +resources and +OB.

I think the 10 tech gift is 99% likely to work, and we get Iron super-early. We get Frigates, or whatever to get the war moving fast.
We can gift less scary techs like not Feudal and Machinery and give them Edu and Liberalism. Let them spend 20 turns building a university. Although, isn't Edu 1 step from GunPowder?
I still like the original gifts up thru Nationalism.
If our goal is to win conquest by T210, can we really wait until T175 for iron?
There are 38 AI cities on the map, and we can't whip with wildness due to happiness cap.

The 10 tech gift won't work because Holy Roman Empire has way more soldiers than France.

France will say"We will have nothing to gain" all 5 turns we want to bribe him to DOW Charlemagne.

Then France will slip back to Cautious until we get +1 from resource trades and France is at least rank 4.

Let me count how many resources we can trade to France.

Asks for Help 0/10
Demands Tribute 8/10
Demands You Convert To His Religion 5/10
Demands Civic Change 3/10
We could trade to France
T150 Math
T151 Code of Laws
T152 Civil Service
T153 Paper
T154 Education
T155 Philosophy, and then Liberalism.

Louis is probably ready for a civic change since he's in HR + OR.
If we did the above, he'd take Bureau 152 and then can't change til 178 to FreeR. :thumbsdown:

So if we go for FR, we'd want to do 150 CoL, 151 CivServ + Philo for Bureau which is only a 10 turn timer.
Louis could take FR on 161, we'd get Iron 162.

But we if do that, it's 7 techs. Why not just give 3 more techs and try my plan for 10 techs (then 1 tech for war)?
it'd probably be 4 of these 6: Feudal, Music, Calendar, MC, HBR or Nationalism. Recall that everyone else has MC and everyone but HRE has Feudal.
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Louis is probably ready for a civic change since he's in HR + OR.
If we did the above, he'd take Bureau 152 and then can't change til 178 to FreeR. :thumbsdown:

So if we go for FR, we'd want to do 150 CoL, 151 CivServ + Philo for Bureau which is only a 10 turn timer.
Louis could take FR on 161, we'd get Iron 162.

But we if do that, it's 7 techs. Why not just give 3 more techs and try my plan for 10 techs (then 1 tech for war)?
it'd probably be Music, Calendar, MC, and HBR (or Nationalism).
Louis has to be Friendly for civic bribes.
Kait’s spy plan costs us 1 confu miss and some eps, given decent luck. By the time Louis can revolt back from Confu our OBs and resource trades will be kicking in so we’ll stay pleased, right?

Still seems like our fastest viable solution.
Whether he stays Pleased or not, we just need him to get there for 1 turn so that we can make the trade, right?

Any idea how much iron is going to cost us?

Are we 100% sure that Conquest is still the best plan?
Kait’s spy plan costs us 1 confu miss and some eps, given decent luck. By the time Louis can revolt back from Confu our OBs and resource trades will be kicking in so we’ll stay pleased, right?

Still seems like our fastest viable solution.
And we don’t have to welcome Louis from the Stone Age.
Louis will not DoW Holy Roman Empire.
Charlie has too many soldiers.

In other news, we can trade France whale, silver, fur, stone, and horse or gems.
We get +1 in 10 turns, then cancel all trades and trade everything for iron.

More resources give +1 faster, but trade deals last 10 turns and we need those resources to get iron.
Can't use the deer road trick.
France has deer.
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