[BTS] SGOTM 26 - Home Slices

IIRC, @ZPV would always say: Forges... :vomit:For an IND civ, yes, but 120 is too expensive this early.
  • Long game
  • Something useful to build and whip for 60g maxOF
  • Run three more citizens much earlier in the game
  • Or 3 more whips early on
  • Extra 15g per 2whip (castles, cathedrals)
Anyway, we’ll see.
Playing Real Game now from PPP 1.3
Turnset #2

Continuing from Turnset #1

T57 - Sitting Bull does not have Chariots, because he is willing to take our Horse still in trade.
No seafood found on northern island.
Paused and Uploading now!
Spoiler :

Spoiler :
Reference number: 16222
Game: C-IV SGOTM 26
Your team: Home Slices
Your name: Kaitzilla
Date submitted: 2020-05-24
Software Version: BtS 3.19
Game date: 1720BC
Total turns played: 57
Session turns played: 1
Player race: Celt
Firaxis score: 354
Session time played (hh:mm:ss): 00:19:35
Total time played (hh:mm:ss): 11:11:54
Game status: Incomplete
Submitted save: SGOTM 26 T57 Middle of turn upload now.CivBeyondSwordSave
Renamed file: Home_Slices_SG026_BC1720_01.CivBeyondSwordSave

Right click the Renamed File link above to copy it.
You can then paste it into your team post as the download link for the next player.

Here is your Session Turn Log from 1760 BC to 1720 BC:

Turn 56, 1760 BC: Science or can hurry Worker for 2⇴ with 25ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 10 turns.
Turn 56, 1760 BC: Silver has grown to size 3.
Turn 56, 1760 BC: The borders of Canal are about to expand.
Turn 56, 1760 BC: The borders of Canal are about to expand.
Turn 56, 1760 BC: Clearing a Forest will create 20 ℤ for Profit.
Turn 56, 1760 BC: The borders of Canal have expanded!

You may wish to copy it to Notepad for reference when you write your turn set post. It includes any entries you added with the in-game Chat facility
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:lol: Send him back and continue with the original plan?

Ya, we are sticking with the original plan.
No seafood makes the site "meh" in the long run.

The fate of our Settler will be decided Turn 65+

Green light. Settler leaves if no seafood. In all other cases, he says, but probably doesn't settle too soon.
And away I go!
Playing Real Game now from PPP 1.3
Turnset #3

Continuing from Turnset #2

T58 - Masonry is ours.
Rex is alive.

T59 - SB's capital produced something.
Settler micro a bit off in PPP. Galley takes precedence. No biggie.

T60 - Nothing

T61 - Cahokia is 1 population right now ya.

T62 - Appears to be a micro error in PPP for Science as noted earlier by Mitchum.
Am 99% sure it should be horse for 3 extra gold and not winefarm.
Will save and carefully check test game.
Ya, horse was the right tile.
Resuming now.

T63 - Meditation is ours.

T64 - AI production steadily increasing on demographics table
Looks like we will lose 1:gold: because our 2nd Galley is outside our borders, but it will fix itself on T65.

T65 - Priesthood is ours.
Stonehenge is starting to get late...

We should start planning on what we might do if Great Wall needs to be a bit later than T69.
The latest we can see the "Stonehenge completed" message is Turn 67. (Money arrives T68 and we run 100% slider all the way through T77 I think)
AI completing Stonehenge any later than Turn 67, and Oracle chop T77 gets pushed back about 2 turns I think.

Game Paused and uploaded!

You're up Mirrorguard :D

Spoiler :
Reference number: 16223
Game: C-IV SGOTM 26
Your team: Home Slices
Your name: Kaitzilla
Date submitted: 2020-05-24
Software Version: BtS 3.19
Game date: 1400BC
Total turns played: 65
Session turns played: 8
Player race: Celt
Firaxis score: 394
Session time played (hh:mm:ss): 02:09:39
Total time played (hh:mm:ss): 13:21:33
Game status: Incomplete
Submitted save: SGOTM 26 T65 1400BC Start of Turn Upload Now.CivBeyondSwordSave
Renamed file: Home_Slices_SG026_BC1400_01.CivBeyondSwordSave

Right click the Renamed File link above to copy it.
You can then paste it into your team post as the download link for the next player.

Here is your Session Turn Log from 1720 BC to 1400 BC:

Turn 57, 1720 BC: You have discovered Masonry!
Turn 57, 1720 BC: You have trained a Worker in Science or. Work has now begun on a Granary.

Turn 59, 1640 BC: The borders of Profit have expanded!

Turn 61, 1560 BC: The borders of Silver have expanded!

Turn 62, 1520 BC: You have discovered Meditation!

Turn 63, 1480 BC: Science or has grown to size 4.
Turn 63, 1480 BC: Canal has grown to size 4.
Turn 63, 1480 BC: Clearing a Forest has created 16 ℤ for Science or.
Turn 63, 1480 BC: Clearing a Forest has created 10 ℤ for Canal.

Turn 64, 1440 BC: Science or can hurry The Great Wall for 2⇴ with 19ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 23 turns.
Turn 64, 1440 BC: Profit can hurry Dun for 1⇴ with 17ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 10 turns.
Turn 64, 1440 BC: Clearing a Forest will create 20 ℤ for Silver.
Turn 64, 1440 BC: You have discovered Priesthood!

Turn 65, 1400 BC: Science or can hurry Warrior for 1⇴ with 15ℤ overflow, 18ℴ added to the treasury, and +1⇤ for 22 turns.

You may wish to copy it to Notepad for reference when you write your turn set post. It includes any entries you added with the in-game Chat facility
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Nice job, Kait. Any thought to pass onto MG for his PPP? Are you thinking he should continue on with your current PPP or are there decisions to make?

Can you update the test game? ;)
Nice job, Kait. Any thought to pass onto MG for his PPP? Are you thinking he should continue on with your current PPP or are there decisions to make?

Can you update the test game? ;)
First thought is that Mirrorguard has to unpause the Real Save once they download it to be able to play it.
It is simply the keyboard key.

2nd thought is, do they know where the HALT GROWTH button is located on the city screen?

Uhh, maybe play in two separate 5 turn plays since they are new to the team?
Should definitely listen to Mirrorguard's opinion since they are in charge of the next 10 turns.

I think we should re-evaluate our Great Wall fail gold since Stonehenge is likely to be late.
Is Oracle really in danger if we go past T77?
No Judaism, no hammer surge in demographics, no Stonehenge completion or even Great Wall completion.
AI is the turtle.

I'm not really sure.
Maybe have Whales 1-pop whip Monument and put the overflow into The Great Wall on T68? :dunno:

We spend 1 turn getting more fail gold from Great Wall, maybe 1-pop whip the capital for another 30.
Then whip it complete on T70 instead of T69.
Hope the Stonehenge gold arrives by the mid-T70's

Here is the updated Turn 65 Test Game to play with :D
Used Mitchum's latest.


  • Test Game T65 1400BC.CivBeyondSwordSave
    110.3 KB · Views: 41
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Great play, Kait!!! :goodjob: The slow AIs are exciting, verging on nerve-wracking.

MirrorGuard, you’re up! I can hardly imagine a more challenging turnset to start with, but you seem like you totally know what you’re doing. :cool:
Kait, your GWall-centric fail gold plan turned out to be brilliant. I agree we need to assume no failgold from SH and go for the earliest CS slingshot possible.

Meanwhile continue putting hammers into SH for the future.
PR's culture graph is quite a bit steeper than ours. Did they complete SH?
Possible but unlikely. More likely Oracle MC slingshot, based on their power graph. And they did it without any GW failgold, unless their AIs completed it.

Their economy is kicking our butts. We’re going to have to beat them in the middle and endgame, as usual.
Kait, your GWall-centric fail gold plan turned out to be brilliant.
Agree. And great turnset! Kait always seems to get the one that has to be planned and re-planned.
Our goals are pretty clear for the next 10 turns now.
Let's do the T70 GW and get the best CS date we can.
Or, if Mirrorguard likes the T69, I could get behind that too. Or maybe a fresh idea? I'm excited to see new blood in action!
Maybe a 1-chop Oracle is back as an option if the money doesn't come.
T68 - The Great Wall CRUCIAL BUILD (goes to 90/150:hammers:); Crab, Clam, tundraforest
Yes, as Kait suggested, it looks like Whales can whip it's monument (and only takes 2 turns to grow back) on T67
Then T68, dump OF into GW (probably even work silver at size 1 for this turn)
for later reference
1 use SLOW Stonehenge assumption; priortize GW fail gold; may delay GW and Oracle ; risk?
prepare a B plan for Criminal SH
1.1 choice between COWs 3N1W road and long-term gem-deer road plan
1.2 finalize chop timing on prophet island
2 Settler 7: hibernate on rice till SB galley/settler in vision? wait for IW and settle far West?
3 explore SB territory: OB with SB ASAP; focus on 2nd kind of offensive unit SB just whipped for?
4 demographic data analysis: someone has reached 60% of our current population? 0 net export for all
I have some questions
I don't know how and when to pause and unpause.
I need to pause when I save and upload?
In the middle of a turnset, do I need to pause save and upload when I stop for discussion?
If It's not my turn and I want to take a look at the latest uploaded real save, am I allowed?
What is "goto mapping" " flying camera" mentioned in the announcement thread?

generating user manual…
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