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SGOTM 9 - Smurkz

CommandoBob said:
Not quite sure on selling contacts. I need some help on this. Sell which contacts to who? Let everybody know each other, but nobody knows India?
zyxy detailed it a few posts back. Basically the deal is to first try to get as much as possible for the contacts, which means selling them to Spain for gpt. zyxy suggested we wait a few turns to let Isa increase her gpt until she will pay full price for both contacts and WM.

In any case, the most important thing is that once the contacts have started switching hands, you must go the whole way. When you are done, all civs must know all other civs (including India), and all civs must be more advanced than India to allow no trades. Giving India the slightest chance at a trade would be disaster. :eek:

I'm sure you can do it just fine. Wait a turn or two, see if the price Spain will pay goes up. Then just sell the whole stuff, and gift everyone up.
Yes, get what you can from Spain, our only viable trading partner. Then everyone else gets gifted the contacts and the WM.

I'm not sure we decided, but I thought we were going to give all the civs the techs up to Education so that they could possibly work on Music Theory and Printing Press/Democracy/Free Artistry. The Celts at a minimum should be given all government techs (if they don't have them already) and all ancient age techs so that India does research one tech and sell it to them for another tech.

If India does get out of the ancient age, make sure all civs have all the techs they can research in the middle age so no twofers.

We are not looking to make money from any civ besides spain. So if Spain has the tech already, feel free to gift it to the others.
Edited 'cause I mixed up the names


Your plan looks good to me. GO! :king:

- we cannot hold back the contacts for long, because the Ottomans can sail the ocean now and are bound to meet the other civs fairly soon. It's impossible to tell how soon, unfortunately, because we don't know how many ships they have, or where they are. As soon as Ottomans get one of the contacts with the civs from the other continent, all the other contacts will be traded by the AI's very quickly.
- when we sell contacts it is best to sell our WM also, because the AI's will trade their maps as well, which lowers the value of our map.
- Thus all contacts and the map have to be sold in one turn to get maximal profit. In this game, only Spain has anything to offer, and of course we like to get full price. At the moment Spain cannot pay full price, but they are close. So the best thing to do IMO is to check every turn how much Spain will pay, and monitor if it goes up or down. As soon as they pay (close to) full price, sell. Or if you know/think that Otto's have crossed the ocean, then sell for whatever you can get. It's a bit of a poker game to choose the right moment to sell...
- After selling to Spain, sell/gift WM and contacts to all others (except India, that is not possible of course). Also, make sure that India is behind in tech compared to all others (you need to gift the Celts up IIRC). CF's idea to gift Mongols, Celts, Americans and Carthaginians up to Education looks good anyway.
Remember, the rules state the town we gift CANNOT have any great wonders in it. I don't recall who mentioned it but we absolutely must not gift the Great Library.
Played several turns, but could not finish. Need to complete 740 AD and then play 750 AD.

Do not plan to gift anything to India; let that be done at the start of the next turnset on the pre-flight.

Have 8 units (6 mace, 1 sword and 1 horse) ready to land near Oea after we declare war on Carthage.

Railed from Carthage to Zentral to Canal to New Smurkzhiem to the Spicy/Stein pair and to Smurkastle and Smurkzville in three turns. :woohoo:

Our Indian Prevention force has assembled in the south. It consists of 6 catapults, 1 vSpear, 1 rSword, 5 vMaces and 1 eHorse. The catapults need to be upgraded to cannon.

Beginning to rail in Tadpole, but the workers are slaves and slower. Road to Richborough is almost complete.

Forgot to disband Kalmurkz, will take care of that soon.

Spain is frisky over on Tadpole; will not send any more units away. On her own, Spain has learned Feudalism.

Sold contacts to Spain for 64 (all) gold and 23 gpt. Sold one contact to Hannibal for his only 6 gold. Gifted the contacts away. Everbody knows everybody. Gifted everyone up to Education. Made sure they were out of Ancient Times and then gave Monotheism, Theology and Education. Did not give Feudalism, Engineering, Invention or Gunpowder.

Will play as soon as I get home from work. Turn log will be much shorter.
Looks great, especially that impressive railroad! :goodjob:

I assume you meant Gunpowder and not Feudalism for Spain. Seems she also has Chemistry and Chivalry, which means her research speed is fairly high despite the "taxes" to us. India now has Currency, still lacking Code of Laws and Polytheism to go mid-:evil:.

Research is now up to almost 900 bpt at sustainable rate. For Electricity we need 933 bpt average which right now would mean 1 turn at 90% (~ -100 gpt) and 3 at 80% (~ 0 gpt). Nothing to worry about that is. :D
Btw, in 5 turns we get Newton, that's another 27 bpt at 80% or 31 bpt at 90%. If we detour for Medicine before Electricity, we'll be up to the necessary 933 bpt before we start.

Shouldn't be too much to discuss this time around, the only action CF will see (hopefully) is Oea. If you finish your turns early today, or even hand the game in where it stands now, CF could get rolling right away if he wants to. CF, start polishing your strategy post. :whipped:
Btw, we are now in the IA and can go read the first spoiler thread. Not many posts there yet, but one from XTeam at least. They entered the IA only two turns ahead of us, and at that time they had only just conquered the north. I doubt they can keep up 4-turn research throughout the IA, if at all, so we should be able to catch up just fine. Great work team! :thumbsup:
Niklas said:
Looks great, especially that impressive railroad! :goodjob:
I second that thought. It was a terrific implementation of the railing plan!

Niklas said:
Shouldn't be too much to discuss this time around, the only action CF will see (hopefully) is Oea. If you finish your turns early today, or even hand the game in where it stands now, CF could get rolling right away if he wants to. CF, start polishing your strategy post. :whipped:
I will start working on my strategy post but I'm not going to steal the game from CB unless he says so. Hopefully I can post my strategy tonight, start playing and finish tomorrow. If not, I'll see if my wife will let me play Saturday but I doubt it. We have a lot of preparation to do.

There are at least FOUR Ironworks eligible towns. I think it would be good to build it in Albusmurkz for India before we hand that town over. Then we could build it again in Halden (corrupt), Entremont (corrupt) or Tromsmurkz (somewhat corrupt). We could also found a town N,NW of Missismurki and build it there which wouldn't be corrupt at all but would cramp our otherwise nice RCP5 ring. (Not that we need a high production town but it would be fun to build.) I favor Tromsmurkz right now, and it will help with all the improvements that Trom still needs.
I'm fairly certain that the Ironworks would not transfer to India. It's a small wonder, and those are destroyed afaik. If anyone wants to prove me wrong, feel free to. :)

I agree about Tromsmurkz, and that it would be fun to build. Hope there's plenty of the other resources as well in soon-to-be-India, except oil...
Niklas said:
I'm fairly certain that the Ironworks would not transfer to India. It's a small wonder, and those are destroyed afaik. If anyone wants to prove me wrong, feel free to. :)

I agree about Tromsmurkz, and that it would be fun to build. Hope there's plenty of the other resources as well in soon-to-be-India, except oil...
You might be right about the small wonders. I didn't think about that. But they might build it on their own then.

The only resource I hope india has are spaceship required resources. The cheaper military they can build, the easier our job will be directing them toward spaceship construction. We want them to fill up their free unit support with CHEAP units that they can build fast. They won't start building spaceship parts until they stop building units and they won't do that until they have "enough".
Couple more mid turn comments:

You are doing a good job railing, but you're still wasting worker turns here an there. A common mistake is including a half of a worker in the railing job (1 slave). This happens if you use 5.5 WT and then use a regular worker to finish the rail. To avoid this, it helps to get your workers and slaves in separate stacks. You have enough workers on rails that if you concentrate on moving workers first and then slaves you should end up with stacks of 6 workers and stacks of 12 slaves.

Since Indianapolsmurkz is going to become Indian soon there is some prep work to do.

  • Rail the four roaded tiles. The plains are most important because they will need the food to help with their idiotic use of specialists. But you should have enough workers to road the coal and their Incense too. The hills will take 12 workers or 24 slaves.
  • Rush the market now. It needs to finish by 750AD.
  • Sell the library. But wait until right before the gifting because it's adding 8bpt.
  • Move the units. The horses will be teleported to Zentral if you leave them in the town. Get them out so they can bolster the southern defense.

Next turn you can pull Galleon01 from NW of Vitoria and send towards SF/Boston. The settler on the saltpeter should go to meet him. I will use them to found on the lamb on the 2 tile plains island. Then we have a prison for what ever civ get's in trouble first.

Do we want to steal the gaps between the Spainish cities?
Does Richbourgh need a library?
Does Atlanta need a horseman?

Let's build the Ironworks in Albusmurkz (hey that rhymes). It will finish in 11 and greatly improve the build speed for the factory/university/bank etc. This would also be a good place to build the Hoover Dam for India.

The worker farms Spicy/Stein need to be MM. Spicy will only function from 5.5 to 6.5 until more rails are in place. You either need to hand the wheat back and forth or irrigate one of the grasslands.

Ismurkz needs to get set on 0fpt using the plains. Vlad should steal Ismurkz BG and get set to grow in 3. We want our big cities to get maxed out in pop. That goes for all the RCP5 towns that are sitting around 7-9.

I'm looking forward to getting it in two turns!
Looking really good! And our people are so happy :love:.

Let me not add anymore comments, and just let you finish your turns :).
zyxy said:
Let me not add anymore comments, and just let you finish your turns :).
Are you implying something about my previous post.:mischief:

With only two turns left to go, adding something would mostly turn in to advice for my turnset. So add away.

And yes CB, leave work early and finish up!:whipped: :lol:
With the primary goal (factories) nailed down, we have several appealing options.
  • We can go for Corporation to get Stock Exchanges and Wall Street, those 5% per turn will be an extra 175 gpt, not counting the effect from the SEs.
  • We can go straight for Electricity-Replaceable Parts to get twice as fast workers.
  • We could go for Medicine-Sanitation to get hospitals and let our large towns grow.
My gut feeling is to go for Corporation first, and possibly have prebuilds for 5 SEs + Wall Street. If we can't have that however, we could wait with Corporation until we can (presumably when we have finished the factories). What do the rest of you think about Sanitation? It's optional, but can we maintain 4-turn research without it?
I don't think hospitals are a priority:
Since we now know that we can hand factories over without India knowing Industrialization, I think we want to develop towns and hand them over as soon as they have everything we can give them (aquaduct, market, bank, factory, SE?) we are going to start incurring WarWeariness really soon. With our current market, we have 11 happyfaces. So at 50% Happiness, does that mean we'll have 5 happyfaces? That's a max size of 11 without temple/cathedral/colloseum. So until we build those otherthings, there's no reason for a hospital.

Tech Order
By avoiding Medicine until as late as possible we have a (small) possiblity that the Ottomans would research Medicine. Our 4-turn research order is:
  1. Steam
  2. Industrialization
  3. The Corporation
  4. Electricity
  5. Replaceable Parts
  6. Steel
  7. Refining
  8. Combustion
  9. Mass Production
  10. Flight
That's forty turns. Ottomans will either come up with Medicine or Communism (probably Communism but it's worth a chance).

If we can't do Flight in 4 turns then there's no way we can do Modern Techs in 4 turns so we might as well go for Sanitation then.

That also reduces the time between when we have Scientific Method and the building of TOE. (Having a tech makes it cheaper for the AI to research so I don't want to lead Spain to Sci Method too early or we'll have to build it early.)

BTW, Gifting Spain up to Steam Power now would give them a remote chance of also reaching Medicine if they can manage it in 34 turns. It sound's like they are a decent researching machine if they've got chivalry and chemistry. But I think they must have only researched chivalry and traded for chemistry with the Ottomans who are now allowed to trade across the ocean and need resources. Of course they will inevitably research Nationalism, but on the off chance they don't it would be a big help. And if they're currently working on a required IA tech, it will force them to pick something else.
End of Previous Turnset Stats:

Science: Metallurgy 3 turns
Treasury: 2650 gold, +312 gpt, 6.4.0

Aggregate Builds:
  • Art of War - 1 - (#0 SmurkZentral)
  • Marketplace - 5 - (Capulco, #1 Smurkz-am-zee, !1 New Smurkzheim, Oy Deer! and !1 Indianaposmurkz)
  • Settler - 10 - (Houston. Lamb on Broadway, Smurknes, Golden Smurkz, Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, Seattle and SF Rises Again)
  • Worker - 7 - (Buffalo, #2 SteinSmurkz, Entremont, Istanbul, Lugdunum, Bursa and Smuez Canal)
  • Library - 7 - (#2 Tromsmurkz, Smurkastle, #2 Smurkzland, #2 Smurkz Point, Halden, Richborough and #2 SmurkzAtroid)
  • Courthouse - 3 - (Cape Smurkz, #2 Smurkzala and #1.5 Victoria Viking)
  • University - 7 -(#1 Vladivosmurkz, !1 Smurkzadelphia, #1 Arismurkz, !1 Smurkzfood, !1 Olive Or Die, !1 Albusmurkze and #1 Missismurkzi)
  • Harbor - 2 - (Kristiansund and Smurkzville)
  • Galleon - 3 - (Mo, Thunderfall and Detroit)
  • Aqueduct - 4 - (#2 Carthage, Nansmurkzet, #2 Spicy Smurkz and Kalmurkz)
  • Bank - 6 - (#1 San Ansmurkzio, !1 Smurkzgrad, !0 House of the Beard, #1 Ismurkz, !1 Ol' Smurkz River and #1 Smurkzacabana)
  • Horseman - 1 - (Atlanta)
  • Leonardo's Workshop - 1 - (#1 City for the Sages)
  • 00 settlers, 10 in production
  • 69 worker, 07 in production
  • 02 scouts, 00 in production
  • 03 archers, 00 in production
  • 02 spearman, 00 in production
  • 02 eqWorkers, 00 in production
  • 07 swordsman, 00 in production
  • 18 horseman, 01 in production
  • 01 pikeman, 00 in production
  • 07 catapults, 00 in production
  • 04 caravels, 00 in production
  • 07 galleons, 03 in production
  • 12 medieval infantry, 00 in production

[IBT 00650 AD]
Zentral AoW to Bank (-215 shields), 1 turn.
Sages Leos -> Newton’s, 14 turns.
Spicy Smurkz aqueduct -> harbor, 1 turn.
Kalmurkz aqueduct -> worker, 1 turn.
Mo galleon -> harbor, 17 turns.

Looked for a good city to give the Ottomans close to the catapults on Tadpole. None.
Saved game; examined posts for placement of new capital/FP. Chicago and Lamb on Broadway mentioned as places for capital/FP.
Will plan to give Washington to Ottomans. It is a landlocked city (no coast) and somewhat out of the way.
Will also get the ship chain set up.

Heading to Washington for Smurkz
4 eHorse
4 catapults
5 vMace
2 eSwords

Leaving on Tadpole:
1 vPike
4 vMace
8 vHorse
3 vSword
1 vArcher
1 rSpear

Swap spear and horse on mountain near Richborough.
Wake pike and send to Lamb on Broadway. Will send archer to be a look out on a nearby mountain.

Wake WesternAssault1 and auto move to Buffalo.
Wake EasternAssault1 and move to coast west of Entremont.
Wake EasternAssault2 and move due east.
Wake Galleon02 (north of Mongo-Otto Isle) and move due east.

Forgot to talk to Hannibal about his wandering settler.

New Smurkzheim market -> uni, 23 turns.
Smurkz Point library -> aqueduct, 20 turns.
Spicy Smurkz harbor -> worker, 2 turns.
Kalmurkz worker -> settler, 10 turns.
Zentral bank -> vMace, 2 turns.
SteinSmurkz worker -> worker, 2 turns.

001 660 AD

Naval Moves
Lollipop, Butterscotch and Peppermint all explore.

Unit Moves
Wake archer and horses near Carthage to impede the wandering settler.
Talk to Hannibal. He takes his units and goes home.
Pike arrives in Lamb on Broadway.
Archer moves to mountain.
Wake units in Istanbul, Bursa, SteinSmurkz and Spicy Smurkz and begin to move them south.

Spanish Settler moving about on Tadpole, now NE of Augustodurum.

Smurkzfood uni -> temple, 6 turns.

002 670 AD

Naval Moves
Lollipop, Butterscotch, Peppermint and Bubblegum all explore and find water.

Unit Moves
Move towards Washington.
Move units south on Smurkz from the Northern end of the continent.

We enter the Industrial Age.
Ismurkz bank -> temple, 4 turns.
Victoria Viking courthouse -> market, 13 turns.
Spicy Smurkz, worker -> worker, 2 turns.
Zentral, vMace -> vMace, 2 turns.
Vladivosmurkz uni -> harbor, 3 turns.
SteinSmurkz worker -> worker, 2 turns.

The people love us.
Spain completes Sun Tzu Art of War in Barcelona.

Gift the Ottomans to the Industrial Age. Since we have learned no optional Middle Age Techs, this part will be easy.
And the Ottoman free tech is - Nationalism.
Save the game and the team discusses progress so far.

Return to game.

003 680 AD

Smart slider to 80%, we learn Steam Power in 4, -21 gpt.
Rush settler in Kalmurkz, 96 gold.
Cycle through cities.
Thunderfall galleon -> catapult, 1 turn, -3 shields.
Detroit galleon -> catapult, 5 turns.
Ismurkz temple -> Leo's (factory prebuild)
Smurkzfood temple -> bank, 15 turns.

Naval Moves
Wake galleon in Smurkz Point and auto move to Buffalo. Caravels find more water.

Unit Moves
Washington stack:
Move catapults and eSword towards Entremont.
Move 4 maces and 1 eSword towards Buffalo.
Move eHorses towards Chicago.
On Smurkz, move units southwards.
Scout near Carthage is waken and moved eastward, to get to Mongo-Otto Island.

Lots of Spanish horses are moving.
San Ansmurkzio bank -> vMace, 3 turns, then factory prebuild.
Richborough riots, buy a clown.
Kalmurkz settler -> settler, 10 turns. Chop near Kalmurkz wasted since the settler rushed.
Thunderfall catapult -> catapult, 20 turns.
Smurkzville harbor -> library, 27 turns.

004 690 AD

Naval Moves
Find more water.

Unit Moves
eHorses arrive near Chicago and eastward.
Scout heads east.
Military heads south on Smurkz.

Bursa worker -> worker, 10 turns.
Ol' Smurkz River bank -> colosseum, 9 turns (factory prebuild)
Richborough settles down.
Spicy Smurkz worker -> worker, 2 turns.
SmurkzAtroid lib -> aqueduct, 15 turns.
Missismurkzi uni -> bank, 8 turns.
Zentral vMace -> vMace, 2 turns.
SteinSmurkz worker -> worker, 2 turns.
Last turn Spain had 44 gold, now just 11!

005 700 AD

Worker Moves
Rush settler in Kalmurkz for 108 gold.

Naval Moves
WesternAssault1, fully loaded, sets sail for Oea of Carthage.
Send Lollipop to Mongo-Otto Island to watch for ships sailing from Izmit.
WesternAssualt2 arrives in Buffalo.
WesternAssualt2, fully loaded, sets sail for Oea of Carthage.

Unit Moves
Load 2 maces into WesternAssault1, in Buffalo.
Load 2 maces, 1 eSword and 1 eHorse into WesternAssualt2.
More of the same on Smurkz.

Entremont riots, buy a clown.
Istanbul, worker -> worker, 10 turns.
House of the Beard, bank -> cathedral, 13 turns (prebuild).
Kalmurkz, settler -> settler, 15 turns.
Seattle, settler -> settler, 30 turns.
Smuez Canal, worker -> worker, 10 turns.
Vladivosmurkz harbor -> bank, 10 turns.
Smurkzala, courthouse -> aqueduct, 20 turns.
Spain now has 62 gold.

006 710 AD

Drop smart slider down to 60%, still get Steam Power in 1.

Forgot to trade with Spain!

Steam Power -> Industrialization, 5 turns 4.6.0
San Ansmurkzio vMace -> colosseum, 8 turns (factory prebuild).
Spicy Smurkz worker -> worker, 2 turns.
People want Iron Works.
Zentral vMace -> colosseum, 6 turns (factory prebuild).
Smurkz-am-zee market -> uni, 34 turns.
SteinSmurkz worker -> worker, 2 turns.
The people love us.
At 2.8.0, we learn Industrialization in 4 turns, -29 gpt.

007 720 AD

Worker Moves
Railed from Canal to Cabana.
Railed from Carthage to Arismurkz.
Both sides will meet in Zentral next turn.
Settler from Seattle founds LateNightSpam on the iron hill between Seattle and Boston.
LateNightSpam, grows in 7, worker in 10.

Naval Moves
WesternAssualt1 and 2 head to Oea.
Scout loaded into galleon and heads to Mongo-Otto Island.

Unit Moves
Load 4 catapults into EasterAssualt1.

Sell 4 contacts and WM to Spain for 64 gold (all) and 23 gpt.
Sell contact with the Celts to Carthage for 6 gold (all).
We now own all the gold in the world.
Gift Carthage communication with the Americans and WM.
Gift Carthage Monarchy, Monotheism, Theology and Education.
Gift the Ottomans communication with the Celts and Americans.
Gift the Celts communication with the Indians and Mongols.
Gift the Celts Literature, Currency, Construction, Monotheism, Theology and Education.
Gift the Americans communication with the Indians and Mongols.
Gift the Americans Theology and Education.
Mongols already know everybody.
Gift the Mongols Literature, Polytheism, Currency, Monarchy, Monotheism, Theology and Education.

Did not give Feudalism, Engineering, Invention or Gunpowder away.
According to MapStat, India still needs Code of Law, Currency and Polytheism to leave the Ancient Times.

Detroit catapult -> catapult, 20 turns.
Nansmurkzet aqueduct -> market, 15 turns.
Houston settler -> settler, 30 turns.
Buffalo worker -> worker, 10 turns.

India just learned Currency (MapStat).

008 730 AD

Worker Moves
Rail from Canal to Zentral is complete.
Begin Canal to New Smurkheim.
Rail from Carthage to Zentral is complete.
Rail to New Smurkheim. Almost.

Naval Moves
Ship chain gets catapults to Victoria Viking; catapults head south.

Unit Moves
Scout gets to Mongo-Otto Island. Two Mongol units line the border and the only place to unload is on the iron. Do so. All the border is guarded and an Ottoman worker prevents us from moving along the border.
Scout will need to reboard the ship next turn.

Ottomans ask us to move our scout.
4 Spanish galleys head towards Vitoria/Entremont.
Entremont worker -> worker, 10 turns.
Carthage aqueduct -> market, 15 turns.
Smurkzgrad bank -> colosseum, 8 turns.
Spicy Smurkz worker -> worker, 3 turns.
SteinSmurkz worker -> worker, 2 turns.
Spain has learned Chivalry.

009 740 AD

Worker Moves
Rail to New Smurkzheim.
Rail north to Spicy and Stein, our worker pumps.
Rail west to Smurkastle and Smurkzville.
Rail south to Oy Deer and Nansmurkzet.

Naval Moves
WesternAssualt1 and 2 are at Oea. Declare and land?

Unit Moves
Units for India:
6 catapult (upgrade to cannon)
1 vSpear
1 rSword
5 vMaces
1 eHorse

Got late; saved game; posted to web.

Move units out of Indianaposmurkz.
Rush market.
Declare war on Carthage.
Land troops on mountains north and south of Oea.
Kalmurkz settler -> worker, 1 turn.
Albusmurkze uni -> Iron Works, 11 turns.
Swapped the wheat from Stein to Spicy. Spicy now builds worker in 2; so does Stein (no change).
Swap the BG from Ismurkz and Vlad.
Swapped food tiles around between San Ansmurkzio (9), Arismurkz (7) and Smurkz-am-zee (8).
Accidentally auto moved the spy galleon. Caught it.

Smurkzadelphia uni-> bank, 12 turns.
Lugdunum worker -> worker, 10 turns.
Indiaposmurkz market -> uni (?), 29 turns.
Kalmurkz, worker -> settler, 15 turns.
Smurkastle lib -> aqueduct, 50 turns (?).

010 750 AD

Worker Moves
Worker from Lugdunum move towards the Railers, but cannot get there this turn.
Workers on Smurkz:
sWorkers: 81
slaves: 32

On Smurkz, all but one worker stack is 'even'. The one exception is down by Nansmurkzet. It has 5.5WT.
Near Indianaposmurkz is lone worker on a mountain. He got bad directions and does not need to be on the mountain.

On Tadpole, have one 6WT stack (1 sWorker and 10 slaves) railing from Entremont east.
There is a second rail stack, but it is not as efficient. It is a 4.5WT. I left one worker unused this turn so his effort could be added next turn and free up the other workers.

Naval Moves
Move Galleon01 inshore and SW of EasternAssual1, to force the Spanish galleys to have a longer trip.
WesternAssualt1 and 2 load some units, but stay put.

Unit Moves

Battle of Oea - from the South
vMace vs. rNumidian, vMace loses, rNumidian 2/3, rNumidian defends (0 of 1).
vMace vs. rNumidian, vMaces wins with 1HP, rNumidian defends 2/3 (1 of 2).
eSwordFromWarrior vs. rNumidian 2/3, loses, rNumidian promotes 2/4 (1 of 3).
vMace vs. vNumidian 2/4, vMaces wins with 2HP, rArcher defends (2 of 4).

Battle of Oea - from the North
eSword vs. rArcher, eSword wins flawlessly and Oea is ours (3 of 5).
Oea is razed.

Move 2 vMace and 1 eHorse onto the ruins of Oea.
Wake scout and archer (north side) and load into WesternAssualt2.
Wake horse (south side) and load into WesternAssualt1.
Will need to leave some units so no one else builds here, except India.
Fortify horse in Smurkzala and horse and archer in Carthage.
Move catapults to New Smurkzheim and upgrade (6 upgrades for 240 gold).

Atlanta vHorse -> settler, 11 turns.
Richborough lib -> harbor, 7 turns.

Try to talk peace with Carthage, but Hannibal does not want to see us.

End of Previous Turnset Stats:

Science: Industrialization 1 turns
Treasury: 3204 gold, -11 gpt, 2.8.0

Aggregate Builds:
  • Colosseum (4) (Zentral, San Ansmurkzio, Smurkzgrad and Ol' Smurkz River)
  • Marketplace (5) (Capulco, Carthage, Oy Deer!, Nansmurkzet and Victoria Viking)
  • University (5) (Smurkz-am-zee, New Smurkzheim, Arismurkz, Olive or Die and Indianaposmurkz)
  • Settler (12) (Houston, Lamb on Broadway, Smurknes, Golden Smurkz, Washington, New York, Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Kalmurkz, Seattle and SF Rises Again)
  • Worker (9) (Buffalo, SteinSmurkz, LateNightSpam, Entremont, Istanbul, Lugdunum, Bursa, Spicy Smurkz and Smuez Canal)
  • Library (4) (Tromsmurkz, Smurkzland, Smurkzville and Halden,)
  • Courthouse (1) (Cape Smurkz)
  • Bank (5) (Vladivosmurkz, Smurkzadelphia, Smurkzfood, Smurkzacabana and Missismurkzi)
  • Aqueduct (4) (Smurkastle, Smurkzala, Smurkz Point and SmurkzAtroid)
  • Harbor (4) (Kristiansund, Mo, Richborough and Smurkzville)
  • Catapult (2) (Thunderfall and Detroit)
  • Cathedral (1) (House of the Beard)
  • Newton's Whatever (1) (City for the Sages)
  • Leo's Workshop (1) (Ismurkz)
  • Iron Works (1) (Albusmurkze)
  • 03 settlers, 12 in production
  • 85 worker, 09 in production
  • 02 scouts, 00 in production
  • 03 archers, 00 in production
  • 02 spearman, 00 in production
  • 02 eqWorkers, 00 in production
  • 06 swordsman, 00 in production
  • 18 horseman, 01 in production
  • 01 pikeman, 00 in production
  • 03 catapults, 02 in production
  • 06 cannon, 00 in production
  • 04 caravels, 00 in production
  • 07 galleons, 03 in production
  • 15 medieval infantry, 00 in production

And the save is here.
Good set of turns; posting the various saves and getting input was a great help. :thanx:

No screen shots this time; nothing really worthy of the effort.

Things not completed

Kalmurkz is on it final settler build. Two settlers rushed from Kalmurkz are waiting outside the city to found New Kalmurkz. I was having too much fun “working on the railroad” and just forgot about replacing Kalmurkz.

Indianaposmurkz has not been gifted to India. It did not feel right to do something this major and then pass the game on to someone else; it just seemed like bad manners.
This means that we all can look at the game, and decide that everything is ready to gift the city to India.

The defensive units to protect us from the big, bad pacifists and their flowers and group hugs are all fortified in the south in the open. The new, shiny, brass cannons are in New Smurkzheim.

Ocean Exploration
Found a lot more water, but no new land. Only one caravel truly exploring and it is doing a grid search of the antarctic waters. One caravel is north of Spain; the other two are staking out Mongo-Otto Island.

Build Orders
All colosseums and the cathedral are prebuilds, as is Leo’s Workshop.

While this is mentioned in the turn log, there are 81 sWorkers on Smurkz and 32 slaves. Many of these are in 6WT stacks, with two exceptions. The worker stack near Nansmurkzet is incomplete and out of phase; it will have wasted turns when it completes the rail. One or two of those workers may not have contributed effort to the rail and can contribute next turn. Or maybe not; I told them to rail and later changed my mind, so that they could free up workers next turn. Also, a lone worker is stuck on a mountain near Indianaposmurkz. He got bad directions (finger slipped).

On Tadpole are three main stacks of workers. One stack is 6 WT (1 sWorker and 10 slaves) and railing east from Entremont; another partial stack is due east of it and railing and the third, again a partial stack, is roading to Richborough. The second railing stack has an unused worker from this turn in the stack. His effort will help complete the rail in that tile and free up a few workers.

Railing Plans
The four tiles around Indianaposmurkz have been roaded. Once that was done I connected one more city in the south to the rails and then concentrated on the Northern Core. From Cabana, I railed the RCP5 cities going clockwise and focused on getting the cities connected. Ran out of workers before Ismurkz got connected.

Now to go spend some time with Mrs. CommandoBob as she works on quilting a quilt downstairs. I hope she remembers who I am.
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