SGOTM3 Rome - Maintenance Thread

How about a photo of an olllllld style map to reflect all the maps you've created... The one for Gangis's training day game should be a required play for all users of CFC.;)
alerum68 said:
How about a photo of an olllllld style map to reflect all the maps you've created... The one for Gangis's training day game should be a required play for all users of CFC.;)
Alerum's right - that's a pretty cool map...and for those fans of the GOTM hacked-up versions of Vanilla Civ... MB also created a map for Cracker's (?) Mongols... you'll find that in SGs as "Jumpmasters 1B". I have deliberately not surfed that thread because I plan to play that map one day as a personal epic game. (These are NOT the Mongols that have the Keshiks...)

Hmmm... I just had an idea...

...are Cracker's mongols playable in PTW? Or did that GOTM precede PTW? :mischief:
It is are available in PTW. I think the current SGOTM was the first to allow PTW (as GOTM 16). The Mongols were GOTM 25. The challenges presented by the new & improved Mongols made for a truly interesting game.
I can make a bic/bix available from the Mongols game which would allow you to generate your own maps, so long as you have the GOTM mod installed.

No need to bother. There is already a full GOTM mod available that allows you to play any of the GOTM civs.
bluebox put the pieces together. Anyone who wants to play the mongols can. There is one tiny almost irrelevant bug in that mongols don't get pikemen at feudalism. bluebox may have fixed that, though.

Here is the link:


BTW - The atlantis civ from GOTM 21 might make an interesting choice for a SGOTM. Noone will have ever played them before.
AdrianE said:
There is one tiny almost irrelevant bug in that mongols don't get pikemen at feudalism.
Mongols without Pikemen?!? :eek: :wow: :dubious: That's even worse than going to war without your accordion!
Actually there is more than one problem with blueboxes mod, great though it is. I have been working with it a little and have been sorting out some issues.

For instance, oriental civs get the ability to build junks with alphabet with a cost of 20g. They have the same stats as galleys, but get an extra movement point. Also it is only available for 1.29f, not PTW IIRC. I have a list anyway, and have begun to compile several versions of my own, mainly to allow vanilla players to play the GOTM mod or unmodded, with the same pediaicons and resource files whilst retaining those features, and allowing the same game to be played on unmodded PTW. Couple that with the need to also allow PTW players to play with the asian units (including the Mongol set) and it starts getting complicated.

I may aswell announce here that the next SGOTM will require people who play 1.29f to patch up to GOTM25, but PTW players will be able to play unmodded.
Looks like I'm sticking with PTW.;) MB, I'm sure others have asked, but how difficult would it be to make the SGOTM Conquest style? I don't remembre seeing an answer. And I think it's going to be a seafaring civ for the next one, (JMHO), so C3C would really be good for it.;) Just a thought...
alerum68 said:
C3C can't be played on Mac? Did not know that. I think it's time for them to upgrade to PCs.:p
Quick! Run for cover! Unsubscribe before the Macs attack!
hehehehe... I'm just picturing these apples with bites out of them chopping after me now. BUT YOU CAN MAKE BETTER MOVIES ON MACs! Yeah, okay... I need to read e-mails and messages, pay my bills, and play this one game I can't seem to kick the addiction for....

(This should really get the ball rolling)

Not that I said that, I should remind everyone to keep things on topic.:)
Troublemaker.... ;)
Not everyone has or can play C3C. And more importantly not everyone likes C3C for instance. :p I dislike the agricultural trait, the F.P. the ToA, the spartan resources and the increased unit upgrade costs. The campaigns are fun though...what about SGOTM using one of the conquests campaigns? That might generate some interest.
C3C 1.22 is great for multiplayer unlike PTW. And it is more balanced in certain aspects. Especially corruption becomes very balanced. And these conquest scenarios are great fun for SP and MP. I like C3C more but this is a personal opinion. However, with Cracker's GOTM mods, vanilla or PTW became very similar to C3C. As close as it can probably be.
As I have said before, SGOTM will continue to support 1.29f and PTW. I can't make them play in the same way as conquests because the game engine is different, and therefore I can't include a conquests version since the games would not be comparable from a competetive perspective.

It could be possible however to have a SCOTM. It would even be possible to arrange this for the next game, if we use the same map and the same uploads page. Actually, I am interested in doing this, as an experiment to see how scores differ, and why they differ between the different versions. SG format gives enough information to do this. I have not discussed this with the staff however, and there may be reasons of which I am unaware that would prevent this.

Alerum68: I am aware that some people are not keen to install the GOTM mod. I am also aware that PTW with the additional Civs, wonders and buildings etc. allows for more variety in game play. It is for these reasons that the staff are developing in the background a consolidated mod for 1.29f that is our idea of a "PTW equivalency" mod. I hope I don't get into trouble for letting that particular cat out of the bag. We feel that this is the best compromise we can acheive, and it allows you to make the choice you have made to play a pseudo-unmodded game.
mad-bax said:
I can't make them play in the same way as conquests because the game engine is different...
C3C is a different game. Not only that, but there are distinct differences between C3C 1.15b and 1.22f. I personally like C3C a lot... but it is a different game. Some might like it less... doesn't matter. It is a different game.

It could be possible however to have a SCOTM....
I don't own a Mac, but I'm not sure I like this. There is something to be said for ... standardizing things... and the version of this game that has the broadest playability is Play the World. For the Mac addicts and hard-core Vanilla players, the GOTM mods can make the game come awfully close to PTW...

...but to make C3C even roughly equivalent to ... wait a dadgum minute... lemme see if I can put this a different way.

Here's what can happen if you mod a C3C game, and fail to account for the Statue of Zeus: an experiment to see how scores differ, and why they differ between the different versions. SG format gives enough information to do this....
Friendly suggestion: If you want to do some comparative stuff... do a test-bed SG. I haven't been in this SG stuff all that long, and I've already been in more than one SG that spawned parallel games (Bugs1 and 2 and Gram1 come to mind...) Though you wouldn't have the same amount of data with 2-4 parallel SGs that you would in a 12 team SGOTM... taking the competitive element out of it may be healthy for testing the waters...

As for the people who won't download the GOTM mods... they're missing out. We can explain it for them, but we can't understand it for them.
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