SGOTM3 Rome - Maintenance Thread

It's a pity microbe. :(

The last submitted save for your team will be recorded as a conquest loss at the cut-off date.
mad-bax said:
It's a pity microbe. :(

The last submitted save for your team will be recorded as a conquest loss at the cut-off date.
Record so amended.
HEY!!! Where'd the links for the scoring page go?!?!?
You can get to it from the second post on page 1.
This is just a shameless plug for SGOTM4. I will post a front page announcement today sometime, but for now the link to the sign up thread is in my signature. :)
MB: Have you set a completion deadline for SGOTM 3 yet?
We're still going, slowly, but surely. I doubt we'll win an award, but we're still in the race for the middle :D
If you've ever built a sand castle a little to close to the water with the tide coming in, you've got a pretty good feel for our game. We are the largest nation on the planet but fighting with cannons, muskets and knights against cavalry & infantry and someday soon tanks, it's just a matter of what comes first a UN Vote, an AI Spaceship Launch or getting run by a stampede of rampaging AI units.
No, I have not set a completion deadline yet. I am reluctant to, but I may have to, if you see what I mean.
-0blivion- said:
Alan, our score has gone way off the scale ;)
Contratulations on blowing the sides off my graph! I've put it back together again now, though. Thanks for pointing it out :thumbsup:
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