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"Shadow" schedule

hmm. perhaps if the HC is razed before it has a shrine then it will automatically move to the holiest city of its religion in the world? Or maybe all cities will then have the option of a ritual that makes them the holy city?
You could leave the game mechanics like they are presenting you with a tough decision: To raze or not to raze.
I agree with all the removals, but I hope the Compassion civic branch becomes more engaging somehow. Aside from Sacrifice the Weak none of them really influence the way you play.
Did not have this choice. They don't have the Scorched earth trait anymore.

I agree that The Holy Shrines should be equipment, but I'm not actually sure whether I would want the city they are moved to to actually become the holy city. (Are their any real advantages to having the holy city apart from the shrine and the building of The Mithril Golem/Messhaber of Dis?) It might also be nice to make the shrine equipment be required for a religious victory instead of the holy city.

I still think that the racial promotions should be available through a random event that could occur whenever you kill any unit with the appropriate racial promotion, but having the chances for the event be tied to the odds of winning the battle may be a good idea. It certainly shouldn't be reserved for killing Orthus, because then only one civ could get the bonus in a game. I also think it shouldn't be limited to only orc slaying.

If Monks did become Champion UUs they shouldn't require the Iron working tech or get weapons promotions. They should instead get Spirit Mana Affinity. It also wouldn't make sense for a monk to return to the ways of violence and upgrade to a melee unit, like an immortal. No, I don't think monks should be a Champion UU. I still think they need spirit affinity (and somewhat lower strength to compensate, perhaps higher defensive than offensive.)

"Fighter" is a terrible name for a unit. I guess I could accept Warrior > Soldier or Man-at-Arms > Champion, if you really want to make the melee units completely undifferentiated based on weapon type (so long as there were plenty of UUs for these units) .

I'm still upset about about losing Luchuirp promotion-granting buildings. How about adding a new UU that has access to various retrofit spells to give golems the needed promotions while in the field (probably with a gold cost, and tech requirements for the various upgrades), or making such spells availible to dwarven arcane units? (It might also make sense for Barnaxus to have such abilities.)
Remember: If you make the Holy Shrines into equipment, they can be stolen.

I'd say for mechanic, allow the Holy Shrines to be equipment, and you can only found the shrine in the Holy City. Also, add the ability to a Great Prophet to "Found Holy City" for each Holy City which has been removed from the game by Razing.

That way, if the holy city is destroyed early, you can still get the shrine, but now it costs you two Prophets to do so. Also, you don't get the Advantage of having a second Holy City automatically appear, which would make hunting the AV Holy City a very nice method to dramatically reduce the AC, since you can repeatedly Raze it.
I agree completely. The Great Prophet's ability to re-found a holy city should also be restricted to the holy city of your state religion, and should require the religion to already be present in the city.

While all the Current Holy Shrines make perfect sense as Equipment and could be easily stolen (I think stealing all the shrines sounds like a very interesting quest), but I'm not so sure that's true about the new religions' shrines. I guess they don't all have to be equipment.
these are all very good ideas but what i meant by my suggestion is that if you found a religion and you dont like the holy city you should be able to change it to another one. but just once.
I realize you meant that, but I don't like your idea. :p Wienwolf's idea is better.

Still, if you want to you could move the shrine of your religion to another city. That would give you essentially all the advantages that moving the Holy city itself would.
Well I'll miss the Slayer promotions but I havn't played FfH much yet, so this is not a very informed opinion.
Why couldn't equipment come with an attribute like <bstealable> that could be used to make the holy city item (or any others) be stealable or not be stealable
I updated the first post with links to threads that incldue details on the new World Spells and Game Options in Shadow. I ran over the 30,000 character limit in the first post so I couldnt just incldue everything there.
Game options a bit more of what we already have I like the idea of dropping some of the religions and am pleased that the animal spawning mechanic will now work properly (love games with no settlers and a wild lands start)

World spells WOW I can already hear the screams re Hyborems Whisper I wonder if this take control is similar to the new UC heroes ability ?
about holy shrines :

I don't like it that they are movable...
It would easily provided some abuses such as gathering all gold producing shrines in 1 city... moving shrine /cultural shrine into cultural weapons for pacifing newly conquered cities or go into agressive cultural war
(maybe moveable only if city is razed ?? with the cost of losing a potentially poserfully develloped city)
Well... If crusaders were able to move all Christian hollyness from Jerusalem to Rome maybe we had less religious problems up to now. And in Modern World the Christian Shrine may have been purchased by, let us say, Rockfeller and put to New York for better sinergy with Baz... Wall Street (and may be even with City of a Thousand Slums?). Erebus becoming an ideal world!
- I'd rather disable the gunpowered units.. (maybe with crossbow replace longbow for dwarvs, arquebuse replace crossbow for dwarves, cannon replace heavy catapult for dwarves)
Exactly! I don't really like gunpowder units in fantasy game. Dwarves are only fitting race for mech units, why don't make this units UU for them?
Moveable Holy Relics is more like it, not quite Holy Shrines. And we do have that in our world, along with the downside of it. Anyone seen the Ark of the Covenant Lately? The original Ten Comandments? The Holy Grail? No? Bummer.

While you are moving the item, you are missing on the gold and other benefits of it, and risking an easy loss of the item. So it isn't completely without tradeoffs.

Now, I will say that the Hawk better not be able to Courier Pigeon every item in the game...
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