Show Hidden Attitude Mod

Also... This is a great mod and should be part of BUG imo!
Opera's French translations are fine, but I made a few changes so their meaning get closer to what the original English sentence says. The ones I changed are in bold.
I think the first and third ones you modified are now too literal; at least around, we usually say "C'est la première impression qui compte", not "La première impression compte pour toujours".

Although I must say I really prefer your second one compared to mine :)
I agree that "c'est la premiere impression qui compte" sounds better. Probably because it is a well known French saying.

But I still think the third sentence has to be more accurate. "en developpement" (in development) does not communicate the "backward nation" concept very well, and also "progresser" (to progress) does not communicate the notion that they are trying to catch up.

All nations are in development and are doing progress... but you _only_ get a bonus with the AI if you are both "backward", in other words running behind other nations in terms of the power or technology. imo it is important to make the message clear about this point.
I agree that "c'est la premiere impression qui compte" sounds better. Probably because it is a well known French saying.

But I still think the third sentence has to be more accurate. "en developpement" (in development) does not communicate the "backward nation" concept very well, and also "progresser" (to progress) does not communicate the notion that they are trying to catch up.

All nations are in development and are doing progress... but you _only_ get a bonus with the AI if you are both "backward", in other words running behind other nations in terms of the power or technology. imo it is important to make the message clear about this point.
You do have a point, your translation of the backward sentence is more appropriate :)
Also... This is a great mod and should be part of BUG imo!

Sadly, it requires a DLL and so won't be part of BUG. It will be part of BULL once DaveMcW makes it easy for me to hide the random- and rank-based modifiers--better if the rank-based one shows up once you've met all rivals.
A note to modders about altered gameplay.

In order to provide 100% accuracy, the modcomp introduces some minor spoilers. If you don't want spoilers, you can comment out this line in CvPlayerAI.h

Commenting out that line restores a few hidden modifers:

First Impression: For AI to AI relations, this number may be off by 1 (44% chance) or 2 (22% chance).
High/Low Score: Hidden until you have most or all contacts.
Losing War: Hidden for wars you are not involved in.
I saw that one modifier was checking the debug setting, and when I get a chance I'll make it so that they all do--at least the ones hidden when SPOILER is off. Also, I made it so SPOILER also controls whether or not personality-based values are included when Random Personalities is selected.

Spoiler :

<English>%D1: "A first impression is a lasting one."</English>
<French>%D1: "C'est la première impression qui compte."</French>
<German>%D1: "Der erste Eindruck zählt."</German>
<Italian>%D1: "La prima impressione è quella che conta."</Italian>
<Spanish>%D1: "La primera impresión es la que cuenta."</Spanish>
<English>%D1: "Your team is too big."</English>
<French>%D1: "Votre équipe est déjà trop grande."</French>
<German>%D1: "Euer Team ist zu groß."</German>
<Italian>%D1: "La tua squadra è troppo grande."</Italian>
<Spanish>%D1: "Tu equipo es demasiado grande."</Spanish>
<English>%D1: "Your small civilization is no threat to us."</English>
<French>%D1: "Votre misérable civilisation ne nous pose aucune menace."</French>
<German>%D1: "Eure kleine Zivilisation ist keine Bedrohung für uns."</German>
<Italian>%D1: "La tua insignificante civiltà non ci pone alcuna minaccia."</Italian>
<Spanish>%D1: "Tu pequeña civilización no supone ninguna amenaza para nosotros."</Spanish>
<English>%D1: "We feel threatened by your large civilization."</English>
<French>%D1: "Nous nous sentons menacés par votre grande civilisation."</French>
<German>%D1: "Wir fühlen uns von Eurer großen Zivilisation bedroht."</German>
<Italian>%D1: "Ci sentiamo minacciati dalla tua grande civiltà."</Italian>
<Spanish>%D1: "Nos sentimos amenazados por tu gran civilización."</Spanish>
<English>%D1: "Backwards nations should work together to catch up."</English>
<French>%D1: "Les nations arriérées devraient travailler ensemble pour se rattraper."</French>
<German>%D1: "Zurückliegende Nationen sollten kooperieren um voranzukommen."</German>
<Italian>%D1: "Le nazioni più arretrate dovrebbero cooperare tra loro per progredire."</Italian>
<Spanish>%D1: "Las naciones atrasadas deberían cooperar para salir adelante."</Spanish>
<English>%D1: "The war is going badly for us."</English>
<French>%D1: "Nous perdons la guerre."</French>
<German>%D1: "Dieser Krieg verläuft ungünstig für uns."</German>
<Italian>%D1: "La guerra sta andando male per noi."</Italian>
<Spanish>%D1: "Nos va mal en esta guerra."</Spanish>

And this is for you: :cool:

Spoiler :

Italian COTTAGE!

Is there anyway to modify your custom assets to include this? I run Piece of Mind's combat odds mod and don't want to lose it.

Yesod said:
Is there anyway to modify your custom assets to include this? I run Piece of Mind's combat odds mod and don't want to lose it.

No there isn't a way to get both ACO and SHAM working together by using the CustomAssets folder. This is because they're both DLL mods so putting them together requires one to compile a new DLL. As has been said, they're both in BULL so that is likely your best option.
sorry if that's a stupid noob-question, but any chance of a BtS-version for this one :)?
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